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Forgot Manga Name (office)

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10:35 pm, Apr 6 2016
Posts: 14

I can't seem to remember this manga and it's driving me nuts, it's based around a company /office/business you get the idea.

The use is the newbie I think or a boss, but anyway he is NEW to the company and the same shows him to his office and all (he should be the boss probably) and while he is getting the hang of it he overhears one of his stoic glasses co-worker having sex with another co-worker which shocked him, the seme says it's normal, and is always by him and he gets use to it.

The art is quite good, pretty, the uke is smaller than the same, more feminine but not girly.
There's also a few pop-ups of side-character relationship too. (mentioned above)

PLEASE HELP!!!!! MUCH WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!!! sad sad cry cry eyes eyes

Last edited by Craiz_Rio at 2:46 am, Apr 7 2016


6:32 am, Apr 8 2016
Posts: 1

Sounds like: Yuigonjou Yori Ai Wo Komete by Sakura Sakuya


7:20 am, Apr 14 2016
Posts: 14


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