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Chinese-Japanese Translator (Nanatsuya Shinobu no Housekibako, Hyakushou Kizoku)

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Post #682401

9:37 am, Jul 25 2016
Posts: 2

Nanatsuya Shinobu no Housekibako by Ninomiya Tomoko (Nodame Cantabile)

Hyakushou Kizoku by Arakawa Hiromu (Full Metal Alchemist)

I enjoy these 2 mangas and seeing as how there are very few chapters scanlated into English even though more have been released, I thought I could translate them.

I am unfamiliar with editing, so I'd like to join a group interested in scanlating them or find someone willing to work on them.

I have raws for volumes 1 & 2 of Nanatsuya Shinobu no Housekibako, though I'd rather work on Hyakushou Kizoku as it's funnier, but I don't have raws for it.

Shoot me some messages smile

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3:07 am, Jul 26 2016
Posts: 625

For Nanatsuya Shinobu no Housekibako, the project is in charge by RhapsodyinBlue scans, unless that's your group then I can help you out with it the editing. But if that group is not yours, then you'll need to contact them about joining to help with the project.

For the other one, if you don't have the raws, then it's got to be expected for other scans to be unable to help out.

Owner of Forgotten Scans
Head Manager of Happy Tea Scans
Post #682482

7:41 am, Jul 28 2016
Posts: 2

Somehow missed that RhapsodyinBlue is doing Nanatsuya, thanks for letting me know. He/she is part of the team doing Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun which I follow closely..

I suppose I could purchase raws for Hyakushou Kizoku but I would need to get the data extracted.. I might try it some time..

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