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(suggestion) Tracking updates for a author

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Post #690058

11:49 am, Apr 7 2017
Posts: 1


It would be great if, on the site, there was a function to add the author to the reading list.

For example, I'm a fan of Tsutomu Nihei and do not want to miss his new manga (I don't mean the new chapters of the already published manga, but completely new projects). But for this, I have to regularly check his page for the addition of a new manga, and then add this new manga to my reading list.

This is very convenient, especially if you need to follow just a dozen authors. I would like to be able to track the work of a particular author by simply adding it to my reading list - so that I receive notifications about replenishing his work list with new titles.

I hope this is technically feasible, it would save me and many other users a lot of time and energy.

Post #691479 - Reply to (#690058) by Leo35
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10:31 pm, May 15 2017
Posts: 164

I completely agree and would very much like a function like this. I think people who read a lot of doujinshi would really appreciate this feature so that they could know when a circle they like has made a new work.

Though I don't think adding it to the reading list itself would be the way to do it since you can make multiple lists. I think a good way to implement this would be to add a "Watch" check box to the mangaka pages. Then when a new series is added a system message could be sent to users who are watching the series's mangaka telling them that a new work has been added for the author.

If I remember correctly when a user gets a new message an alert shows up in "you are currently logged in as: username" so that would make the system extremely convenient for notification as well.

Post #751202

3:36 pm, Jan 16 2018
Posts: 1

I would love to see this as well. If it's since been implemented and I've missed it, I'd love to be directed to it, but the idea of following a mangaka and being able to be notified when something new comes up would be really great.

Post #751266
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7:36 pm, Jan 17 2018
Posts: 2659

Thank you for your feedback. At the moment I'm trying to figure out how to deal with about 10 years of technical debt. Hopefully I can get to something like this soon.

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