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Fantasy action adventure

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7:23 pm, May 19 2017
Posts: 14

I'm looking for a rather unusual manga, in the sense that I'd like the main charater to be the heroine in a fantasy action adventure manga which is a bit rare. And no, I don't mean almost-main character with a male being slightly more main, I mean actually the main. Obviously, I'd like the characters to be good at a form of magic, and probably fighting of a sort, and I'd like there to be a small main group. It would be cool if they had a job or something involving their magic and fighting skills.

Also, please please PLEASE can the main character be LIKEABLE, as so many aren't these days. I mean, obviously she can have flaws, but as long as she strives to do the right thing the majority of the time. Could there please also be character growth for not just the main, but ALL the characters?

Additionally, no one minds bit of romance right? I feel like they always accompany these sorts of mangas and books really well.

Thanks in advance biggrin

Last edited by cookiemonsterzelda at 11:50 am, May 21 2017

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2:36 pm, May 22 2017
Posts: 332

How about an anime?
It's a bit dated, but still fun. You can try Slayers.

Post #691747

2:45 pm, May 22 2017
Posts: 138

Claymore is pretty good.

Post #691802
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I have a big

2:10 pm, May 23 2017
Posts: 1029

Seiken no Katanakaji perhaps, but I haven't followed it in a long time. Not sure if the male lead has eclipsed the female lead or not.

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