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same sex marriage?

do you think same sex marriage should be allow?
do i look like ellen degenerous to you? (no)
meh...look at issac newton... (yes)
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Post #12652
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3:20 pm, May 3 2007
Posts: 32

Did I post in this topic already? OK!

Try this on for size: Who cares what you think? The beauty of the good old U.S. of A. is that, in theory, we have the right to do all kinds of crazy stuff we don't want eachother to do and as long as nobody's face is in the way we can swing our fists all we want. That's the freedom the terrorists hate. Despite the general consensus of this thread gay people can (and have!) gotten married in certain churches. In fact, there are some subsets of Christianity that have gained recent popularity by lying and saying that they think every instance of homophobia in the bible is the result of corrupt Catholics with a guilt complex or just boring translation errors and the reality of the situation is that God loves fags. That's not illegal because if it was illegal it'd really suck and every politician out there knows better than to touch religion with a ten foot pole because we have that constitution that has been largely forgotten past the second amendment in recent years. As for the union producing kids momjazz, the reason why infertile couples and women past menopause are allowed to get married is because attempt to make it any other way is an exercise in absurdism.

How's about we just dissolve the concept of "marriage" at a legal level all together and replace it with homosexual AND heterosexual "civil unions", or the ability to make any other consenting adult of any gender your closest legal relative. That way the church gets to keep its marriage and the gays get the tax breaks and ability to see their comatose lovers in the hospital and everybody wins?

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8:45 am, May 4 2007
Posts: 87

The kind of civil union you're speaking of does exist in my country. In fact, that's what me and my boyfriend have chosen, as it's far more simple than the marriage stuff, yet it gives you almost all the same rights (taxes, inheritance and so forth). It applies to all adults, regardless of gender and/or age, be it your best friend, sister or brother, cousin... Legally speaking, it's a mean to protect the person you're living with. But in truth it was created to get the votes of the gay community. Still, part of it wants to obtain the right to marry; seems like the word in itself is important

Another additional benefit of this contract is your families not expecting any great ceremony so we escaped the tedious part. Just trying to imagine his father and mine meeting... eek
Anybody got boxing gloves?

Post #22344
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8:30 pm, Jun 29 2007
Posts: 65

Here's my theory:

If you're not going to be F*CK by that person, live with that person, raise his/her children, share a bed with him/her, kiss him/her, wash his/her clothes, cook for him/her, be with him/her when they go through a life crisis then I say this: YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN BE WORRYING ABOUT WHO THEY WANNA MARRY SINCE YOU ARE NOT EVEN A PART OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP...of course unless you are there holding their hands when they have a orgasm... Leave people marry whoever they want to, men to men or women to women, whatever. It's so hard to have a relationship already without anyone butting in. Geesh.

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Post #22348
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8:34 pm, Jun 29 2007
Posts: 2896

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There's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage.

It's time for us humans to change our perception of the whole concept of marriage. We should separate the view of marriage as for procreation from marriage as for love(love and/or lust). Now, with this new definition, no need for embarrassing moment of gay parents explaining to their kids what it means to be gay.

Some of you have a very vivid imagination of gay couples.

Why gay people are just like us, except they go to hell when they die. biggrin

Nahhh, I'm just kidding. laugh

Check out the video on Lil' Bush
He says gay people are third class.

Last edited by ares6 at 8:39 pm, Jun 29 2007

Life, what would it be without so much wrongs and rights?

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Post #22351 - Reply to (#22348) by ares6
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8:41 pm, Jun 29 2007
Posts: 1574

Quote from ares6
There's absolutely nothing wrong with gay marriage.

It's time for us humans to change our perception of the whole concept of marriage. We should separate the view of marriage as for procreation from marriage as for love(love and/or lust). Now, with this new definition, no need for embarrassing moment of gay parents explaining to their kids what it means to be gay.

Some of you have a very vivid imagination of gay couples.

Why gay people are just like us, except they go to hell when they die. biggrin

Nahhh, I'm just kidding. laugh

Check out the video on Lil' Bush
He says gay people are third class.

i saw that show the other day, its pretty funny
maybe one day ll' bush will realize lil' condi is a girl

Post #22357
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9:08 pm, Jun 29 2007
Posts: 54

In my humble opinion, I say yes to same sex marriage.

We all know the majority of the population, all over the world is not in favor of this, some might even be cruel and take some harsh action.

But these individuals who are risking exposure to these conditions to show affection to their lover. If they wan't to risk that just to be with someone they love or wan't to be with, then they should just be left alone.

Why do we even care anyway? Its not like their relationship affects us
(Maybe if they were ur friends, but if they are ur friends then it shouldn't matter to u cuz u are they're friend lol)

And I had like a paragraph in my head but it all poofed when my DL of claymore finished.

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Post #22372
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10:55 pm, Jun 29 2007
Posts: 5

The world is constantly changing. Obviously people are going to change too. I'll say yes for same-sex marriage. I wouldn't care less if a person was in love with a cow. Human behavior is a hard thing to contain and control. To say a person can't love someone because of there religion, language and race is wrong. It's the same thing with their sex. Everyone is allow their freedom of expression.

Post #22605
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5:45 pm, Jul 1 2007
Posts: 21

everybody should be free with their lives... You want to have fun with someone of the same sex. Feel free to. I have nothing against it as long as it doesn't directly affect me.
But by marriage what do you mean? A religious marriage or a legal one?
If you're waiting for same sex marriage to be recognised by one of the prominent religions of the world. You shouldn't waste your time, and anyone time on that. It's useless, most of these religions are against homosexualiy, and they are not going to change their policy on that because it would mean they are admitting they where wrong in the first place. But that supposed to be impossible because their religion is supposed to be the words of god, who is supposed to never be wrong.
On the other hand if you are talking about a legal one. I'm all with you on that.

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Post #22659
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1:39 am, Jul 2 2007
Posts: 13

Ok i think that it should be allowed because of the fact that its not going to hurt anyone so a guy/girl might hit on another guy/girl thats not gay so what just decline the offer if there is one thank him or her for his/her thoughts and go on your way it's not like having them hit on you is going to cause you some kind of problem im come on we are people they are people so what if they like something diffrent the me i dont like tomato's on my hamburgers does that mean im going to go and say everyone that does is going to hell or is a bad person? no its not my choice on what they like or what they want and as such i have no say in it. its not gonna hurt you so just let them do what they want


3:34 am, Jul 2 2007
Posts: 138

I agree with most here. I'm all for them getting married, or at least have some sort of civil union. When I say 'marriage' I'm not talking about in the religious context (to touchy to go there), I mean in the 'legal' sense, cos it gives gay couples the same rights as hetereosexual married couples. For example, adoption, rights to property and inhertance, stuff like that. If I recall correctly about what I've read most countries don't recognise the rights of a gay couple nearly as much as a heterosexual couple, even if they are unmarried (although that definately is changing in many countries).

Post #22667

5:44 am, Jul 2 2007
Posts: 48

There's no non-religiously based reason to ban gay marriage. There MIGHT be a reason for gays to have less priority in adoption(because apparently, there's been a study saying the lack of a strong father/mother figure warps the child's upbringing, but who knows?), but as far as marriage goes, there's no secular justification to a ban on gay marriage.

For countries that practice separation of the church and the state, gay marriage has to be allowed, period. For countries that don't, it doesn't. Simple as that.

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6:42 pm, Jul 2 2007
Posts: 974

Im a normal guy and to be honest I have nothing against it, people has their own right about what are they going to do with their live.

"we are people because of other people"
"I am who I am because of who we all are"
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5:52 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 2708

It's not illegal for them to be together, so why should it be for them to bind themselves? What would be wrong with it?

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
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5:52 pm, Feb 5 2008
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Glados is a bitch. She made me kill the companion cube, the only friend I'll ever have. :cry:

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5:55 pm, Feb 5 2008
Posts: 588

say no to drugs...and I don't really care.

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