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4:23 pm, Nov 4 2008
Posts: 15

I believe it would be beneficial to allow users to sort search results by the date last updated and or the last release.

When going through thirty plus pages of search results, It can be quite daunting to have to open up each manga individually to see whether or not its even being worked on.

There is no way to differentiate between a manga that last had a release three years ago and one that had a release two weeks ago.
Since only a small percentage of manga is ever released outside of its origin country (via legal translation anyways), it can be quite annoying event when one finds a manga that sounds amazing but has not seen a release in years and is not licensed.

Cheers, xeno...

Post #280114
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12:20 pm, Apr 24 2009
Posts: 437

Well, you can sort of do that now (kind of) by looking for manga to read on the "releases" list rather than the "series info" list.
It might be useful, although I myself probably wouldn't use it 'cause the "only show series w/ at least one release" and "only show completely scanlated series" are pretty much all I need.

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