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Naruto, Bleach, & One Piece

the three competing manga, vote to your reasonable judgements, time to see which is the most epic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naruto < Bleach < One Piece
One Piece < Bleach < Naruto
Naruto < One Piece < Bleach
Bleach < Naruto < One Piece
One Piece < Naruto < Bleach
Bleach < One Piece < Naruto
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Post #104222
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4:23 pm, Dec 17 2007
Posts: 3503

to my manga tastes, i think one piece and naruto are better than bleach (i like the way the author names the chapter though). Still if i have to judge based on the first volumes i would rate the three pretty much the same.

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ççççççç[Ô .Ô] tsutopodus© will eat your manga and steal your cats!

4:30 pm, Dec 17 2007
Posts: 370

hmm well, this is a more easy way to say it

season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4
Naruto original epic hardcore action fuck you fillers
Bleach ass kicking hardcore fuck you fillers decent
One Piece addictive gets typical story intensifies still intense

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7:16 pm, Dec 17 2007
Posts: 4917

i feel kinda stupid but....
One Piece < Naruto < Bleach means piece
i succck at math and anything having to do with the symbols and such...

but yes, i never really got into One Piece, but i love bleach and naruto, tho they can be a bit predicatible at times....

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10:09 am, Dec 18 2007
Posts: 974

they are not really my favourite manga though, I just put in order by comparing the artwork, since the plot is typical shounen stuff.

1.Bleach - plot subpar, it seems like the author didnt plan the story well, the thing with SS seems kinda forced, its like that he just added new ideas in, artwork standard, fighting awesome , it's the only reason to read.
2.Naruto - original plot, above average artwork, fighting cool as long naruto didnt fight piece - terrible artwork embarrassed,seriously some of my friends can draw hell lot better, and story is childish too, not to mention how unoriginal Mister Fantastic?, not going to waste my time with this

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Post #104530
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8:02 pm, Dec 18 2007
Posts: 29

all three of them are fantastic eyes

blah blah blah.... if you know wot i mean...mmm....?
Post #104569
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10:24 pm, Dec 18 2007
Posts: 78

I never really got into One Piece and Bleach is ok, Naruto's the only one I watched for 100 episodes, so I gues it's Naruto for me............ it's still not that good though.

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Post #104843
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7:12 am, Dec 20 2007
Posts: 73

1st. One Piece the big adventures they take out and the mad hilarious moments. the drawing isnt that great but it makes the characters look more exagerated hilarious. and finding new crew members. and everyone with their dreams effected from their past. the fight scenes arent that great though love the humour. maybe if your into humour you'll like one piece more.

2nd. Naruto the beginning is really cool how they are ninja schools and stuff. good for youngings. and a lot of different types of jutsu. a lot of thought and ideas. a very weak main character developing slowly thru the manga. reminds me of Slam Dunk with the cool guy rukawa like sasuke. the fighting is of much more in depth once they introduced the elemental status. the weakness resistance. the fighting becomes more tactical. much more enjoyable. but the introduction of the leader pein was a bit too early.

3rd. Bleach i think the beginning was cool the new idea of shinigami's. and the different types of sword release. but i think it wud b cooler if they focused more on demon art. different types and stuff like that. not just sword slashing. its really boring. well the more it proceeds the more boring it gets seeing bankai over a million times. it was good introducing the mask shinigamis. but its just like dragon ball reaching next levels. all about speed and power. see whos stronger or faster. the fights are just slashing and dodging like DBZ. but if ur a fan of DBZ u would love Bleach. maybe the future of bleach will be better.

I myself am a DBZ fan long long time when i was a lil boy. the reaching of next levels and powering up. was cool. but i prefer humour more. ^^x and tactical fights like naruto. a lot of in depth fighting. but i like the dark sinister ichigo. the hero with a dark hollow in him. its cool. but he doesnt go into a rampage in which sucks. its like power up to next level. it would be cool if he could transform into the hollow that regenerates with a crazy speed. kind of like Iori Yagami. go into a blood pact rage.

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Post #116710
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Artist Alchemist

6:23 am, Jan 30 2008
Posts: 562

i really dont like one piece but bleach is awsome and naruto is ok but better than one piece thats 4 sure

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Post #116719
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7:30 am, Jan 30 2008
Posts: 62

Bleach > naruto > one piece

Same answere as, Im looking forward to bleach/naruto episodes but not one piece, one piece is too slow imo.

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8:05 pm, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 1308

Tried One piece anime a bit but found it unimpressive. Bleach was exciting till the first soul society arc and now is in a downward slump. Naruto is the only one that I still keep track of..and like...

so Naruto> One Piece = Bleach I guess

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8:26 pm, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 678

i think One Piece is on top of both since Bleach and Naruto have had some serious slumps in their past few arcs. while OP has been hitting pretty hard the past few weeks and consistently at that too. while Naruto is slowly recovering, but not by much. Bleach is below the other two i believe cause of how short it's been turning out lately.

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Demented Octopus

8:36 pm, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 737

Bleach is my clear favorite. It's got the sexiest girls.

I've only had very limited exposure to One Piece. I suppose I didn't give it much of a chance. What I did see wasn't bad though.

I used to love Naruto. Eventually it started really annoying me and I gave it up entirely.

As per my lack of experience with One piece I will had to say One Piece < Naruto < Bleach, though I really don't find it fair from me to be judging it like that.

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8:49 pm, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 161

naruto>one piece>bleach simply because i really am only watching naruto now bleach is a snail maybe even slower than naruto and recently haven't watched much one piece but that's just me being to lazy to bother

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9:42 pm, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 1034

i think i voted wrong but...

One Peice..........................< Naruto... < Bleach

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The Gorilla Killa™

9:55 pm, Nov 14 2008
Posts: 3229

I chose "One Piece < Naruto < Bleach"

With One Piece, I feel satisfied when every chapter. The writing's better, the action's better, and there's more dialogue and more action scenes in every chapter than Naruto and Bleach. With the other two, they'd need to release two chapters every time just to get on par with One Piece in my opinion.

Naruto's second because it does tend to get a little boring at times, and the whole "Ha, I killed him/her! No you didn't, that was my clone! Eat this and die! Oh no!" thing is being done in EVERY fight lately. But Kishimoto is trying to spice up that formula (Killerbee and Kakashi's trick clones were GENIUS), so I still look forward to read it every week.

Now Bleach... no can anyone SERIOUSLY rate Bleach above One Piece and Naruto as it is right now? It used to be so good, but right after the Zaraki/Nnoitra fight, it's like it started throwing up the most obvious cliches. The plot hasn't progressed for about 20 chapters, and then the character development became absolutely horrid (Soi Fon, A CAPTAIN, getting beat up by a FRACCION?). It made me so disappointed that I'm off of it until March (Hopefully, the plot would've progressed by then).

Quote from Monstar Maalik
i think i voted wrong but...

One Peice..........................< Naruto... < Bleach

I second this by infinity.

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