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Naruto, Bleach, & One Piece

the three competing manga, vote to your reasonable judgements, time to see which is the most epic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Naruto < Bleach < One Piece
One Piece < Bleach < Naruto
Naruto < One Piece < Bleach
Bleach < Naruto < One Piece
One Piece < Naruto < Bleach
Bleach < One Piece < Naruto
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12:23 pm, May 10 2010
Posts: 70

Back at the soul society arc I could have said Bleach was the best...lately though, ugh.

Today I'd go, One Piece > Naruto >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> Bleach.

Fights in bleach that drag on ftl.

Post #377616
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the mu...

1:27 pm, May 10 2010
Posts: 1050

it'll be a long post if i try to explain it. Short version: i have my own point of view.
And for those that also feel the same, than maybe you understand my point of view biggrin

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2:34 pm, May 13 2010
Posts: 114

One Piece, Naruto and then Bleach. Even though I've put them in that order I love all 3 the same. bigrazz

The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame.
Post #378413
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4:31 pm, May 13 2010
Posts: 378

Of the 3 OnePiece is the most stable and so id put it first. However, Naruto does tend to pick up every now and then and really pull me in.

As for Bleach, its a real dissapointment though it was quite the contentder a few volumes ago.

So OnePiece>Naruto>Bleach

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4:39 pm, May 13 2010
Posts: 3

Naruto is the best for me; it is the only anime that has taken the "ninja" idea to whole new standards. Then comes Bleach, and lastly One Piece; OP is just too childish.

Post #381878 - Reply to (#341051) by Teomat

11:16 am, May 28 2010
Posts: 1

I like all three mangas.

Each has its own canon.

I prefer One Piece though. Oda manages to hit the right spot everytime.

Naruto is interesting^^. Kishi tries to emphasize with his own characters but doesn't dully succeed, probably due to his lack of knowledge about human psychology. the thing i dislike is that naruverse seems smaller than it should be.

bleach lost it since aizen appeared. we got karakura town, soul society where dead people from all over the world are gathering and then this world becomes aizen. seems to me like kubo got lazy and as we saw later, even made hueco mondo very similar to soul society. the only thing that changed is the power of ichigo.

Post #381881

11:27 am, May 28 2010
Posts: 159

Before, when I started reading manga like 7-8 years ago, I would be hard pressed to rank them. (I started with naruto, then one piece, then bleach I think, as my first three mangas)

Now One Piece easily comes out on top. Bleach started to be fight after fight but recently, Bleach beats Naruto. But Oe Piece is my #1 and Naruto and Bleach are no longer in the top 3.

Post #382175

2:55 am, May 30 2010
Posts: 18

OP>>>>>>>>>>>>>N aruto=Bleach

It's funny that when I first started reading the series, Bleach captivated me the most, I think it's because the art is the best among the 3s, but ever since the hueco-mundo arc it's nothing but going downhill. Especially with the perpetual draggin on fight.

Naruto was decent, it's never been the best or the worst in my list, i just checked every now and then to see how's it goin wif the protagonist (I find naruto pathetic and laughable at times).

One Piece on the other hand, when it first started never really caught me, slightly less than decent art and scenario. But bear with it a little and starting from the Recruiting-Sanji or Prior-to-Grandline arc it's been improving in every aspect be it art, panel work, plot twist, story telling, and more importantly Oda-Sensei's thorough development of characters and storyline that serve as One Piece main back bone. His art might be "more cartoonish" compared to the other two, but it is complementing with the story and better on its' way. At first glance, we might think that this series might be geared towards the younger demographic, but boy how wrong was Iconfused In fact I think it covers broader demographic than the former two.
People thought that since OP is gag-laden and full of non-killable character then they put it as 'childish', read it, immerse yourself with the plot and hidden conspiracy revolving the story and you'll realise how "mindblowing" Oda-Sensei's skill is. It has not fail me yet and I hope OP never will disappoint me haha3 biggrin

That's my opinion, I guess each to his own, but there'll be reasons as to why OP is currently the most popular manga (if i'm not mistaken, based on 2009 japanese popularity survey) out there.


4:31 am, May 30 2010
Posts: 1041

1.naruto piece

naruto have more normal characters than the other two and easy to understand,follow plots...that often make sence...compared to the other two
one piece...luffy is borderline retarded,nami is useless,robin never does anything,zoro is allways wounded or sleeping,sanji acts cool,tonitoni should be in a good form all the time not try and fail over and over in his other forms, art is horrible and Odas later storys seem to focus heavely on sex
bleach i never gave a fair chance
i got bored with the big boobed girl in the first couple of chapters so i lost interest

one piece have become shit...waterseven killed it[talk about a story arc that dragged on]
bleach have too many useless big boobed girls
naruto have better overall characters that can actually do things


8:50 am, Jun 1 2010
Posts: 19

One Piece > Naruto > Bleach

One Piece > Bleach > Naruto

I always follow One Piece and for the other 2 its more like of an obligation for the time I spent on them.

Post #384004 - Reply to (#378415) by hadou-ken
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5:18 am, Jun 8 2010
Posts: 26

Quote from hadou-ken
and lastly One Piece; OP is just too childish.

OP is not childish. A few of the characters may be but the plot is far from childish.

Parents murdered in front of their kids, genocide, slavery, public executions, discrimination and racism, etc.

Anyway in terms of quality of story: OP>>Naruto>>Bleach
in terms of my enjoyment: OP>Bleach>Naruto

Post #384287
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11:15 am, Jun 9 2010
Posts: 278

Bleach first, because I'm actually read all the chapters that are out. One Piece because I've read some of it and Naruto because I've read all of 6 chapters. I might start reading it again actually, out of sheer desperation, it's not really my thing

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I rate manga with 5 being the average score.
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5:21 am, Aug 9 2010
Posts: 536

this survey ask most epic? One Piece have more adventure so the accumulated battles = massive epic. Don't understand why its losing >< biggrin

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Post #398436 - Reply to (#398200) by TimeManInJail

6:22 am, Aug 10 2010
Posts: 226

Quote from TimeManInJail
this survey ask most epic? One Piece have more adventure so the accumulated battles = massive epic. Don't understand why its losing >< biggrin

...One Piece is OWNING, not losing...

Post #409045
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4:03 am, Sep 23 2010
Posts: 12

for me it is one piece > bleach > naruto
there is a lot of reasons first of them one piece is the only one i think it is awesome the rest is ma ma one reason is because when i read them the never make me feel like i REAAAAALY want to see the next chapter and i can never find a story deeper or better than one piece and i think there is alot of animes that are more superior than naruto and bleach

i put bleach in the second because i hate naruto and how it turned in shippuden come on now when did shounen jump make something dull like stopping the manga and make a new name for it i don't know who made that idea but it really turned me down

as for bleach i think they really drag the story and don't you think it has so manny repeated ideas it is really getting boring oh i am not one to talk coz im not up to date with bleach

i think ONE PIECE is really at the top of the shounen world and what proves this is

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Last edited by highsky at 10:54 am, Sep 23 2010

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