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Post #936

1:14 pm, Sep 28 2006
Posts: 2

Can somebody help me?? I want to go onto the IRC site, but my computer won't let me. Does anyone know why, or how to fix it?? Every time I click the links, my computer says it doesn't recognize the server irc.... confused

Post #937
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1:34 pm, Sep 28 2006
Posts: 18

Which program do you use for IRC?

Post #938
user avatar

8:54 pm, Sep 28 2006
Posts: 2667

You need to download mirc

Post #940

11:51 am, Sep 29 2006
Posts: 60

The IRC links are not websites, they are the channel and server locations of the groups on mIRC a widely used program by mostly any group.

Well the fact that you didn't notice they werent websites tells me your going to have difficulties using the mIRC program since it is not an easy to use program, because it requires a minimum of knowledge and understanding.
If you have the patience to learn how to use it, the link from manick's post is the place where you can download the program and there is many mIRC faqs available on the net. GL

Post #960

4:31 am, Sep 30 2006
Posts: 2

thank you so much!!! I'm checking it out right now.

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