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Why are women no longer allowed to be women?

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Post #790352 - Reply to (#790349) by VetaMega
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9:03 pm, May 6 2021
Posts: 1143

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Quote from VetaMega
As feminine as a fifties housewife good wife's guide wants women to be?

My grandmother was working for the EPA as an inspector back in the 50's, and took no shit from anyone, so how is that a criticism?

Quote from VetaMega
Is Pocahontas feminine?

Was it normal for underage female American-Indians to be running around in the open while in the nude?

Quote from VetaMega

The first (Missed opportunity for wincest) or second film (Abandons the responsibility of ruling her kingdom, basically being a selfish bitch)?

Quote from VetaMega

On the subject of Stockholm syndrome, why is there so many female-oriented romance stories that show the girl getting abused and then falling in live with said abuser?

Quote from VetaMega
Anne Hathaway from Devil Wear's Prada?

I haven't seen that film since I was about ten, and don't even remember it.

Quote from VetaMega

Which version: book, animated, live-action, or "We live in a society"? Only seen the middle two.

Quote from VetaMega

Well, she was pretty hot in the one episode where she turned into a snake.

Quote from VetaMega
Margery Tyrell? Cersei Lannister? Ellaria Sand? Sansa Stark?

Uh, who? Oh, GoT, sorry I have too many other things to do with my time than read or watch stereotypical pop-culture American fantasy murder porn. Although, I do remember hearing not very nice things about the white-haired girl.

Quote from VetaMega
There's a lot of different feminities.

Tomboy, femdom, gyaru, MILF/ara/Christmas cake, reverse trap, yandere, plain, cute, tsundere, nymphomaniac, all natuale ...

Quote from VetaMega
The ones that never assert themselves and push back in the face of conflict...well they are not necessarily very interesting characters. And it's not always very easy or natural to live in a world where you have to defer to others and accommodate others all the time. And it can be a route that renders you utterly dependent on others and vulnerable to changes in external circumstances.

Yeah, it always suck when you're not the one sitting on a throne. If you question the monarch, and they don't have the slightest bit of humility, you're going to find yourself being the first one slaughtered when they place you on the front lines.

Quote from VetaMega
Feminine wiles used to be most available tool for women, but it's a better tool if you are not utterly dependent on it.

I'm sorry, what? What about the queens that ruled empires through their own merit like Queen Semiramis? Or served as advisors, like Queen Artemisia (Who Xerxes ignored and proceeded to lose 3 million soldiers to 20 thousand philosophers)?

Quote from VetaMega
A lot of working women trying to pursue masculine standards of success are not very satisfied.

Perhaps because men and women have different ideals of what constitutes success? And, there's perhaps more than one way of being successful?

Quote from VetaMega
But in the 70, 80s, a lot of bored suburban housewives weren't either.

In response to the rampant inflation taking place in the U.S. thanks to LBJ's war in Vietnam and all the welfare programs the government was ramming through, a lot of housewives went to work in order to maintain their family's standard of living. In response to this, wages across the board dropped like a rock (Because who could have guessed that doubling the workforce would result in a lower demand of workers) while prices inflated (Because, on top of the rampant spending that devalued the dollar, there were now two sources of household income instead of one).

Quote from VetaMega
Women can lose a lot of social capital and social avenues to move as they get older or if they don't match up to society's expectations of looks and successful feminine personality, regardless of their choices.

Like I asked uselessgoddess, WHERE DOES THIS EVER OCCUR? I've seen cases of women being fired for being competent and feminine, but NEVER for being incompetent and non-feminine.

Quote from VetaMega
Femininity is not the clear path to getting what women want as it is made out to be.

Depends on what you're looking for. If it's money, Melinda Gates and MacKenzie Bezos make it pretty clear how one can get it with ease.

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Post #790367 - Reply to (#790351) by Transdude1996

4:45 pm, May 7 2021
Posts: 193

I don't know what ESL means. Some of my comments are a bit strange since I usually go over the to summarise /shorten them a bit. It's quite the endeavour to make them stay coherent after taking things out.

Chill I just added a quote and one sentence.

With fields traditionally occupied by men, I meant places with "social" relevance (what people/society perceive as important) .It's true that some medical fields use to be dominated by women (in a strict way none, unless you perceive nurses as a field ) ,but I was comparing doctors not nurses ,and mechanic as a male dominated field girls are sometimes pushed out from. Of course I'm speaking of Europe mainly ,but this change is what "dissociating feminine things from what women should do" tries to make permanent . A dumb comment such as that is/isn't girly can change a child's view on something (and no I'm not giving an argument in fovour of some newly developed child care method here ).

The rest of this is more a response than something on topic.
I mostly refered to positions that need higher education .I'm personally a man of pure sciences and in my fields (specially in investigation) if a work isn't recognised it's as if it never existed.

most of that part was just a metaphor and to give a humoristic touch. It's just that I don't really believe in how Steam or most of that industry does to ,though wasn't referring to that. I must say that I put GNU as an example you'd probably know (just as I did with steam before) but ,in actual programming there are many "free software" examples ,libraries and repositories(and loads of forums check what "Amazon web services" if you're curious). Since there is always a strong need of sharing /innovating . It's some concrete data or specific tools/editors that is made confidential/protected with a license to solve some issues (in case you wondered).

If you know that they're extremists,...

BTW:I don't in the least support them it's you that thinks that going against the women 20's estereotipe is't feminism. You have probably associated some of the bad stereotypes associated to feminism (I wasn't the only one to have the impression you wanted all women to be housemaids).


4:49 pm, May 7 2021
Posts: 23

How you about quit being a whiny incel and stop wasting people's time with asking such dumbass questions that no one gives a shit about. If you really care about that much about women, then focus on actual women's issues and real world problems, kinda like a feminist?

Post #790372 - Reply to (#790367) by Joese
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6:01 pm, May 7 2021
Posts: 1143

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Quote from Joese
I don't know what ESL means.

English as a second language.

Quote from Joese
With fields traditionally occupied by men, I meant places with "social" relevance (what people/society perceive as important) .

Then undoubtedly things have gotten "better" for women because, rather than careers that actually help society function despite perceived irrelevance (Like husbandry and agriculture, which was a female dominated occupation in the past), women now dominate much of social media (Which has a net zero value in regards to society functioning, but e-fame and e-drama is treated as the most important issue on the planet).

Quote from Joese
It's true that some medical fields use to be dominated by women

Much of them still are.

Quote from Joese
and mechanic as a male dominated field girls are sometimes pushed out from.


Quote from Joese
Of course I'm speaking of Europe mainly ,but this change is what "dissociating feminine things from what women should do" tries to make permanent . A dumb comment such as that is/isn't girly can change a child's view on something (and no I'm not giving an argument in fovour of some newly developed child care method here ).

And, what's wrong with something being declared as "girly"? People like "girly" things for one reason or another. Hell, are you not aware of the fact that the most recent rendition of My Little Pony (An American toyline aimed at pre-pubescent girls, about talking magical horses) was literally hijacked by a mostly male adult audience, across the globe?

Quote from Joese
I mostly refered to positions that need higher education .I'm personally a man of pure sciences and in my fields (specially in investigation) if a work isn't recognised it's as if it never existed.

Isn't the funny thing about your work, though, is that you're either paid by a company or the government to deliver a strict set of results; and, if you don't manage to achieve said results, you lose all your funding?

Quote from Joese
You have probably associated some of the bad stereotypes associated to feminism (I wasn't the only one to have the impression you wanted all women to be housemaids).

I hate to point this out to you, but the entire POINT of Feminism is to destabilize society. It's not to give women some vague notion of "equal treatment" or give them "rights", both of which already exist (If anyone bothered to actually read the fucking law). The Feminist Movement is nothing more than a group of misandrists who think the world owes them everything just because they exist and have a vagina. And, if you disagree, you're a sexist pig (If male), internally misogynist (If female), and it's time to start using violence and bombs because "No one listens otherwise" (See the suffragette bombings in England).

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Post #790373 - Reply to (#790369) by ElKaichou
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6:08 pm, May 7 2021
Posts: 1143

Warn: Banned

Quote from ElKaichou
If you really care about that much about women, then focus on actual women's issues and real world problems, kinda like a feminist?

You do realize the uncanny commonality of so-called "Male feminist" almost always being sex predators or literal pedophiles, right?

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