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New Poll - 2020 Olympics

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3 years ago
Posts: 10750

The Olympics just finished, so what did you guys think of it? I had a couple of friends that tried to watch as much as they could, but I felt that the general populace didn't really care

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: The primary goal / purpose of prison is
Incapacitation - votes: 578 (20.1%)
Retribution - votes: 489 (17%)
Deterrence - votes: 568 (19.7%)
Rehabilitation - votes: 1245 (43.2%)
There were 2880 total votes.
The poll ended: August 21st 2021

Some people complained about the wording of the poll, but I'm pretty sure most of you understood it as what you want it to be


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3 years ago
Posts: 357

I watched like 2-3 matches of games that I care about and ignore the rest of them mmm...


I will change this world mmm...
So the world can change me mmm...

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A Breathing Human
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3 years ago
Posts: 67

Aaah, the Olympics. So political, capitalist, and elitist on one level, but on another level I just really admire the athletes and their athleticism -- their determination, vitality, etc. etc. (so admirable and inspiring!) -- and I love sports. So I watched a lot of it, LOL, although I know a lot of people don't care. I also learned a lot - it's really interesting listening to the commentators talk about the sport (although some commentary are garbage).

I also don't know how I feel about the skateboarding events -- some of them are like 12, 13 year olds... That's just way too young imo. Maybe I'm just too old though.

EDIT: And because I live in GMT-8, I often stayed up til 3am streaming multiple events. 🤣 And streaming online is so great now because you get to pick and choose which sport to watch, and/or you get to watch multiple at once lmao (whereas when I used to watch on cable TV, I was often restricted to one sport because I only had the one channel). Wow, I just realized how old I sound lol.

... Last edited by fishiiie 3 years ago
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3 years ago
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I don't watch the Olympics nor do I really care for it. I just never really got into it.

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3 years ago
Posts: 136

I've never been really into sports, so no.. But I do know some issues that happened during the olympics. Some of it was not really good though (like how homeless people in Tokyo were cleaned out during the olympics, a little bit similar to what happened in Rio during the 2016 olympics). But I also read the news about some athletes from my country who won gold and silver medals, and I'm proud of them.

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3 years ago
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Warn: Banned

No, I didn't watch this season of Survivor, much like everyone else.

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Seinen is RIGHT
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3 years ago
Posts: 2431

No, I don't care about the Olympics. Sports bad.


I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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3 years ago
Posts: 112

Never cared, never will.


3 years ago
Posts: 202

No. I usually watch some of the events, or at least the opening. However, due to the mess called the pandemic, I didn't watch any of it. (When the pandemic started, I made a conscious choice to not support most big events. Flatten the curb.)


Internet Lurker At Heart


3 years ago
Posts: 195

I barely watched any.
I usually see some athletics, the opening and a few other events, but I had more important stuff going on in my life and didn't like the conditions they were made in. I did see the karate finals.


3 years ago
Posts: 2

Well, i don't see them. I lost last "interest" when you see a English or French countries with less "natives" (more blacks, etc.) representing a western caucasian country. Not representative even if was fully born on these countries.

At least i can watch japanese/chinese/korean countries that fully self respect what is "representative" originally...

Olympics = Joke.

... Last edited by rocknard 3 years ago
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3 years ago
Posts: 566

During past Olympics I would check out a few events I was interested in like diving and gymnastics, but this year I really couldn't be bothered. I didn't watch any of it.

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3 years ago
Posts: 85

Just a few, some boxing mostly. I don't really watch a lot of sports on television nor on the internet.

That being said, I do love seeing live sporting events! There's just something about witnessing athleticism and the crowd energy, that isn't fully translated on-screen. With the pandemic still ongoing though, I've hardly attended any of those recently.

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