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Is this shounen or seinen?

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5:21 pm, Jun 14 2015
Posts: 452

The art looks really, really shounen but the magazine is filled with seinen titles.

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5:26 pm, Jun 14 2015
Posts: 79

It has shounen-esque moments but it's most definitely seinen. Just read a few chapters and that'll become clear.

Things I enjoy:

1. Badassery. I love being, doing, and living it. I also enjoy seeing it as it usually makes me cry man tears.
2. Badassness.
3. Badasses.
4. Badass mofos.
5. Manly badasses.

Things that I hate:
1. Wimpy protagonists.
2. Girly protagonists (if they're men).
3. Douchie protagonists.
4. Idiotic protagonists.
5. Over-the-line rude protagonists.
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5:43 pm, Jun 14 2015
Posts: 9026

It is Seinen. Demographics are decided by the magazine the manga is running in. Most of the time it's clear-cut as Weekly Young Jump is a Seinen magazine but it can be more ambiguous.

Either way they aren't genres. Something can't feel Shounen/Seinen. Yotsubato! is Shounen, Aria is Shounen. Shounen aren't exclusively battle manga.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #673737 - Reply to (#667046) by Dr. Love
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12:54 am, Nov 16 2015
Posts: 8

I can see where you come from with that but just like Josei vs Shoujo, Shounen vs. Seinen have very distinct differences. Though battles vs. no battles are agreeably not what makes that distinction. It has to do with the types of issues the character's face and the characters themselves. Are the characters confronting issues that would appeal to that audience (age range)? Such as fighting just for fighting sake with thin logic and and shallow reasoning. Is the plot something that someone with more maturity could get into or is it for people with less maturity. Either Genres could appeal to any people on a individual case by case basis but it is usually relatively clear if it is meant to target Older children or Adults.

Now... in my personal opinion I would say Toukyou Kushu was more Seinen - ish and Tokyo Ghoul:RE at this point is more Shounen. The reason for this is the plots predictability and the ability to make deaths seem believable and heavy. In the previous one the plot was not predictable and the deaths were believable and heavy hitting. People died quickly or were at least useless when mortally wounded. Obviously if they were a Ghoul more would have to be done and that is what is expected of having that type of body. However a good example of a early death of a human would be Mado's death... That death was very believable for a human investigator and very hard hitting. RE's deaths are more of a joke honestly. I mean, humans can still fight for a while with a see through hole in their guts in order to take care of enemies and a inspector can live for a while with a chainsaw inbeaded in his head and continue to walk around. It's completely different and ridiculous.

In Seinen they usually make deaths less obtuse and more realistic. In RE they build up new characters just so they don't have to take out the main cast, this is a very Shounen type of move. In Toukyou Kushu... anything felt possible. In this one it feels like if they are willing to sacrifice anything it will not be anything of consequence until the end.

Last edited by casandra28 at 1:01 am, Nov 16 2015

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Seinen is RIGHT

4:13 am, Nov 16 2015
Posts: 2421

Everyone should trust a doctor first of all and we had this discussion a million time before. TG is indeed Seinen (and thus appropriate to reader of the age 0 and up) but Toukyou Kushu - Jack is Shounen. (The LN´s are "Shounen" too i guess.)
The reasons are again the originating publications.
Here is a handy crash course on the futility of demographics.

Edit: Demographics are a marketing term (cough i had classes on marketing cough) and nothing else but feel free to not trust a professionally trained librarian or a MU moderator...
(Berserk was also designed with a teen demographic during the inception as my link proves and Bleach is more popular with teen girls.)

Last edited by residentgrigo at 7:06 am, Nov 19 2015

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Post #673869 - Reply to (#673742) by residentgrigo
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5:53 am, Nov 19 2015
Posts: 8

Sorry bout this.. but I think you meant age 20 and up not 0 and up smile

As far as the Dr. Above. I agree with some of it but I disagree with the other parts as I previously said (Edit*I said the first paragraph originally but when I re-read it I realized what I agreed with was not the first paragraph but some of the first paragraph). Just like Vampire Knight or Akuma na Eros feels like Shoujo and nothing close to Josei like Midnight Secretary. The same can be said about Seinen titles like Green Blood vs. Shounen like Bleach or Samurai Deeper Kyo manga. If you read a lot of different manga it is very easy to differentiate which category they are under, even if you found them on a scan groups page with no idea if they were Seinen or Shounen. There are a few exceptions of course but for the most part it's very possible to tell apart just from the feel of it. That is all I was disagreeing with. smile Though when I read the link in it's entirety I realized that others already thought the same way as I did and wrote their opinions much better than I can. I did not see a definitive winner to the argument though. So this is just my own 2 cents on the matter.

Honestly the way I think of this is very similar to a couple of other people's comments. When you are targeting a teenager you will have a different story than if you are targeting an adult. Personally, I don't read many books out of the teen section anymore at the library (for the record I am 32 and I have not been part of that demographic for a long time). I used to like a book called "Go ask Alice" when I was 13... if I read it now I would not like it nearly as much. The wording would seem easy and the story just wouldn't be relatable. That is because it was not written for my age group. If a 13 year old got their hands on "The Unbearable Lightness of Being". They may be able to suffer through it but was it written for their demographic? No and I wouldn't need the publication to confirm that cause it's obvious. It's the same thing Shounen/Seinen and Shoujo/Josei. If you go to a manga site. One of the options to search is if you are looking for a shounen or a seinen. If there was no difference then there would not be search specifications for the types.

Over all as this relates to Tokyo Ghoul:RE. I would say that I am not sure if the magazine it originates from is a Shounen or a Seinen cause I am not that informed but based on how it feels so far to me this sequel is a shounen.

Edit: I edited many times because I added some things and got rid of other things. (Classes in marketing don't make you a professional in manga magazines nor does being a librarian in my local library we have very little in manga selections...and also as far as a opinion of a moderator... it is still just a opinion their opinion is not gospel or better than anyone elses or mine... well maybe it is to you. Since you said nothing about working for young jump or shounen jump or some other manga magazine as a editor I don't feel this qualifies you as a professional on their selection criteria.) Also, just in case, you can go up and re read what I said previously. I said that just because something is Shounen or Seinen doesn't mean others cannot like it from different demographics like your example of bleach but that does not make what puts them in that catagory any less of a truth and as far as Berserk... Miura may have wanted it to be a shounen but in the end it wasn't... why? If it could be just anywhere then it should have been possible for him to make it a shounen you sort of argue against your own point here. I thought your comment with the coughs was quite rude. If you would try to tone down your superiority complex it would be much appreciated thanks.

Last edited by casandra28 at 5:52 am, Nov 20 2015


5:35 pm, Jan 24 2016
Posts: 1

Duh.. of course TG is more unpredictable if compared to :re, TG is the first chapter of the series, everything is new and we had little cues to make an accurate assumption. Re: on th other hand is much further into TG universe, we had gathered enough cue to deduce what is to come with high level of confidence. :sad:

Both TG and :Re are Seinen. There are many emotional turmoil, crisis of identity, troubled relationship, in :Re. There will be even more relationship issues to be resolve in the future as well. Furthermore, since there are linear progression of story from TG to :Re, fodder will obviously become even more of a fodder

Post #676291

2:48 am, Jan 30 2016
Posts: 1

The differing aspects of a series that decides if it's shounen or seinen is actually quite simple. Whilst it's true that the two tend to be identifiable by some aspects of the story, that is merely a byproduct of different factors (such as what the main audience of the media tends to like for example).

A shounen series is a shounen series if it is published in a shounen magazine, simply because shounen magazines are subject to much stricter laws regarding allowed content and censorship whilst getting a larger spread of publication (like for example the laws in some western countries that you can only sell adult magazines by putting them on a sharply angled shelf at the very top of the magazine shelf).

Tokyo Ghoul would be fairly easy to identify even if i didn't know it's published in a seinen magazine (young jump) since the adult theme of some parts (gore in some fights for example) would if it was published in a shounen magazine, depending on the severity, either result in something like a fine, or if it's deemed severe enough it would be considered illegal and actual prosecution could be considered.

Post #676292 - Reply to (#676291) by mixxan
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Seinen is RIGHT

3:05 am, Jan 30 2016
Posts: 2421

Shounen and Seinen magazines adhere to the same laws and a demographic doesn´t influence the print run. Shounen and Shoujo aren´t even technically "kids comics". These would be Kodomomuke manga. Only actual hentai is age restricted or Bill 156 wouldn´t exist.
Play around with our search function and you will see what i mean after starting to noticed Shounen series with highly upvoted rape /gore categories or even the Loli "genre" in lockdown.

TG isn´t more or less "extreme" than the Shounen Fist of the North Star (a Mad Max "remake"!) and a MU staff member has already given an official explanation why TG is Seinen so can this thread be closed now? It can only cause confusion and flaming if it goes on...

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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11:42 am, Oct 2 2017
Posts: 22

I'm just here to grab popcorns and see people arguing over everything. too much text, didn't read cool

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