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New to Scanlation--I'd like some ADVICE!

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Post #518481

7:49 am, Jan 21 2012
Posts: 9

No, I'm not recruiting. I just want some simple advice.

I'm new to the whole "scanlation" scene, so I've got a few questions.

1) What kinds of fonts work well for "shouting" dialog? Right now I'm using MV Boli, but it doesn't quite have the right kind of impact....

2) How do you distribute your manga? Via which filehosts, for example. Do you use passwords? Things of that nature--what all do I need to know when it comes to getting .rars hosted for people?

3) Are there any reliable methods to "protect" scanlated manga, even if only for a while, from the manga-streaming sites? The last stuff I did was up on two different manga-streaming sites within an hour of my posting it--credits page removed, and their own ugly watermarks pasted haphazardly on each page I'd spent so much time making look perfect. NOT COOL.

Anyway, like I said, I'm not looking to recruit anyone to help me, but I'd love to get some advice from my more experienced peers.

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