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Post #456832 - Reply to (#456353) by BimboSilly
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Case of Fumblitis

10:06 pm, Mar 26 2011
Posts: 108

Quote from BimboSilly
Thanks for a detailed answer. The mid part does help. But it touches on one part only. Wanting respect from someone- what about everything else? surely, a guy really wants more than respect and perhaps a physical relationship? biggrin

For a guy, respect includes all the physical and emotional aspects. Klapzi is right when all the little things can amount to a serious strain on a relationship. But guys just like the straight forward conversation. If something is bugging you, tell us. Talk to us but say everything directly. Nothing pisses off a guy more when women play "figure it out." Guys do NOT have the emotional connection women have with each other. For example, a guy conversation might go like this:

Guy 1: Hey.
Guy 2: Yo, whatsup?
Guy 1: Not too much. How's life?
Guy 2: Wife and kids doing fine, job sucks, but its work.
Guy 1: I hear you, we'll have a drink sometime. See ya.
Guy 2: Talk to you later.

That's it. I'm serious! Straight to the point, clear cut, simple, and respect.

Girls, on the other hand, will do everything possible to say everything EXCEPT what is really on their mind. Then they get pissed off at us for not figuring it out. I'm sorry missy, but we men DO NOT THINK THAT WAY. And the guys who do work that way already have boyfriends.

There is a simple solution to every problem; finding the simple solution is the difficult problem.

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Post #456925 - Reply to (#456832) by JakeOrion

8:25 am, Mar 27 2011
Posts: 390

Quote from JakeOrion
Quote from BimboSilly
Thanks for a detailed answer. The mid part does help. But it touches on one part only. Wanting respect from someone- what about everything else? surely, a guy really wants more than respect and perhaps a physical relationship? biggrin

For a guy, respect includes all the physical and emotional aspects. Klapzi is right when all the little things can amount to a serious strain on a relationship. But guys just like the straight forward conversation. If something is bugging you, tell us. Talk to us but say everything directly. Nothing pisses off a guy more when women play "figure it out." Guys do NOT have the emotional connection women have with each other. For example, a guy conversation might go like this:

Guy 1: Hey.
Guy 2: Yo, whatsup?
Guy 1: Not too much. How's life?
Guy 2: Wife and kids doing fine, job sucks, but its work.
Guy 1: I hear you, we'll have a drink sometime. See ya.
Guy 2: Talk to you later.

That's it. I'm serious! Straight to the point, clear cut, simple, and respect.

Girls, on the other hand, will do everything possible to say everything EXCEPT what is really on their mind. Then they get pissed off at us for not figuring it out. I'm sorry missy, but we men DO NOT THINK THAT WAY. And the guys who do work that way already have boyfriends.

Yeah, we agree on this one.
There is no way to get me madder than saying "There is nothing wrong" with that --I'm fucking mad-- face.
My heart beats faster just from thinking about it. mad

I think the ultimate tip is to be straight forward.

Post #457304
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5:32 pm, Mar 28 2011
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

I have a question for the I seen some intense female orgasm online and I was wondering if that's real. I mean I seen squirting....I'm just curious where all that liquid is coming from? Is it urine? I doubt the vaginal lubrication needs that excessive amount.

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #457348 - Reply to (#457304) by BoxBox
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10:40 pm, Mar 28 2011
Posts: 560

Quote from BoxBox
I have a question for the I seen some intense female orgasm online and I was wondering if that's real. I mean I seen squirting....I'm just curious where all that liquid is coming from? Is it urine? I doubt the vaginal lubrication needs that excessive amount.

I don't think anyone really knows what the liquid is(but people know what it's made of) Like, it's neither pee nor vag lube, but it's considered as the woman's version of semen, but not exactly that either. It's real though, and it does happen. Hasn't happened to me (yet) -jealous-

Question for anyone: what do you define as the "first time"? First penetration(not necessarily continued further), first consecutive thrusts, first orgasm during penetration? Just genital contact in general? Breaking of the hymen? What? Or maybe your first time that was special(as in, you possibly had a "test-run" to try it out but don't consider it as the real thing)?

Last edited by daisukidesuyo at 11:00 pm, Mar 28 2011

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Post #457442 - Reply to (#457304) by BoxBox

10:06 am, Mar 29 2011
Posts: 390

Quote from BoxBox
I have a question for the I seen some intense female orgasm online and I was wondering if that's real. I mean I seen squirting....I'm just curious where all that liquid is coming from? Is it urine? I doubt the vaginal lubrication needs that excessive amount.

It's real. Is it easy? Depends. I can make it pretty easily with my fingers, but I have only done it once during "normal" penetration.

Edit: I should say that I only had sex with my actual girlfriend my whole life. It's possible that she is more sensible than most girls. It's also possible that I'm good using my hands.

Quote from daisukidesuyo
Question for anyone: what do you define as the "first time"? First penetration(not necessarily continued further), first consecutive thrusts, first orgasm during penetration? Just genital contact in general? Breaking of the hymen? What? Or maybe your first time that was special(as in, you possibly had a "test-run" to try it out but don't consider it as the real thing)?

First penetration by a man. If the girl breaks the hymen while masturbating or by accident(?) I wouldn't count as not being a virgin.

In the case of a lesbian I would count the first time she had sex.

Post #457470 - Reply to (#457304) by BoxBox
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Mad With a Hat

1:02 pm, Mar 29 2011
Posts: 4764

Quote from BoxBox
I have a question for the I seen some intense female orgasm online and I was wondering if that's real. I mean I seen squirting....I'm just curious where all that liquid is coming from? Is it urine? I doubt the vaginal lubrication needs that excessive amount.

Yeah, it's real.
Though I can say it's pretty unpleasant (at least for me).
As far as lubrication goes, it's not helpful at all. It's like water.
The damn bed (or whatever you're on) gets all wet, too.
The first time I experienced it, I thought I had peed myself. =/

Quote from daisukidesuyo
Question for anyone: what do you define as the "first time"? First penetration(not necessarily continued further), first consecutive thrusts, first orgasm during penetration? Just genital contact in general? Breaking of the hymen? What? Or maybe your first time that was special(as in, you possibly had a "test-run" to try it out but don't consider it as the real thing)?

"Virginity" has become such a vague term...
It used to be all about the presence of the hymen.
Now? lol, I really can't say.
A true "loss of virginity" for me is penetration (by any means) done by another person.
Even if there has been sexual activity, I would still render her a virgin if there has been no vaginal penetration.
Or not.
I honestly couldn't care less.

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

Click 'n Play!

If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
Post #457472
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1:38 pm, Mar 29 2011
Posts: 1668

Warn: Banned

Yeah, it's real.
Though I can say it's pretty unpleasant (at least for me).
As far as lubrication goes, it's not helpful at all. It's like water.
The damn bed (or whatever you're on) gets all wet, too.
The first time I experienced it, I thought I had peed myself. =/

Unpleasant...doesn't sound like an guess it doesn't feel like an intense orgasm?

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
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his and her sonnet

1:11 am, Apr 19 2011
Posts: 1127 guys...what qualities attract you to a girl
do you tend to get bored of the girl by time?
if the girl is hard-to-get does that make you want her more or you just get sick of her and look for someone else?
do u prefer dreamy-creative-talented girls or realistic-rational ones?
wow i asked alot of questions but i'ld like to know the answers biggrin

Post #462694 - Reply to (#462557) by sarah-eats-cupcakes
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Case of Fumblitis

4:18 pm, Apr 19 2011
Posts: 108

Quote from sarah-eats-cupcakes guys...what qualities attract you to a girl
do you tend to get bored of the girl by time?
if the girl is hard-to-get does that make you want her more or you just get sick of her and look for someone else?
do u prefer dreamy-creative-talented girls or realistic-rational ones?
wow i asked alot of questions but i'ld like to know the answers biggrin

Very difficult to answer since every answer differs for every guy.

1) Obviously sex appeal has much to do with 99% of guys being attracted to you. It's a hard truth, I know. However, take note that sex appeal differs for every guy. Some men love large women. Some men love anorexic women. Chances are there will be a guy who will find you attractive. Finding him, well, that's your problem.

2) I've been in relationships lasting from a week to several years. I would say not once I was actually bored with her (or in one case Twins) but I knew that they were not "the one." I'm 29 and I'm still looking for her. But for other guys, yes, they do get bored of their other half. Why is various reasons that I couldn't begin to answer.

3) Some guys love the "game." They do everything in their power to obtain the "forbidden fruit." Problem is, once they obtain the fruit, that's it. They move on to the next game. It's difficult because if you are easy to get, generally a red flag goes off in a guy saying, "Great, she's either needy or a slut." If you play somewhat hard to get, but yet give the guy the impression you are interested in him, chances are he'll stick around to get to know you at very least, and perhaps build a relationship from there.

4) Different for every guy. For me, I like a woman who is down to earth, has a head on her shoulders, generally doesn't bore me to death with little stuff like how her coworker's dog has hair missing on its back but when the need arises, can switch to a needy girl to have a man come help her. Some guys like the dominatrix type, others the innocent neighbor next door. But remember, any guy generally <28 is only after one thing: sex. They would put up with a lot of garbage (and games) to get it. It's generally true after 28 as well, but the patience of the various pointless "talk" (such as the coworker's dog, etc.) starts to wear thin very fast.

Again, every guy is different, which makes relationships very hard. I honestly believe any relationships pre-30 should be used as experience builders to eventually find the one. Between 30-40 is a good age for a guy to settle down, and 27-35 for a woman.

There is a simple solution to every problem; finding the simple solution is the difficult problem.

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his and her sonnet

6:18 am, Apr 20 2011
Posts: 1127

hmm this is kind of unfair,the way you guys think ,i mean
there ARE some girls who only want to get laid
and most girls are REALLY shallow
BUT, i can guarantee you one thing for sure,
if the girl likes you,even if you dont like her back she'll still try to make the best of every moment she spends with you ,and she would do anything to make you happy
but oh well this is how healthy guys think,i suppose bigrazz

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Mad With a Hat

1:03 pm, Apr 20 2011
Posts: 4764

Different men prefer different women.

Just be yourself.
If you make yourself into the type of person that guy likes, you'll only suffer in the end, because there's no way you'd manage to keep the act up for eternity.

Hrodulf and Bjornolfr, you will not be forgotten.
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And if the world were black and white,
you would be my rainbow in shades of grey.

Click 'n Play!

If I had a fantasy self, it'd be a tentacle monster.
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his and her sonnet

12:49 pm, Apr 21 2011
Posts: 1127

true biggrin im waiting for the guy who would love me with all my flaws

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1:52 am, Apr 22 2011
Posts: 1205

I wanna know what guys think of Platonic Love??

Have somebody ever asked this before? (too lazy checking 160 prev pages)
Sorry if it's a repeated question

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Post #466508 - Reply to (#463383) by Akatsubaki
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Case of Fumblitis

11:56 pm, May 4 2011
Posts: 108

Quote from comel
I wanna know what guys think of Platonic Love??

Non-existent in a straight guy's vocabulary. He would most likely be asexual before having a platonic love. I'm sure there are guys who practice it, but it is very rare.

There is a simple solution to every problem; finding the simple solution is the difficult problem.

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Post #466509 - Reply to (#466508) by JakeOrion
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11:58 pm, May 4 2011
Posts: 2506

Quote from JakeOrion
Quote from comel
I wanna know what guys think of Platonic Love??

Non-existent in a straight guy's vocabulary. He would most likely be asexual before having a platonic love. I'm sure there are guys who practice it, but it is very rare.

What of family members and friends?

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