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Ecchi: Yay or Nay?

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Post #214018
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7:26 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 2009

Ye for moderation. Too much ecchi is disgusting, maybe a little bit of it for comedy would be fine.

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7:29 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 2506

In truth, I find I don't really care about ecchi. Pages covered in fan-service are viewed as empty pages in my mind, if they convey nothing important about characters. Too much ecchi, and I find the chapters unfulfilling, or pointless.

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7:42 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 332

But I see in a lot of ecchi the guy is usually the one being approached. And recently there are definitely fewer main guys who are perverted and sex obsessed (on the outside at least) than in the past. I don't get why they still don't get laid since they are being approached (they do want it otherwise they won't think of it). It's more pointless and unrealistic to me. Making them get laid doesn't mean the manga can't develope the characters and relationships any more. He can even move to another girl who approaches him afterwards. He does get a lot of advances.

Post #214035 - Reply to (#214027) by coffee_11
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7:59 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from coffee_11
But I see in a lot of ecchi the guy is usually the one being approached. And recently there are definitely fewer main guys who are perverted and sex obsessed (on the outside at least) than in the past. I don't get why they still don't get laid since they are being approached (they do want it otherwise they won't think of it). It's more pointless and unrealistic to me. Making them get laid doesn't mean the manga can't develope the characters and relationships any more. He can even move to another girl who approaches him afterwards. He does get a lot of advances.

Perhaps in addition to ecchi, there is also an allegory of love? Perhaps there is more than just sex involved in relationships, and the mangaka is just trying to invoke those youthful feelings of love, where a boy might be attracted to a girl physically, yet be paralyzed by his own nervousness, and inexperience, and innocence. The ecchi material is an attempt to simulate the hormonal nature of most boys.

Do you know why the love interests in shoujo and especially smut are usually portrayed as bad boys? It's because that's the type of boy who doesn't feel regret or reflect on the morality of something they do. That leaves them free to confidently and maturely pursue the female lead, who is unsure of herself.

The protagonist always is a little unsure and nervous. This is because more people can relate to someone who lacks confidence than someone who is always confident. And since the boy, which society has come to portray as the gender interested in sex, is nervous in situations, shounen heroes are far less likely to get laid than a shoujo heroine (and lets not hit on the complacentness of shoujo heroines in sexual situation right now, okay?).

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8:44 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 332

I avoid the shojo manga with "bad boys" like the plague. For some reason, all the shojo/josei/smut manga I like and find to be more realistic don't have those types of males but that's just me.

In reality, I believe no matter how nervous and unsure a guy is, he is far more likely to get laid than not when approached aggressively.

Post #214047 - Reply to (#214045) by coffee_11
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8:49 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from coffee_11
I avoid the shojo manga with "bad boys" like the plague. For some reason, all the shojo/josei/smut manga I find to be more realistic don't have those types of males but that's just me.

In reality, I believe no matter how nervous and unsure a guy is, he is far more likely to get laid than not when approached aggressively.

Clearly, you've never met me in reality. Though to be fair, I'm mean to girls because I think it's funny.

And approached aggressively? The boys are never approached aggressively by the girl they like. Should they just drop trouser for anyone of the opposite gender? Are you yet another person who propagates the idea that men are witless hounds after only one thing? Not all men are sluts.

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8:54 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 332

That why I said more likely, not "it's always the case".

Obviously the type of manga are not supposed to be realistic or serious but are fantasy, and the authors want the reader identify with the male protagonist; the readers are supposed be attracted to the female characters who appraoch the guy. The "dream come true" result would be he is submitted and plays with all of them when they make advances on him.

Last edited by coffee_11 at 2:31 am, Oct 12 2008

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10:23 pm, Oct 11 2008
Posts: 214

I don't mind ecchi and fan service, Negima is my favorite manga and its full of it yet the story is still told without to much trouble.

Post #214868 - Reply to (#214050) by coffee_11

7:38 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 122

Quote from coffee_11
That why I said more likely, not "it's always the case".

But it's not necessarily more likely.

If a guy with no significant other or anyone who he's particularly interested in, who has no moral obligations to casual sex, is approached by a super-hot chick who aggressively wants to get into his pants...

Maybe if we're being that specific, it's likely.

But the fact of the matter is, super models generally don't stalk average guys and make constant passes at them. Further, a good portion of the male population either has a significant other, or is at least already interested in someone else. And while not all of those are men of integrity, many of them are.

Now you could argue that we're discussing a fantasy situation where some total babe IS doing that, and the guy doesn't have any reason not to go along, but if that's the case, then it no longer matters what said guy would most likely actually do in that situation, because we've long abandoned the laws of probability.

Thus, your logic is flawed.

I felt compelled to argue that, for some reason. My apologies.

For good measure, I'll answer the topic: When I'm in the mood, the more ecchi, the better. When I'm not, then I'd rather it not be completely over the top, but I still enjoy a little bit here and there. My only condition is that the title should be at least mildly amusing even if the ecchi elements were disregarded. I don't demand masterpieces, but it should at least be entertaining.

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11:42 pm, Oct 13 2008
Posts: 332

Fair enough. Eveybody has different taste. My previous attempts to explain why some ecchi is presented like the way it is may not be agreed by everybody and it is indeed too big a topic. It shouldn't matter to you if somebody else thinks the jokes you like are cheesy, repetitive, tasteless and offensive. I wouldn't try to dig into the reason why someone wouldn't rather spend their time on real good humor (films, books) because that would be too complex (not trying to sound like a sociologist or something). And people usually don't "think" when they like to read something.

I still maintain that I can tell the difference of believes and values from the liking of ecchi.

Last edited by coffee_11 at 12:22 am, Oct 14 2008

Post #217991
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The hope

5:58 pm, Oct 21 2008
Posts: 205

why not? it is true that I am female and normally prefer to see handsome guys naked and all sweaty while they have some hot sex bigrazz but I don't mind to see some cute girls in their underwear either. laugh however I am not a hardcore fan of Ecchi who watches whatever crap under the name of this genre.only watch /read it when it is really eye catching with a good quality in art and story.


11:37 am, Apr 3 2009
Posts: 7

i prefer it becuase i like to see how far they will go that and im not ashamed to admit it but im a perv

Post #273429
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Smooth Operator
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4:13 am, Apr 5 2009
Posts: 5329

I've been gravitating towards ecchi manga lately because the art seems to be better. To be honest.

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Rebel Rebel

10:07 am, Apr 7 2009
Posts: 1230


I actually have this genre filtered, which is weird because I read hentai and the like. I dislike the subtle hints and even more so when the reaction of both parties is irritating beyond belief.

I don't know. There is something about it that I don't like. confused

Post #274026
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11:15 am, Apr 7 2009
Posts: 1619

It depends on how far it goes. Ecchi for the sake of ecchi can be fairly annoying, depending on how its done, but I'm sure there are fanboys that enjoy it.

Ecchi with a point, or that doesn't happen constantly is fine by me. As someone else said, I'm female - it's not really intended for me. It's directed at the males.

I seriously counted over 50 panty shots in a single series trailer from a DVD one day. (I don't remember which one, don't ask.) 50 panty shots in 3 minutes is WAY overdoing it.

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

From a bumper sticker I like:
"If you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair."
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