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When was the last time you sat down and read a book?

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6:58 pm, Jan 14 2010
Posts: 310

This morning. I'm reading Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa. It's very long but so far very good. The last book I finished was Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut which I read last week (also very good).

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Eat Me

6:41 am, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 438

This morning. Over the past month I have read over 20 books for entertainment purposes, which is pretty hard to find the time to do in college.

The most recent book I finished was A Darkness at Sethanon, the last book of The Riftwar Saga

Post #349725 - Reply to (#349517) by Chaoswind
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7:15 am, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 79

Quote from Chaoswind
2 days ago, I finished Halo: the ghost of onyx and before that the trilogy of halo.

Trying to the my hands in the lord of the rings series

Read them too, and they rock. I now have the 5th book, Cole Protocol, but I haven't gotten down to reading it yet.
Loved the Ender quartet too. One of my top recommends. I'm reading Catch-22 now, though.
The simplest comment I can make up is: Most books have logic, some books with more than some others, but Catch-22 is different. There ain't no logic AT ALL. Great prose.

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7:25 am, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 146

I'm reading two books atm. I'm reading Casino Royale and The Bourne Identity.


8:19 am, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 38

I last read a book this morning while I ate my breakfast.
I only ever get 5-10 minutes at a time for my reading, so even though I read pretty fast, it still takes me forever to actually finish anything. I miss being able to finish a book in one sitting, but the responsibilities of being an adult seem to get in the way nowadays. Though, if picture and board books count, then I'm a feels like my day is full of my shirt getting tugged and a youngster asking, "Read this to me?"

Recently finished: Pygmy, Sense and Sensibility. Currently reading: Pride and Prejudice. Next up: Battle Royale.

Post #349741

8:23 am, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 640

A couple of Hours ago.
Was Reading " Fallen Angels" from the Horus Heresy Series by Black Library

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jail bait

8:25 am, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 1444

well hours ago i think..
i was reading Noli Me Tangere by J.P. Rizal...for a quiz
and im also currently reading Lyonesse by Jack Vance...
i cant remember the last book that i have finished...hmmmm... dead

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Post #349809
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Angel of Sin

2:25 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 314

Reading a book? Hmm.... if ebooks count, I read part of one a few weeks ago. I always skip most of the book I'm attempting to read and read the parts I want. xD But as far sitting down with a printed book... it's been a LONG time since I did that. I can't even remember anymore. 0_o

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2:38 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 3342

My narcolepsy prevents me from doing anything meaningful whenever I sit down. embarrassed

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Crazy Cat Lady

2:52 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 1850

Last night I read a nice trashy historical romance~~ laugh

I was reading another one today but not sitting, so I'm not sure if that counts?

Currently reading - nothing, as I finished what I'd been reading - but trying to re-read & get rid of as many books as possible as I have TOO MUCH STUFF. (~_~)

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Post #349816
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It's him!!

2:56 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 617

This afternoon during my break at work.
Also on the train after work.

Right now I'm reading two books. Aristotles ethica nicomachea and Plato the republic. Good stuff.

Last book I finished, Schopenhauer on religion. More a translation of two essays though, with a short introduction to schopenhauer by the translator.

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Post #349817
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2:57 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 14

yesterday I was reading a beautiful book " Samira and Samir" it made me cry but it's totally recommended eyes

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Post #349821

3:24 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 2

Last time I took a plane, two weeks ago.
I read The Reluctant Fundamentalist, by Mohsin Hamid. A pretty good novel. Kinda make me think I don't read enough books.

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5:42 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 707

Yesterday i read Everlost, and it was pretty awesome! i feel a bit silly for being 23 and still liking young adult novels, but whateva'!!

Post #349852 - Reply to (#349849) by Binturong
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5:58 pm, Jan 15 2010
Posts: 1901

Quote from Binturong
Yesterday i read Everlost, and it was pretty awesome! i feel a bit silly for being 23 and still liking young adult novels, but whateva'!!

Pfft, try sitting in the laundromat reading Danny the Champion of the World without getting weird looks.

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