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Which crew member backstory did you like the most

Which crew member backstory did you like the most (moved you, arrgavated you e.t.c)
Luffy (Shanks)
Zoro (Axe Morgan, Hawkeye)
Ussop (Kuro)
Sanji (Don Krieg)
Nami (Arlong)
Chopper (Vapolu)
Franky (Water Seven)
Robin (Ennies Loby)
Brooks (Thriller Bark)
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6:53 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 539

I can't pick one =( They were all really good. They all had their different feels to them and they just all entertain me. If i had to choose I would pick Franky or Zoro or Brook's. Robin's was good but it Didn't entertain me as much because it was in the middle of the enies Lobby arc. Brook's was really good and Franky's was sad. Zoro's backstory was interesting as well.

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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

6:54 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 3229

I wanna say Robin's, but I chose Luffy's because without his, there would be no One Piece manga. bigrazz

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6:56 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 910

I voted for Zoro (I decided to vote for robin about 1 second after voting) dead

Post #236665
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7:28 pm, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 2342

Robin's I think was more fleshed out and overall done quite well.

Still Brook is my favourite character.

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9:05 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 90

Some of you may say that I am over analyzing by writing this post but I have too much free time here at work. So, here goes...

I feel like the backstory gets more severe and complex following the order of which the character joins the Strawhat crew.

Note: I'm sorry I put the spoiler thingy. I don't really now if you consider it a spoiler because it does elaborate a bit of the characters stories up till now.
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If you look at the first flashback, which is Luffy's, he causes his friends (Shanks) to lose his hand. Which, compared to the others was nothing much really...

Zoro loses his friend, whom he could never beat in a sword fight.

Sanji almost starved to death as Zeff, the man he hated, sacrifices his leg to save him.

Usopp lost his mother to illness.

Nami's caretaker/mother was killed by Arlong. To make matters worse, she had to serve under the person who killed her mother and caused her village to suffer. I think this is where the back stories of characters started getting much heavier and complex.

Chopper was an outcast in both reindeers and humans (because he was neither one) which made him suffer a great deal during most of his childhood. Other than that, he also lost his only friend (cant recall the name as of now) and it was because chopper fed him a poisonous mushroom with intentions of curing him.

Robin is pretty much similar in the first part, as in she had a bad childhood being known as the 'devil child'. She then, lost her mother (Nico Olivia), her good friend (Jaguar D. Saul) and all of her fellow archaeologist friends in one event. The saddest part when she was forcing herself to laugh while rowing away from her home island. It did not end there, as she continues suffering for another 20 years because of the bounty put on her head. She suffered so badly that she was convinced she shouldn't live. Although, I have to admit, I felt a lot for her story because I have a soft spot for Robin.

Franky too was an equally sad because he had to live with the guilt of causing the death of his master/father figure (Tom; the fishman). Other than that, he suffered a great deal of damage when he tried to stop the sea train from taking Tom. Both he and robin suffered because of the same person, Spandam (or rather, the Spandine/Spandam family) which is why somehow i feel that, he and Robin work very well together.

Up till now, Brooke seems to be the most sad tale, if you think of it... He lost his whole crew. He kept on living because he wants to keep a promise to Laboon the whale. Beneath his funny jokes (...Yes, I do poop.), odd requests (May I see you panties?), and his happy music... There is a tale of sadness, living alone for many years with people being afraid of him due to his appearance, as well as having to beg for his life from his opponent which for a swordsman, is a torture on its own. Any other person would rather die than live through such suffering.

I guess by making the back stories more heavier for each character as they join, we, the readers, feel more connected to each character as they join. Since the characters that join later will obviously have lesser character development in the main storyline, therefore having a sad and difficult past is in its own way, a character development. Well, we may have our favorites (i.e;Robin) smile but in the end no one is more important than the other, all have an impact in the main storyline and most importantly, we, the readers have fallen for all these characters in one way or another.

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9:15 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 64

Nami's backstory was heart breaking = good smile wink grin !

Post #236963
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9:22 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 224

Chopper's story is by far the one that most touched me, I even wanted to die in a Hiluluk way, his sacrifice was by far the most significant on the whole One Piece story
-To die bearing the flag of conviction...

Post #236991 - Reply to (#236960) by shamanhot
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11:50 pm, Dec 11 2008
Posts: 385

Quote from shamanhot
Some of you may say that I am over analyzing by writing this post but I have too much free time here at work. So, here goes...

I feel like the backstory gets more severe and complex following the order of which the character joins the Strawhat crew.

Note: I'm sorry I put the spoiler thingy. I don't really now if you consider it a spoiler because it does elaborate a bit of the characters stories up till now.
Spoiler (highlight to view)
If you look at the first flashback, which is Luffy's, he causes his friends (Shanks) to lose his hand. Which, compared to the others was nothing much really...

Zoro loses his friend, whom he could never beat in a sword fight.

Sanji almost starved to death as Zeff, the man he hated, sacrifices his leg to save him.

Usopp lost his mother to illness.

Nami's caretaker/mother was killed by Arlong. To make matters worse, she had to serve under the person who killed her mother and caused her village to suffer. I think this is where the back stories of characters started getting much heavier and complex.

Chopper was an outcast in both reindeers and humans (because he was neither one) which made him suffer a great deal during most of his childhood. Other than that, he also lost his only friend (cant recall the name as of now) and it was because chopper fed him a poisonous mushroom with intentions of curing him.

Robin is pretty much similar in the first part, as in she had a bad childhood being known as the 'devil child'. She then, lost her mother (Nico Olivia), her good friend (Jaguar D. Saul) and all of her fellow archaeologist friends in one event. The saddest part when she was forcing herself to laugh while rowing away from her home island. It did not end there, as she continues suffering for another 20 years because of the bounty put on her head. She suffered so badly that she was convinced she shouldn't live. Although, I have to admit, I felt a lot for her story because I have a soft spot for Robin.

Franky too was an equally sad because he had to live with the guilt of causing the death of his master/father figure (Tom; the fishman). Other than that, he suffered a great deal of damage when he tried to stop the sea train from taking Tom. Both he and robin suffered because of the same person, Spandam (or rather, the Spandine/Spandam family) which is why somehow i feel that, he and Robin work very well together.

Up till now, Brooke seems to be the most sad tale, if you think of it... He lost his whole crew. He kept on living because he wants to keep a promise to Laboon the whale. Beneath his funny jokes (...Yes, I do poop.), odd requests (May I see you panties?), and his happy music... There is a tale of sadness, living alone for many years with people being afraid of him due to his appearance, as well as having to beg for his life from his opponent which for a swordsman, is a torture on its own. Any other person would rather die than live through such suffering.

I guess by making the back stories more heavier for each character as they join, we, the readers, feel more connected to each character as they join. Since the characters that join later will obviously have lesser character development in the main storyline, therefore having a sad and difficult past is in its own way, a character development. Well, we may have our favorites (i.e;Robin) smile but in the end no one is more important than the other, all have an impact in the main storyline and most importantly, we, the readers have fallen for all these characters in one way or another.

I agree, the general trend seems to be that the newer members have more and more complex/tragic pasts. I think Oda did this purposely in order to make up for the fact that the newer characters won't have as much time to make an impact on us. If he sticks with the 10 members that Luffy mentioned in the beginning, the next crew member will be the last one. That means compared to characters like Luffy and Zoro, these new characters are gonna have very little screen time, especially since Oda needs to keep giving the older members screen time as well. I think that's also why the newer members seem to be more over-the-top and exaggerated - the last two members were a cyborg and living skeleton.

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6:56 pm, Jan 19 2009
Posts: 23

I wouldn't say the complexity/tragical follows the exact order of appearance, but I do agree there is a general theme. Robin's backstory is the most complex IMO, and definitely more tragic than Franky's. Even if Franky suffered from the guilt and injuries he gained, he later recovered and found companionship after creating the Franky House group. Robin, meanwhile, spent the last 20 years alone and relentlessly chased by the government.

Oda has also spent more time on Robin's backstory than anyone else's.

(Extra note: Nami's, Franky's, and Robin's backstories are my three favorites.)

Post #250313
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6:10 pm, Jan 20 2009
Posts: 746

Brooke's was really the best for me. I still cry when reading it. I think that what makes it so heart-rending is the absolute loneliness he seemed to suffer while alone. Like stated before, I think that everyone had a fascinating past experiences and they are all amazing. Brooke just got to me the most because of one part...when he was doing that '45 degree lean' thing but nobody was there laughing.. I know! Its odd!

Last edited by Aeylis at 2:15 pm, Oct 1 2009

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Post #324795

11:40 am, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 4

People are giving too much credit to Nami and Robin's past because it's easier to relate to them in comparison to the guy's past. Brook, Sanji and Chopper past is really messed up if you think deeply about it. Not saying Nami and Robin's past isn't but their past is more literal in comparison to the trio I mentioned earlier.

Sanji was isolated in an island. How does he co op with this? His psychological states is being f*ck up to the point he was going to kill a man just for food. The twist? The man he was going to killed already commit an insane act of his own - self cannibalism.

Think about how Zeff cuts his own feet, and eat them every single day while waiting and hoping to be rescued while Sanji is sitting on the other side of the island with real food.

Chopper was abandoned by his family for having blue nose. Funny? Yes, it is in One Piece world. However, if you switched Chopper to a human, and imagined the baby / child being abandoned by his / her own family just because they were different (for some reason Penguin from Batman movie comes to mind while I typing this) you can see how messed up Chopper's life is.

He later found his one and only friend - Dr. Hiriluk. They lived together, play around (experimenting meds stuff) together, go on a journey (finding herbs etc) together until one day he learned his friend is going to die. How does he co op with this? Search for the cure and succeeded on doing so. The twist? He poisoned his own friend. How do you handle yourself if you find out you killed your own (and only) friend in this world? It always gave me a goosebumps every time Hiliruk gave his speech to everyone that try to kill him;

"When does a man die?

When he is hit by a bullet? No.

When he suffers a disease? No.

When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No!

A man dies when he is forgotten!"

That was damn fact right there. People dies when they are forgotten, and when they are left out / alienated / isolated from the society. The moment people forgot about you, or erased you from their mind - that's when you died. : \

Brook past story is one of the deepest story I've ever read. To those young reader, his story might come out as simple, cliche story where people around the character is died much like any other SH (like Robin for example) past story. They will also compare Robin not having love / friends and family from her surrounding, only to lost everything with Brook used to have friends and lost everything in one day.

However, the different is the aftermath of "losing everything". I'm not sure how people can relate to having nothing to lose everything compare to having everything to lose everything. The later might sounds less depressing than the first one, but it's actually affected you more psychologically.

Let's see. Brook, used to be a loud mouth, cheerful guy before he died. What happened after he died (and revived)? He turned into a perverted while at the same time act gentlemanly to people he meets. Why is this happening?

Let's recap. Brook's died, only to be revived back to life. He wandering around searching for his body and witnessed all of his friends corpse before found his own body - that already turned into a skeleton! Funny? Yes, in the world of One Piece but how does he co op with his new 'attire'? Skull Joke!! Yohohoho! Funny? Yep. BUT! Ever noticed he actually make fun of his own self? It is one dark humor, which resembles how a clown or a mime made fun of themselves. Brook make fun of his own self in an attempt to accept who he has becomes. Have you ever laugh at your own self? How sad is that huh? Especially now that he is a skeleton, we can't see his real expression and inner emotion.

Brook also make a promise with Laboon. Why does I bring this up? Because there's one scene where I wonder why Brook never thought of committed suicide because living in a lonely, solitary world for that long is damn harsh it's not even funny (try isolate yourself for one year without any social interaction, especially cellphone and Internet bigrazz and you get the picture). His promise to Laboon is the only things that keeps him living his own life. Until Moria took his shadow. That's why he's eager to protect his Afro because that was the only thing that will makes Laboon recognize you (Oda is good with dark humor I tell you). Actually, it's not his promise alone, it was a promises that was passed from his fellow friends that asked him, if he ever return to life again, seek Laboon because he still has nakama (can't help to used this word here bigrazz).

If you pay enough attention, Brook often mumbling or talking to himself. Why does this happening? Let's remember what he's been doing for the past 50 years. Collected and picked up the skull of his comrades (spooky huh?). Drinks tea (pretending to, since he claimed he hasn't eat anything before he met SH crew) and talk to himself. Human is a social creature ya know. We need social interaction. That's why even after we hang out with our friend outdoor, we went back home, only to text or chat with them indoor. Compare to Robin that doesn't have anything or any friend (except Saul), Robin's life after the Buster Call is a lot more easier compare to Brook. Robin can still interact with others (but she choose not to for some reason). She can go to library to study. She's pretty much start or move on with her new life after the Buster Call incident. Sure, she's still traumatized but it's not that long until Luffy and the SH 'save' her from the misery.

What does Brook have to entertain himself for let me remind you - FIFTY YEARS? Yep, he has that.... 45 degree Michael Jackson's dance step..... Brook changes from a cheerful dude, into a complex dude that have little socializing skills (hence the "May I see your panties" part). He hasn't spoke to anyone for fifty years. That's also where his childish, rude, laid back behavior came from (refer Shabondy arc).

That's why I found it weird how people thinks having nothing to begin with is more depressing than having everything, but lose everything afterward (kind of like Naruto and Sasuke situation). Try to relate this into your own life, by imagining losing your friends and family in front of you, and that's not it, you will also sent to a prison (Brook was trap in Foreign Triangle) for as long as you can remember without a sun, without any social interaction, nothing but a memory you had when you still have your friends and family. You need to think deep to relate to Brook's past because his story is not as literal as Robin. Oda used a lot of underlying theme in his story and in Brook's case, it's loneliness + solitary life.

I'm not sure how many are (or will) reading this, I guess I better stop now. laugh

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3:08 pm, Jan 9 2010
Posts: 101

They all had good ones. Well I didn't find Ussop's that great, though it was touching but not to the extent of everyone else's.

My favorite is still Chopper's. In ranking I guess...

Brook/Franky - tied, they were both pretty touching and underrated.

Post #355554
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6:15 am, Feb 7 2010
Posts: 10

For me this is the rank =
1) Chopper : I cry like a baby every time I read this part
2) Nami
3) Franky
4) Robin
5) Brook

Post #356782 - Reply to (#324795) by wahn
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7:51 pm, Feb 11 2010
Posts: 36

Quote from wahn
People are giving too much credit to Nami and Robin's past because it's easier to relate to them in comparison to the guy's past. Brook, Sanji and Chopper past is really messed up if you think deeply about it. Not saying Nami and Robin's past isn't but their past is more literal in comparison to the trio I mentioned earlier.

Sanji was isolated in an island. How does he co op with this? His psychological states is being f*ck up to the point he was going to kill a man just for food. The twist? The man he was going to killed already commit an insane act of his own - self cannibalism.

Think about how Zeff cuts his own feet, and eat them every single day while waiting and hoping to be rescued while Sanji is sitting on the other side of the island with real food.

Chopper was abandoned by his family for having blue nose. Funny? Yes, it is in One Piece world. However, if you switched Chopper to a human, and imagined the baby / child being abandoned by his / her own family just because they were different (for some reason Penguin from Batman movie comes to mind while I typing this) you can see how messed up Chopper's life is.

He later found his one and only friend - Dr. Hiriluk. They lived together, play around (experimenting meds stuff) together, go on a journey (finding herbs etc) together until one day he learned his friend is going to die. How does he co op with this? Search for the cure and succeeded on doing so. The twist? He poisoned his own friend. How do you handle yourself if you find out you killed your own (and only) friend in this world? It always gave me a goosebumps every time Hiliruk gave his speech to everyone that try to kill him;

"When does a man die?

When he is hit by a bullet? No.

When he suffers a disease? No.

When he ate a soup made out of a poisonous mushroom? No!

A man dies when he is forgotten!"

That was damn fact right there. People dies when they are forgotten, and when they are left out / alienated / isolated from the society. The moment people forgot about you, or erased you from their mind - that's when you died. : \

Brook past story is one of the deepest story I've ever read. To those young reader, his story might come out as simple, cliche story where people around the character is died much like any other SH (like Robin for example) past story. They will also compare Robin not having love / friends and family from her surrounding, only to lost everything with Brook used to have friends and lost everything in one day.

However, the different is the aftermath of "losing everything". I'm not sure how people can relate to having nothing to lose everything compare to having everything to lose everything. The later might sounds less depressing than the first one, but it's actually affected you more psychologically.

Let's see. Brook, used to be a loud mouth, cheerful guy before he died. What happened after he died (and revived)? He turned into a perverted while at the same time act gentlemanly to people he meets. Why is this happening?

Let's recap. Brook's died, only to be revived back to life. He wandering around searching for his body and witnessed all of his friends corpse before found his own body - that already turned into a skeleton! Funny? Yes, in the world of One Piece but how does he co op with his new 'attire'? Skull Joke!! Yohohoho! Funny? Yep. BUT! Ever noticed he actually make fun of his own self? It is one dark humor, which resembles how a clown or a mime made fun of themselves. Brook make fun of his own self in an attempt to accept who he has becomes. Have you ever laugh at your own self? How sad is that huh? Especially now that he is a skeleton, we can't see his real expression and inner emotion.

Brook also make a promise with Laboon. Why does I bring this up? Because there's one scene where I wonder why Brook never thought of committed suicide because living in a lonely, solitary world for that long is damn harsh it's not even funny (try isolate yourself for one year without any social interaction, especially cellphone and Internet bigrazz and you get the picture). His promise to Laboon is the only things that keeps him living his own life. Until Moria took his shadow. That's why he's eager to protect his Afro because that was the only thing that will makes Laboon recognize you (Oda is good with dark humor I tell you). Actually, it's not his promise alone, it was a promises that was passed from his fellow friends that asked him, if he ever return to life again, seek Laboon because he still has nakama (can't help to used this word here bigrazz ).

If you pay enough attention, Brook often mumbling or talking to himself. Why does this happening? Let's remember what he's been doing for the past 50 years. Collected and picked up the skull of his comrades (spooky huh?). Drinks tea (pretending to, since he claimed he hasn't eat anything before he met SH crew) and talk to himself. Human is a social creature ya know. We need social interaction. That's why even after we hang out with our friend outdoor, we went back home, only to text or chat with them indoor. Compare to Robin that doesn't have anything or any friend (except Saul), Robin's life after the Buster Call is a lot more easier compare to Brook. Robin can still interact with others (but she choose not to for some reason). She can go to library to study. She's pretty much start or move on with her new life after the Buster Call incident. Sure, she's still traumatized but it's not that long until Luffy and the SH 'save' her from the misery.

What does Brook have to entertain himself for let me remind you - FIFTY YEARS? Yep, he has that.... 45 degree Michael Jackson's dance step..... Brook changes from a cheerful dude, into a complex dude that have little socializing skills (hence the "May I see your panties" part). He hasn't spoke to anyone for fifty years. That's also where his childish, rude, laid back behavior came from (refer Shabondy arc).

That's why I found it weird how people thinks having nothing to begin with is more depressing than having everything, but lose everything afterward (kind of like Naruto and Sasuke situation). Try to relate this into your own life, by imagining losing your friends and family in front of you, and that's not it, you will also sent to a prison (Brook was trap in Foreign Triangle) for as long as you can remember without a sun, without any social interaction, nothing but a memory you had when you still have your friends and family. You need to think deep to relate to Brook's past because his story is not as literal as Robin. Oda used a lot of underlying theme in his story and in Brook's case, it's loneliness + solitary life.

I'm not sure how many are (or will) reading this, I guess I better stop now. laugh

love the way how see each character... If they are in a real world they are all seriously FU*cked up... but having luffy who got the mildest scar of them all ties them together... still love it ^^

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8:52 am, Feb 13 2010
Posts: 1205

For me it's chopper's.... I don't know the reason, but it's memorable sad story in my memory compare to the others... touch my feeling.... well, may be he's the cutest one of them.
2nd, Luffy's

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