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When it comes to internet and stuff, which countries are strongest on privacy issues?

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7:04 am, Jun 8 2009
Posts: 846

When it comes to internet and stuff, which countries are strongest on privacy issues?

Which countries are strongest in terms of privacy issues when it comes to content hosted on servers? I know Sweden is probably out 'cos of some law regarding copyrighted content?

But what other countries are there to consider?

Last edited by Lord_Lucifiel at 5:56 pm, Jun 14 2009

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7:14 am, Jun 8 2009
Posts: 7787

I think Sweden would be the best,
since you really can't get big sanctions there.

Post #296271 - Reply to (#296263) by Mamsmilk
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8:07 am, Jun 8 2009
Posts: 347

Quote from Mamsmilk
I think Sweden would be the best,
since you really can't get big sanctions there.

what you said used to be true dead

"Sanity is for the weak"
Post #296284 - Reply to (#296271) by Akillaz
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8:46 am, Jun 8 2009
Posts: 7787

Quote from Akillaz
Quote from Mamsmilk
I think Sweden would be the best,
since you really can't get big sanctions there.

what you said used to be true dead

The cops are still quite the wussies. : P
I wouldn't say it's turned into a bad place,
they've just gotten closer to the rest.

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5:57 pm, Jun 8 2009
Posts: 846

Oh well, nevermind... thanks anyways.

Post #296449
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7:50 pm, Jun 8 2009
Posts: 49

Pretty much any of the Big Power Countries are very stringent on internet privacy issues. The US, Britain, France, Germany are pretty much on this boat.

China's regular internet is already regulated, so they're even tighter on copyrights, especially with the whole movie piracy bit they're trying to contain.

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