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Baka-Updates Anime Closing

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Post #684783
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8:07 pm, Oct 13 2016
Posts: 2671


For those who haven't seen, Baka-Updates Anime is now officially closed. It's the end of an era!

We're sticking around though, so don't worry!

The MU Team

Re-posting the goodbye message here because the it'll be gone eventually.

One day a group of friends by the names of y2klizard, aZn_nUt, Platinum|Star, and ^_^Teddie thought it would be a great idea if anime fansubs were more easily found in one location. There were already other websites that did this, however the others decided they would only report unlicensed shows. These guys quickly went to work and on July 20th, 2002 Baka-Updates was officially released to the public.

The goal of Baka-Updates was always to inform the users of the latest anime releases. Throughout the years, we have noticed the anime culture grow at a steady pace. It grew so much that companies eventually gave notice that viewers outside of Japan wanted to get the content fast and thus new streaming services such as Crunchyroll were born. Shows would be simucasted as soon as one hour after it was broadcasted in Japan. This led to the amount of fansubs decreasing since it was so convenient to view the new releases compared to the traditional methods.

As well, the Baka-Updates team continued to grow older. An increase in responsibilities with work and new families meant that we could not commit as much time into maintaining the website. Therefore we have decided it is the right time to shut down.

The team at Baka-Updates would like to thank all of our visitors for supporting the site over all these years. Without you, we would never have had the motivation to keep going for this long. We never expected the anime scene to grow up to what it is today and we will continue being a part of it, only in the background this time.

The closing of Baka-Updates does not affect our sister site MangaUpdates. It will continue to operate as normal.

Last edited by lambchopsil at 10:18 pm, Oct 13 2016

Post #684785
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8:24 pm, Oct 13 2016
Posts: 410

Baka Updates was the page I had set to use when I first open Chrome. Nearly had a heart attack when I opened up the browser to see the message, as I thought at first Manga Updates was closed as well. Glad to see you guys are still up and running.

If, god forbid, you ever do decide to shut your doors, please give us enough advanced warning so that we can get all our reading lists saved.

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9:51 pm, Oct 13 2016
Posts: 838

Never thought I'd see the day Baka-Updates would close on its own. cry

Post #684790

10:24 pm, Oct 13 2016
Posts: 399

That was the site that actually led the way. It will be missed.

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11:42 pm, Oct 13 2016
Posts: 374

Good night, Baka-Updates.

Glad to see MU unaffected smile

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A manga parasite

12:25 am, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 320

I had already a feeling that it wouldn't live long anymore. cry They had barely any posts, it has something to do with crunchyroll being in existence, but their are other sites to that host fansubs as wel as rips.
I think a lot of people left the site, because their were barely any posts on it lately. As well as fansubbing dying out. And the existence of better sites that has everything that Baka-Updates Anime didn't have. For example you couldn't hold any watching list on it or it lacked information on the series it posted.
Unlike baka updates manga, a large and fantastic database, we do have it here. cool
Well, at least the day that mangaupdates decide to close down, is the day I would die of an heart attack. dead This site is much more important to me than Baka-Updates Anime.

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
Post #684795
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1:00 am, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 555

The end of an era. Holy shit I've been reading/watching anime for a long time...

Post #684796 - Reply to (#684795) by Hostile
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1:27 am, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 60

Indeed , like 13-14 years for me , thats a bit more than half my live.

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Lone Wanderer

6:59 am, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 2129

I nearly suffered a cardiac arrest when I saw the notice because I thought it meant that MU would close down as well eek I've never used BU Anime, but congrats anyway on a much-needed service well done, and best of luck for the team in their future endeavours, whether manga/anime-related or not!

And on a purely selfish note: I hope the same never happens to MU, but if it does, a month or so of advance notice would be much appreciated.

Post #684805

10:13 am, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 4

Been there. Loved it.
Best whishes.

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2:38 pm, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 115

eek eek WOW! eek eek

I love my bookmarks and it definitely wont be the same with "BU-Anime" gone.
Hope everything goes well for the team.
I am extremely happy that this site will stay up! biggrin


5:42 pm, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 130

Damn, sort of feels like the end of an era.

I hate for things to end, but i appreciate their hard work.

Now i will have nowhere to go to check for releases of older fansubbed series.

Feels bad. sad

I just hope mangaupdates will stay online for a very long time.

Its the best site i know when it comes to manga releases and indepth discussion of manga in general.

Never change!

Post #684820

7:43 pm, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 486

That was my reference site back when it launched. I always went there to check the new release and find the irc channel. With the rise of torrents, fansub sites, social media, MAL, and the site staying mostly the same throughout its existence, it did started to decline and I honestly haven't checked BU in many years. It's a good time to retire and they greatly helped the fansub community.

Cheers to Baka-Updates!

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2nd wave MU user

11:11 pm, Oct 14 2016
Posts: 7784

RIP. Never really partook in the community of that place, but I did use it back then for Naruto when there were no good public torrent trackers for anything. Good memories. Back then anime wasn't over saturated fetishist garbage.

Post #684872
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1:18 am, Oct 16 2016
Posts: 182

I haven't picked up a new series in years as most anime these days seems more about sexy fan service. It was a great site in it's heyday, when fansub groups where still hiding in mIRC. And through it I found manga-updates. Always sad to see sites you used to frequent close. Never fails to remind you you're getting old.

And something of value was lost.

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