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Post #174134

11:31 pm, Jun 29 2008
Posts: 1063

I'm curious as if to anyone has watched the anime version of this manga...

I watched bits and parts of it. ^^; Jumped around episode to episode. :3 The anime lacked the smut though.... And that made me sad. T__T

Post #252217
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10:47 pm, Jan 25 2009
Posts: 5

Yeah... the lack of smut disappointed me
The beggining was boring, so I skipped that part and I started watching when Aine appeared. I prefer the manga than the anime

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Madame Red

1:50 am, Jan 26 2009
Posts: 2172

it is completely different than manga.

for example manga focuses on after Lucifer became popular, while anime focuses on before members even met.

and i don't think lack of smut is a bad thing. i couldn't keep reading the manga because of too much smut. but anime was more watchable.

Though if i keep comparing, despite of all smut in manga, it still has a darker atmosphere than anime. Anime is like a more shoujo-ish version of manga.

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