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hi im new here

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Post #6567
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1:45 pm, Feb 19 2007
Posts: 32

Yeah. I joined mostly for other reasons but I decided on a whim to say hi on the forums and hang out here anyway. My whitemark on the manga community is mostly some dirty doujins I decided to translate/edit for 4channers though, but I'm working on bettering my lot. ;D My favourite mangas thus far are Uncivilized Planet, Petshop of Horrors and the Suicide Club manga. I'm also a rabid yuri fangirl.

Nice meeting you guys~

Post #6571
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2:14 pm, Feb 19 2007
Posts: 2667

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by. The manga community always needs more translators smile

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5:20 pm, Feb 19 2007
Posts: 10691

How about doing some of the regular series instead of doujins?
Anyways, welcome~

A just ruler amongst tyrants

6:06 am, Feb 21 2007
Posts: 686

welcome to the Wooooorld of tommoooooorooow

Post #6681
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7:35 am, Feb 21 2007
Posts: 481

Great avatar, so very very true and common.


Don't waste your time or time will waste you.
Post #6685
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10:57 am, Feb 21 2007
Posts: 32

Thanks. biggrin I think it's partially because I'm pretty busy and it's easier just to do things on a whim and post them anonymously where nobody cares than to join a group and freak out about keeping updates, but my schedule's getting better these days so I might tryy it.

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