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Left or right?

Are you left- or right-handed?
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4:16 pm, Mar 11 2009
Posts: 330

Was never forced to use my right hand but I can use both hands though.
Use the mouse with my right hand while writing with my left hand :]

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Mysterious Being

6:40 pm, Mar 11 2009
Posts: 461

I write with my left and use my right for everything else.

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Eat Me

6:42 pm, Mar 11 2009
Posts: 438

I am now right handed, but I was born left handed. I broke my left arm twice within a span of weeks when I was young and developing my fine motor skills, so I used my right arm a lot more and from then on I have been mostly right handed. Though I play hockey and baseball as a lefty...

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6:47 pm, Mar 11 2009
Posts: 235

i do everything with my right hand. i suck with my left.

Common sense just isn't that common
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7:38 pm, Jul 29 2009
Posts: 60

I can use both hands in anything except writing on my right hand embarrassed

Quote from zerowellrain
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.
Indifference is the strongest force in the universe.
It makes everything it touches
meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance against it.
Post #309725
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Site Admin

10:51 pm, Jul 29 2009
Posts: 2275

Well, it's hard to say what I was when I was born...

As for when I started to feed myself, I would always eat with my left hand (at least that's what my family told me)... however, when I started doing other things I guess I started gravitating to my right hand. So, maybe I was a lefty that became a righty, but for the poll I put right because that's what I know I use.

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So Innocent

7:16 pm, Jul 30 2009
Posts: 288

I'm right handed like most of the world

Would I lie to you?
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The White Guy

7:40 pm, Jul 30 2009
Posts: 340

right...i love my left hand just as mich though biggrin laugh

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Post #309973
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8:08 pm, Jul 30 2009
Posts: 417

Right handed --- rather unremarkable.

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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

8:11 pm, Jul 30 2009
Posts: 3229

I'm right-handed.

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Digital Wraith

8:27 pm, Jul 30 2009
Posts: 86

I'm ambidextrous now, but my right hand is dominant when writing. I can do everything with both hands, but my left handed writing is slower and messier than my right hand. I received a few too many electrical shocks as a child, sticking a coat hanger into a wall socket wasn't a good idea, and the nerves in my right hand have been permanently damaged. It just makes my writing messy. I learned how to write and do other things with my left hand in case I lost the ability to use my right hand.

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Monkey. :B

3:07 am, Aug 1 2009
Posts: 1966

Mostly right handed. But I use my left hand for drawing and playing more than my right. \[O_o]/

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I have to thank you again. It's been a while since I've had this much d**k on my computer. :'3
Post #310314
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The Awakening

3:12 am, Aug 1 2009
Posts: 105

Right handed ;3

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8:12 pm, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 1700


^I choose which hand to use utensils with. smile

I was born a lefty, but forced to be a righty.
Right now, I'm actually practicing writing with my left hand. It's a challenge. I feel like I'm going through kindergarten all over again.

It's a challenge finding a way to hold my pen without blocking too much of what I was writing. smile

Post #324853
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8:16 pm, Oct 1 2009
Posts: 1975

Left-handed. Though it'd be nice if I could write with both.

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