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Manga Counter on start page

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10:35 am, Nov 14 2023
Posts: 10

I think it would be really cool if it would be possible how many mangas there are on this website. Like a counter to see how many there are


2:26 am, Nov 24 2023
Posts: 9


on the "genres" page or this link:

they list how many series are in that particular genre

mind you i'm not sure if the counter is completely up to date and i think it is a total counter for all the types bakaupdates allows (check advanced search for all of them or this link:

however for the mangas that doesn't have any genres they don't seem to have a counter for them. if you want to figure that out on your own you could use "advanced search" and exclude all genres or this link:

hope some of this proves helpful

sincerely, ginnydragon

Last edited by ginnydragon at 2:31 am, Nov 24 2023

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