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Plastic Surgery

What's your view on it?
Let people do want they want with their faces.
I think you should be happy with what you're born with.
Only if you REALLY need it, and don't become addicted.
My opinion is a bit more complex than the poll choices.
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11:07 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 9026

So, usually when you hear about a person going under the knife, people are quick to throw insults like "superficial" and "shallow". But are those remarks really deserved? : x

Tell me what you think!!

Hmm, I'm indifferent to it either way. Although I don't condone doing plastic surgery, and then getting addicted to it because the problem is your self esteem. Try to work on that, before you get it done. And don't patients need to take some psychology/personality test before they do it? embarrassed

Here's an interesting blog post about plastic surgery regarding South Korean celebrities, since it's kind of big there.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #341750
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11:15 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 3120

If you really need it, there's a lot of consequences due to plastic surgery though, even if it is necessary.

I saw this one show about this firefighter who had plastic surgery after getting severe burns on the face and his nose falls off...

Post #341751
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Sovereign Grace

11:15 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 209

I am right on the middle when it comes to plastic surgery. I think sometimes plastic surgery does some good to people, while they don't get addicted, though it can also do harm. First, before they go under the knife, they should really try to think about it-- like if it's losing weight-- they should first try to exercise, and if that does not work, then they can think about it a little more before going under.

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11:32 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 874

Plastic surgery does have it's uses. Like for people who have been disfigured because of accidents and diseases. As for the others who just do it to look beautiful, I don't see any problem with them doing it either. I don't think it makes some of them look good but they think it does. It's their lives and nobody has the right to judge. People should do whatever makes them happy.

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.

11:33 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 1041

if you need it say after a burn or some other dissfiguration sure awesome good

if you do it to get bigger boobs,lips,ass,try to look younger ASO you do it for the wrong reasons and they usualy all have to do with low self-esteem[they do]
which can not be [cured] by doing some plastic surgery[brain surgery would be a better option]

Post #341768
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11:36 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 136

I don't really care much if they want it. BUT if it goes bad, I'll be the 1st to laugh.

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11:38 am, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 4917

Let them do what they want, as long as it doesn't affect me.

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12:06 pm, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 8

If it's for a deformity after a car accident or something, I don't really care.

However, I don't condone doing it for beauty reasons. No, not just because "natural beauty is better". I just don't get why people would want to change something unique about themselves because someone else tells them to or media says that the new feature is much prettier.

Then you're just another face in a crowd of identical people.

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12:36 pm, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 332

I don't consider it "superficial" or "shallow" at all. But getting addicted is indeed bad. Some surgeries, for example liposuction, have serious complications. I would suggest people try to lose weight instead of having them.

I have friends who had one or two procedures done or some minor treatments. They are not those who are addicted and that's a good thing.

You will be surprised at how many ordinary people have had at least one or two things done. They just don't tell you and their result is natural and subtle so you don't know. One easily gets the impression that plastic surgery is not for ordinary people and is weird and superficial, shallow, etc. But that's actually not the case. For example, a relative of mine had eye bags removed. I am sure a lot of people at their age or even younger (if they have the need) have done the same.

I don't completely agree with the "being happy with what you are born with" comment. BTW getting fat is certainly not what you were born with (would be a long story if I keeping talking about the weight and lipo topic...)? And I would rather some of those around me had their teeth done when they were younger than showing people their ugly teeth everyday. embarrassed Caring about your looks IMO is a good attitude and a respect for other people and yourself.

Then you're just another face in a crowd of identical people.

I don't agree with that. Surgery is not cloning. It can't make people look identical even if it TRIES. I am sure most surgery results are just based on the person's original looks. It's HARD to make them look like someone and I am sure that's not what most people WANT. Of course I am not talking about those high-profile weird celebrities where many get most of their info. about plastic surgery from.

Last edited by coffee_11 at 7:25 am, Dec 14 2009

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12:47 pm, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 101

Like other said, only if you become disfigured due to whatever reasons beyond your control...

I don't believe in getting it to become prettier. There are always exceptions I suppose for people who were born with a very ugly feature that it plagues their life and are ridiculed for it their whole life to the point you're contemplating on doing the surgery yourself in the kitchen...

Post #341825
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Is a female

4:52 pm, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 3457

Let people do what they want.

I do start to worry however when 15 year old girls are saying they want a nose job because they think their nose is too big...

And of course it has it's uses when ones face becomes disfigured by an accident or something.

I can also understand older women getting it done as well. You see them in their late 50s 60s and they look brilliant (for their age XD). Although with some you can just tell they've had a face lift.

Let people take the risk for beauty if they want. *shrugs* don't bother me.

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8:53 pm, Dec 13 2009
Posts: 35

if it is necessary,go for it.
If it is for pleasure,go for it.
let others do what they want, if they get criticized for it, that's their problem, not yours. laugh

I still don't have one, shoot.
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5:18 am, Dec 14 2009
Posts: 367

I let them do what they want as long as its not my money or my time they're wasting. Plus don't expect sympathy from me after face surgery I'd rather laugh at your swollen face than comfort you.

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6:31 am, Dec 14 2009
Posts: 7784

I don't really like it.
It's like cheating.
Your kids will still be ugly.


6:36 am, Dec 14 2009
Posts: 34

If it's performed for vain reasons, I personally believe it's absolutely disgusting, yet I wouldn't back a law that criminalized it in any case.

If, for instance, I fell in love with a woman, and she only later indicated that her nose or breasts or cheek-bones were artificial, it would cause me significant turmoil. I consider it mutilation from a physical standpoint, and, from a psychological standpoint, it suggests some of the worst aspects of human nature (its commonplace in the sickening world of celebrities/"idols" is no surprise).

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