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Are manga like this illegal anywhere?

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10:23 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 448

He's 29 and likes a 13 year old. But nothing really bad or graphic happens in the manga. So far anyway. They might not even end up together at all. Could even talking about manga like this get people into trouble in certain places? I really hate loli and shota manga but I like this one. So weird. The story for this one is interesting though. dead

Post #417330
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10:43 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 252

It's hard to say, I guess it all depends on the person you talk to about it. An open minded person may talk about it with you, or even share you opinion on it. A closed minded person may find you disgusting and think you are some closest child rapist.

As for myself, it doesn't bother me. I'm reading something similar myself though the age gap is by 8 years, a 20 year old who marries a 12 year. Otoyomegatari

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11:49 pm, Oct 20 2010
Posts: 448

Yeah, I read a bit of that one too. It was pretty good and I might read the rest of it sometime. I'm not into shota or loli but there are still a few I like. The ones that don't involve rape, sex, etc.


12:09 am, Oct 21 2010
Posts: 1041

another couple of comments and you soon admit that you do infact like loli and shota

this is afterall a comedy that does not take itself too serious
not that many would object or find anything about it offensive[if they read it]
its not like you walk up to strangers and start telling them how much you like [batman/superman/naruto/one piece/bleach/u name it] this might be a little worse
so it might not be the best conversation starter
i like this rather questionable manga...the girl is 13 and the guy is 29... its awesome

Post #417347

1:07 am, Oct 21 2010
Posts: 50

Nothing loli about it. She's 13 anyway. It all depends of the country. And it all depends of what happens in the manga itself.

Post #417348
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1:09 am, Oct 21 2010
Posts: 1021

There are probably places out there that make such manga illegal. Probably because of things in society like middle aged men attacking little girls, then the news making a huge deal about it. People there would take age gap manga like Miman Renai too seriously, even if they're intended as comedy. "Manga like these encourage men to attack children!" and such. *rolls eyes* Desperate times call for desperate measures, even if said measures don't do anything to help.

Well, in general, it's best to know the person's views on such matters before talking about it. Also, think about how to word it. A vague description can lead to a ton of misunderstandings. ^^;


12:10 pm, Mar 2 2011
Posts: 1041

One thing about this that pisses me off is that This get pedo warnings

but a manga like Living Game that is basically the same thing[25yo man/15yo girl] that even includes the man trying to rape the girl
and its full of sex
is seen as a masterpiece
and i think it won some awards
and is released in many other countrys

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12:29 pm, Mar 2 2011
Posts: 527

I love you.

I'ma go read this now.


12:08 am, Mar 22 2011
Posts: 23

I just want to set square, that in Living Game....they don't actually have sex until after she finishes highschool.

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12:42 am, Mar 22 2011
Posts: 591

umm i really dont think its illegal where i live, but you will probably be rejected by the masses lol (but then again if twilight is looked at perfectly normal then i could be wrong and people will think nothing of it)

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Post #597377 - Reply to (#450894) by TaoPaiPai

6:20 am, May 2 2013
Posts: 8

Quote from TaoPaiPai
One thing about this that pisses me off is that This get pedo warnings

but a manga like Living Game that is basically the same thing[25yo man/15yo girl] [...]

I don't know Living Game but you should be aware that pedophiles are into kids before puberty. So, as far as "pedo warnings" go, there is a difference between a relationship with a girl that is 15 and a girl that is 12-13. Not that I agree with the pedophile tag on Miman Renai, not at all ( the guy is NOT a pedophile), but if you do, then you should know that attraction to a 15 year old may not be "the same", those few years make difference, kids turn into adult pretty fast during puberty (at least physically).

Dunno if you're one of those Americans who think that having sex with a person below 18 (the age of consent in THEIR country) makes the person a pedophile (nope, it's just illegal...), but in quite a few countries it's perfectly legal to have sex with a 15 year old. My own icluded, the age of consent here is 15. But there aren't as many countries where it's legal to have sex with a 12-13 year old.

Also, the pedophile tag doesn't have to mean that there is sex or child abuse in the story. Not every pedophile gets himself sexually involved with children, and not every person who sexually abuses children is a pedophile (for example, they may do this out of hate, without getting sexually turned on at all - the act is pedophilic, but the abuser is not a pedophile). So, if someone thinks that the guy from Miman Renai is a pedophile (again, I totally disagree - he is attracted to the girl's cuteness, not her age), they can post pedo warnings... but having sex, or even raping a 15 year old is not pedophilia.

Answering OP question... No, I don't think this manga is "illegal" anywhere in America or Europe (dunno about Asia, Africa... there are some countries that are crazy about consorship and where pretty much everything is illegal, but those don't seem overly concerned about child protection laws and preventing child abuse; I think the manga would be illegal for totally different reasons). There is no sex, there is no reason for it to be illegal (the movie "Lolita" isn't illegal either). The themes might be disturbing to some, of course, and they might not understand why you like the story. Some would be disturbed if you said that you love the movie "Lolita". I personally wouldn't be ashamed to have a copy of this manga on my bookshelf (or the movie "Lolita", for the record haha). I don't hang out with close-minded idiots and hypocrites who would call be a perv for enjoying the story and then they would go to kill off some people in GTA. To be honest, I don't even *know* people like that. I think people in Europe are less prude about this kind of thing, we aren't as paranoid about pedophilia either, we don't see it "everywhere".

Last edited by Suiren-nyan at 6:43 am, May 2 2013

Post #597383
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7:32 am, May 2 2013
Posts: 96

dont think so

Last edited by soja75 at 9:12 am, May 2 2013

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