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Do you care where your meat comes from?

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Post #448876
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12:13 pm, Feb 22 2011
Posts: 152

Quote from Toto's not that your bodies get used to the antibacterial...
The bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics.. So, they become "super bacteria", which then requires stronger antibiotics... rinses and repeat.

When my uncle and aunt got some weird bacterial disease their GP told them they ate too much chicken, and therefore curing it wouldn't go so fast. Bacteria can evolve, but antibacterials work (=have some effects) because they are xenobiotics.
Though consequences suck, whichever cause.

Quote from hubris
They're not supposed to use broad spectrum antibiotics. We don't use the same antibiotics for medical purposes as the food industry uses in their feed.

Of course the substances will differ, but the core remains the same, doesn't it?


1:34 pm, Feb 22 2011
Posts: 12

if you watch a vampire movie called daybreaker, you will see an interesting perspective. Basically vampires farm humans for blood since they become the top of the foodchain. It ends up that the vampires die out and humans are victorious once again (as usual). The reason for meat farming is the human population. We are now more than 7 billion, have no natural predators, except for natural diseases. Maybe we could become our own predators and take each other out. That would solve the population problem pretty quickly laugh

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1:37 pm, Feb 22 2011
Posts: 527

Or maybe we could stop suggesting stupid ideas.

Post #448903 - Reply to (#448876) by bleeb

2:24 pm, Feb 22 2011
Posts: 47

Quote from bleeb
Quote from Toto's not that your bodies get used to the antibacterial...
The bacteria become resistant to the antibiotics.. So, they become "super bacteria", which then requires stronger antibiotics... rinses and repeat.

When my uncle and aunt got some weird bacterial disease their GP told them they ate too much chicken, and therefore curing it wouldn't go so fast. Bacteria can evolve, but antibacterials work (=have some effects) because they are xenobiotics.
Though consequences suck, whichever cause.

Quote from hubris
They're not supposed to use broad spectrum antibiotics. We don't use the same antibiotics for medical purposes as the food industry uses in their feed.

Of course the substances will differ, but the core remains the same, doesn't it?

Sigh I was coming on this site to get a break from writing my thesis and for the first time I see chat about bacterial antibiotic resistance. What are the chances

To begin with the term xenobiotic can mean absolutely any antibiotic you decide to put into your body as the term essentially refers to a substance that is not usually produced or expected to be found within an organism. I dont know why you think that term has something to do with antibiotic resistance. Your body alone has no impact on antibiotic resistance so I have no idea what that GP was telling your aunt and uncle unless their is some other link with eating chicken and having a hard time fighting certain infections. The only thing that I can think of is that they were eating chicken that had been heavily dosed with antibiotics and that caused the development of resistant strains of commensals within their body which eventually caused an opportunistic infection. Can you remember what the GP said they were infected with because it would make an anwser much easier.

Post #449078 - Reply to (#448903) by tupelo_stevo
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6:59 am, Feb 23 2011
Posts: 152

Quote from tupelo_stevo
Sigh I was coming on this site to get a break from writing my thesis and for the first time I see chat about bacterial antibiotic resistance. What are the chances
Can you remember what the GP said they were infected with because it would make an anwser much easier.

Ok, I asked my mother. Apparently, it turns out to be the GP said they had a bacteria, and my aunt was worried that the late effects of treatment might have been due eating much chicken. Speculation... should have known, that side of the family...

Anyhow, link is an article from a major dutch news website, translated by google to english, that tells about antibiotics that won't work and link is an article from a few months later that talks about a relation between antibiotics that won't work and chicken. So what I was talking about wasn't completely someone's imagination.

Post #449185 - Reply to (#449078) by bleeb
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2:44 pm, Feb 23 2011
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Quote from bleeb
Quote from tupelo_stevo
Can you remember what the GP said they were infected with because it would make an anwser much easier.

Ok, I asked my mother. Apparently, it turns out to be the GP said they had a bacteria.


Yeah, unless their doctor is an idiot... it would have to be some kind of bacterial infection.
(meaning why would one give an antibiotic for something other than a bacterial infection)

tupelo_stevo wants the KIND of bacteria.
So far, as could be figured in 1998, there are 5x10^30 unique bacteria on the Earth.
The majority of those are harmless; however, this still leaves a VERY large number that could have caused the infection in your aunt and uncle.

Last edited by Toto at 4:04 pm, Feb 23 2011

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Post #449326 - Reply to (#449185) by Toto
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6:53 am, Feb 24 2011
Posts: 152

Quote from Toto
tupelo_stevo wants the KIND of bacteria.
So far, as could be figured in 1998, there are 5x10^30 unique bacteria on the Earth.
The majority of those are harmless; however, this still leaves a VERY large number that could have caused the infection in your aunt and uncle.

Well, I thought the kind of bacteria was irrelevant because it turned out to be speculation sold for truth. And I did mention there are more bacteria with antibiotics resistance: therefore, please refer to link and link in my post above.
Anyhow, the thing is: eating chicken freaked me out big time, ever since.

Post #449329
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7:04 am, Feb 24 2011
Posts: 321

I couldn't actually care less. How am I supposed to get it guaranteed that every piece of meat I put in my mouth wasn't slaughtered in a horrible way? It's impossible to know so I just don't care, at all.

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8:33 am, Feb 24 2011
Posts: 315

Well, in my family we do buy ecological meat quite often. But that's while I live at home. When I move out, I might not have enough money to buy ecological food all the time.

But we can easily make a difference if we start eating differently - like - stop eating so much meat. No, we don't have to become vegetarians, but we could cut down so that we'd only eat meat three times a week. Actually, we, from the 'Western' world' eat too much meat, so cutting down wouldn't hurt.

Ah, and if we ended up eating less meat there'd be more grain for humans instead of feeding it to the cattle, and then there wouldn't be starvation in the world (this is a fact).

But I'm too lazy to save the world, so I'll just do my part - eat less meat - and live on. bigrazz


8:39 am, Feb 24 2011
Posts: 6

I do, i mean there is not really all that much i can do about it as of now, but i would much rather keep my own animals and butcher my own meat. At least i know my animals would have a good life and be healthy and not pumped full of chemicals and steroids

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3:41 am, Feb 26 2011
Posts: 90

I disagree with animal cruelty but I still need to eat.

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Post #449828
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7:27 am, Feb 26 2011
Posts: 150

I don't eat meat anymore, but when I did eat it all I cared about is what animal it came from. After that I really did not care to learn more about it and if I started to eat it again I would feel the same way.

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Post #449908 - Reply to (#449790) by goodguy05
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2:09 pm, Feb 26 2011
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Quote from goodguy05
I disagree with animal cruelty but I still need to eat.

lol, just don't say that in prison. bigrazz

How about cannibalism?

Gay book discussion thread
Quote from you_no_see_me_
this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

Quote from Toto
I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #449953 - Reply to (#448876) by bleeb
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4:21 pm, Feb 26 2011
Posts: 417

Quote from bleeb
Quote from hubris
They're not supposed to use broad spectrum antibiotics. We don't use the same antibiotics for medical purposes as the food industry uses in their feed.

Of course the substances will differ, but the core remains the same, doesn't it?

What do you mean by "the core remains the same"? It isn't the same. They are different substances, whether the organisms develop resistance to these agents or not does not affect us... they have no antibiotic effect in our systems.

Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?
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Slumbering Remnant

11:41 am, Mar 2 2011
Posts: 657 perhaps?
though they say that meat that contains/given growth hormone to the anima and organic meat has no difference but I'm a bit sketchy about that..meat is meat I guess..

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