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Favorite & Least Favorite Book(s)

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Post #485296 - Reply to (#485024) by bats6767
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8:49 pm, Jul 27 2011
Posts: 937

Quote from bats6767
Quote from Turbophoenix
I actually like Twilight <_< It's terrible, but also good. Except the last one, that one is just 100% terrible.

You know what? I can agree with you on that. First three were okay (make fun of me all you want, I will like what I like). The last one was total and complete bull****. I waste precious time from my life reading that ****ing garbage. I cannot express how much I hate that book. And because of that last book I started hating the entire series. Up until recently I can accept the first 3 for what they are and the last for what it is.

Agreed. The first one was quite good, but after that, the story seems to enter freefall, with the last being utter cr*p.

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8:57 pm, Jul 27 2011
Posts: 47

I don't have favourites, I love all (most) books equally!
But some that are really good (in my opinion) are:
-Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins
-anything By Sherrilyn Kenyon
-the Colby Blanchard series by Serena Robar
-WitherBy Lauren DeStephano (Dystopian books are soo cool)
-Cassandra Clares Books
-& anything by Holly Black and Dia Reeves

books i dont like are Twilight, because of all the unnessary hype over it (it was good, but not THAT good)
-gossip girls
and anything that has teenage angst in it ,( there's enough in the world already, right? mad )

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9:09 pm, Jul 27 2011
Posts: 84

Harry Potter Series = Favorite
It has great plot, suspense, character development, interesting perspective and intriguing complexity.

Twilight Series = Least Favorite
It is a real shame that this is the series that got me into reading books and even manga. After I read the whole series and I loved it but after watching the movies and after all the hype about it, I lost interest and tried to read it again to reignite the spark but realizing I have read so many better books I realized it has fallen to the bottom. I also completely agree that the last book killed it for me as well looking back on it that the ending was an absolute fail.

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Post #485312 - Reply to (#485307) by midnightwhiterose

9:19 pm, Jul 27 2011
Posts: 9

Quote from midnightwhiterose
Harry Potter Series = Favorite
It has great plot, suspense, character development, interesting perspective and intriguing complexity.

Twilight Series = Least Favorite
It is a real shame that this is the series that got me into reading books and even manga. After I read the whole series and I loved it but after watching the movies and after all the hype about it, I lost interest and tried to read it again to reignite the spark but realizing I have read so many better books I realized it has fallen to the bottom. I also completely agree that the last book killed it for me as well looking back on it that the ending was an absolute fail.

i agree with you on both the least and favorite books and with the twilight thing the books were not bad but after all the hype about it i lost interest and can't even re-read the books again

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Post #485314
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9:27 pm, Jul 27 2011
Posts: 44

Its just about impossible for me to name a favorite book...
a few among the many i've loved would be
Pride & Prejudice (Jane Austen),
The Giver (Lois Lowry),
Fire Bringer (David Clement-Davies),
Othello (Shakespeare),
The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins),
Percy Jackson Series (Rick Riordan),
Little Women (Louisa May Alcott),
Howl's Moving Castle (Diana Wynne Jones),
Eyes Like Stars (Lisa Mantchev),
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Twilight Series (Stephenie Meyer) i couldn't care less about the battle around this series i simply enjoyed reading them before any of the hype. Never thought i could enjoy a vampire/werewolf love story until i read this.
Anyways thats just naming a few favorites....

When it comes to my least favorite book thats easy
Candide (Voltaire) Hated it!!!!!!

Last edited by moomoo8 at 9:32 pm, Jul 27 2011

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4:20 pm, Jul 29 2011
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Graceling, Fire, Skulduggery Pleasant, Percy Jackson Series, I liked the first book of The Hunger Game Trilogy but the rest are crap. Memoirs of a Geisha, and uhh, need to think more.

As for Twilight.... The story could have been very interesting and had a lot of potential but in the end it was just bad. Terribly written with too many plot holes. I guess another reason would be that all my friends were obsessed with it and they would never shut the hell up about it, continuously shoving it in my face screaming 'Team Edward!' or 'Team Jacob!'
This site actually explains why Twilight is so bad:
I love this site, I find it absolutely hilarious.

Post #485730

4:41 pm, Jul 29 2011
Posts: 100

least favorite pride and prejudice

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S h i c h i

2:18 pm, Jul 30 2011
Posts: 46

My favorite would be the Harry Potter series and The higher power of lucky.
My least would be Twilight because it's hella huge and boring for the first 3 pages .__.

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8:12 pm, Jul 31 2011
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I have three bookshelves worth of favorite books but a few would be

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rofuss
LoTR by J. R. R. Tolkien
Ender's Shadow by Orson Scott Card
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillner(sp?)
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel
All of Tamora Pierces books.
Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
I know the last two seem a little weird, but you can't help but love re-reading books you loved as a child. I read those books over and over and over, and whenever I re-read them it's like I'm visiting old friends, and I can't help but love them.

My least favorite book of all time would be Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard. Over 900 pages of shit. It's the first book I've ever read that once I had committed to reading it, that I stopped mid-way through and put down. Well, in this case, it was more like thrown in disgust, but you get what I mean.

Twilight is neither my favorite nor least favorite book, and I do not understand all the hate and love - it's useful for the purpose that it got many people reading who wouldn't otherwise, even if all they read at the moment may not have the most literary value in the world, it might lead them to better books. Who knows? At least they're learning to enjoy reading.

Last edited by Dragonfiremule at 8:27 pm, Jul 31 2011

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Post #487768 - Reply to (#485020) by Casey D. Geek
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4:05 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 41

Quote from Casey D. Geek
Love these -
Dresden Files;
Inheritance Cycle;
Codex Alera;
Kingkiller Chronicles;
Ranger's Apprentice Series;
Kett Jay Series;
a few more that escape me right now

Ohhhh, I just adored the ranger's apprentice series. It's a series that's increasingly funny and never gets old. I also recommend The Way of the Shadows and the Hunger Games. ^_^ Too many books to remember.

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Memento Mori

5:05 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 365

Top three series:
A Song of Ice and Fire
The Lord of the Rings
The Wheel of Time

The Virgin Suicides, The Great Gatsby and other books i was forced to read in school. Just leave a bad taste having to read through them all without having any intrest in them.

Last edited by EternalNightmare at 5:16 am, Aug 7 2011

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Post #487779
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6:09 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 797

I have far too many favorite books. I guess I will choose Robin Hobb's latest series, The Rain Wilds Chronicles, as the best. She's the kind of author who just seems to get better and better, she created my favorite fictional character ever (The Fooooooool!) and I am constantly in awe of how well she develops characters... Dragon Haven in particular was so wonderful that I could have died happy after I finished it.

Least favorite is definitely Breaking Dawn. I admit that I quite liked the first book back in the day, then everything went so horrendously downhill after that. Breaking Dawn was terrible. After that and all the rabid fangirls I got so skeptical about the whole series that when I went back and tried to read Twilight again, every other sentence seemed to somehow physically repulse me.

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Post #487782 - Reply to (#487779) by mogiks
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6:51 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 301

Quote from mogiks
I have far too many favorite books. I guess I will choose Robin Hobb's latest series, The Rain Wilds Chronicles, as the best.

I hit a wall about 150 pages into The Dragon Keeper and haven't touched it since. I assume it picks up and gets better?

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Post #487789 - Reply to (#485020) by Casey D. Geek

7:46 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 390

Quote from Casey D. Geek
Love these -
Dresden Files;
Inheritance Cycle;
Codex Alera;
Kingkiller Chronicles;
Ranger's Apprentice Series;
Kett Jay Series;
a few more that escape me right now

Take out Inheritance Cycle(argh) and Kett Jay(not that good)
Put in A Song of Ice and Fire and The Night Angel Trilogy

Worst..The Da Vinci Code, I think I'm alone in this one

Post #487791 - Reply to (#487782) by Turbophoenix
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8:04 am, Aug 7 2011
Posts: 797

Quote from Turbophoenix
Quote from mogiks
I have far too many favorite books. I guess I will choose Robin Hobb's latest series, The Rain Wilds Chronicles, as the best.

I hit a wall about 150 pages into The Dragon Keeper and haven't touched it since. I assume it picks up and gets better?

Yessss! I found the start of Dragon Keeper a bit slow as well, I guess the author likes to take her time establishing her characters, but I think it's definitely worth sticking with it. It's really worth it when all the characters storylines merge together and the adventure kicks in.

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