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Is it good to believe in God?

Is it good to believe in God?
Don't Know
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Post #113168 - Reply to (#113113) by hiei_luke
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4:26 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 513

in some cases, believing in god does help people become morally good, but when it gets to the point where they try to convert others is when believing becomes an annoyance to me.

Quote from hiei_luke
i'm sorry, but, isnt all religion, i should mean, the real + unchanged-from-time-to-time religion, tells us to be good & live to the fullest?
MOSTly, its people's desire to be bad, killing people & stuff.. i dont think any good religions tell us to do that...

well in christianity, it tells you its okay to kill witches and anyone associated with magic, if i remember correctly... and to stone anyone who tries to convince you that god doesnt exist.

If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst.

Quote from hiei_luke
yes.. this is about a faith.. logically, God creates universe with purposes..

definition of faith: belief that is not based on proof.

you just contradicted yourself there. if this is about faith then it doesnt matter if there's no proof, you should be believing in god even if there is absolutely no evidence of his existence. logic doesn't work with faith. but then the same way of thinking can be used to prove the existence of ghosts, dragons, poseidon, and any other mythological being, wouldnt it?

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Post #113174 - Reply to (#111402) by Dr. Love

6:03 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 686

Quote from Dr. Love
Religion is not meant for young people.

great quote Dr. Love!

I myself believe that religous/supernatural Beliefs help people make their Lifes easier. But i dislike that these beliefs replace "i don't know" with naive ideas of how things are.

Example: I think it is much better for somebody in the 3 rd century to understand, that he has know clue why the sun goes up and down than start inventing stuff. First because those beliefs are hard to remove when somebody finally does find out why the sun goes up and secondly because People start forgetting that there is a lot of stuff that no one knows.

So in short, Beliefs in the supernatural are a breeding ground for cheap excuses to understanding anything.

Post #113212 - Reply to (#113168) by kiddo
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9:06 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 635

Quote from kiddo
you just contradicted yourself there. if this is about faith then it doesnt matter if there's no proof, you should be believing in god even if there is absolutely no evidence of his existence. logic doesn't work with faith. but then the same way of thinking can be used to prove the existence of ghosts, dragons, poseidon, and any other mythological being, wouldnt it?

Ok thats just blashphemy. Dragons and vampires and werewolves do exist, don't crush my dreams.

Quote from Dr.Love
Religion is not meant for young people.

Yeah, it's meant for old people. You know why? Cause they start cramming for their final exam, just in case.

The best darkness is strange and surprising. ā€“ Alucard

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and Iā€™m not sure about the universe. ā€“ Albert Einstein

10:02 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 1

I didn't use to believe in God but as crazy as it may seem I think it's crazier to believe the universe was made by coincidence because for the atoms to react to create the universe/planets it's like a .00000000000000000001 chance. It's pretty much highly highly impossible. Also the Bible states the world was round when others believed it was still flat. I stated all this for the person who said this was "laughable."

I also think it's good to believe in a religion though. It helps society morally, more than you would think.

Post #113242 - Reply to (#113239) by Katalyst78

10:15 am, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 686

Quote from Katalyst78
I didn't use to believe in God but as crazy as it may seem I think it's crazier to believe the universe was made by coincidence because for the atoms to react to create the universe/planets it's like a .00000000000000000001 chance.

How much do you know about universe/planet creating? Don't mean to be offensive, but i guess you have pretty much no idea. At least what you are writing doesn't make any sense.

Post #113253
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12:15 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 2009

This kind of topic is silly and pointless =(. It's just people bashing each other for their beliefs. If you believe that's it simple as that, don't go telling other people to do the same. If you don't believe, same thing, don't go telling others that they're stupid or deluded cuz they do. Only real time you can do that is if you have a lot of factual evidence to support it, and even then it's rude.

Edit: Im atheist btw


1:11 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 32

Didn't read all of the posts ( cause i like to fully understand what i'm reading and all of this at once would be too muchbigrazz ), but found this topic interesting in a way^^

So myself i was born into more or less christian family ( well like pretty much everyone else born in this country ) which automatically made me a christian too.
Now the funny thing is that, being like 14yo i decided this kinda stuff isn't my thing really. So now i'm atheist and the only thing that really bugs me about religion is that in this case you're forced into it against your will ( not that you have much of a will when you're a kid ). To make it funnier, it's said it leaves a mark on your soul ( not that i care ) forever.
I voted "no" cause believing in God / gods sure has some good points, however there's too many idiots who tend to go overboard on this world.
Main good thing about believing in God is, as many others stated, that it often gives ppl strength to go throught life. Making ppl good is honestly speaking bullshit, i don't believe there're many that do good cause their religion tells them to, probably only idiots who are scared they'll be punished ( sounds cruel i know, but think about it, even if you do the good things your religion tells you to, you think it'd be a lot different without the said religion? i doubt it ).
Someone in this topic said that somewhere in the future we will no longer need religion. I suppose it may turn true in one situation:
If we'll find a way to reach a state of "almost" ( as i doubt it'd be possible for it to be complete ) immortality. It's not all that impossible, most likely will be something obtained throught genetics ( think about it, the only real problem is regeneration of parts of our body, like heart ) or machinery. Either way i think it's not that big a deal and we'll be more or less immortal somewhere in the future.
If this one thing will be achieved that would make religion obsolete for quite a lot of ppl. Face it, what we fear the most is death and that's a very natural reaction. I don't say there's no heaven or anything like that, maybe there is, don't ask me. I just find it unlikely and it seems much more realistic to me that we just die like any other animal, cruel, but it's just "the end" and black screen forever after.
Quite a long post, but i felt "in the mood" for thisbigrazz

Post #113269
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1:20 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 2009

everyone who posts here seems to like to tell their life stories about their experience with religion.

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1:34 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 223

i believe in God
he's cool

Post #113275
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2:04 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 2009

Heya admin, why are the flying spaghetti monster threads and the scientology thread closed down, but not this one? all of them are talking about people's beliefs (the other 2 are less vicious as well, since they're just joking around)

Post #113277 - Reply to (#113275) by funkmu1
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2:07 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 223

Quote from funkmu1
Heya admin, why are the flying spaghetti monster threads and the scientology thread closed down, but not this one? all of them are talking about people's beliefs (the other 2 are less vicious as well, since they're just joking around)

i agree with you...but hopefully the admins will get around to it...eventually? its not like they work 24/7...cuz theyre human


2:19 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 32

Well, i wrote about my "life story" just cause it was somewhat connected with the topic, not that i want ppl to look at mebigrazz
I don't get why anyone should take anything said in this thread personally, i say, let everyone think whatever they want, hell, it's good that ppl think differently, it's way more interesting this way^^

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2:46 pm, Jan 18 2008
Posts: 10709


Some of you guys can't seem to be mature about discussing these kinds of issues

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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