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Got a nickname?
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4:06 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 12

Other than "Dude man" that usually prefaces some of the things my friends say; Kazu. I can ran really fast, ("Kaze" for wind, the 'u' just sorta happened.) and it stuck. It's used more than my real name among people who know me. I much prefer it to my real name, actually, it being rather boring.

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Ooo~ Custom Title!

4:10 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 1279

Does "hey you" count? laugh

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The White Guy

4:17 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 340

never had a nickname...i dont really want one... none some ppl call me "dude"but they are strange..

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4:37 pm, Oct 3 2008
Posts: 146

some of my past/present nicknames have been:
Trevi and some other ones I can't remember right now. smile

Your face is dented.

1:21 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 245

I have loads. Aside from the "normal" ones (emi or mimi) I have quite a few (including Electroman), but, well, since they're based on Italian puns, I don't think you'd understand them.

Like, how I got Electroman (and I got many others the same way. What is it with people being deaf?!):

My sister: "Emilia è tremenda" (which means "Emilia is terrible"wink
A friend: "Cosa? Emi è Electroman?" (literally: "What? Emi is Electroman?"... wtf? How'd he get that?!)

I presume it has something to do with my name being so uncommon, so people often mishear it or something. But I assure you, this has happened more than once.

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1:58 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 884

Alex. lol. It really isn't a nickname cuz I insist everyone calls me that or suffer... Though I'm called Ally by one of my friends. And um. Yeah. OTL... And when I was a kid I was called BooBoo (OTL) cuz I seemed to always get injured heh... Now when my cousins call me that they end up getting injured smile wink grin

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Over the Rainbow.

2:17 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 664

Nope, no nicknames. Just my plain old name.

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Post #211143 - Reply to (#211141) by GreenTeaStrawberry
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2:20 pm, Oct 4 2008
Posts: 814

Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
Nope, no nicknames. Just my plain old name.

If you don't have one, then what is the point in posting? That's just spam, the op isn't asking if you have one or not, it's asking what it is.

I don't have an irl nick, but my online one is Wufy.

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5:09 am, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 35


Last edited by gentlebeast at 5:21 am, Jan 5 2013

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3:30 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 83

Veronica, Ack, Eric, Sabado, Kiddo...I have alot.

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3:45 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 166

I have a nickname after my cat (which sounds weird but it comes from my screenname) XD and I use that online

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A Person

4:50 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 2126

Well, don't tell anyone, but my family calls me 'Bug' because apparently when I was 2-3 years old I called myself that..

Other then that, I've been called everything from Blondie ( I dyed my hair a couple times..) to Liz .

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Post #215262
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Mome Basher

10:07 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 3380

I go by "Boy" at home. It's just a nickname my family sorta picked up when I was little >_> I was called "Iceman" for a short while due to my hand always being cold...other than that, people rarely pronounce my name those count as nicknames?
A few are mentioned here:
<<<shameless plug>>>

Online...some would call me "Scy", chu calls me "Sai" =_=, Mams has called me SkyPhone many times =_=....the list goes on. (but isn't it weird when an online nickname gets a nickname? o.O)

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The Gorilla Killa™

10:18 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 3229

I go by The Gorilla Killa™ because my friends say that my hands are so big, that I could kill a gorilla by strangling it to death.

And they even add the trademark whenever they say it too laugh

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Post #215264
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10:23 pm, Oct 14 2008
Posts: 224

Actually nobody calls me by my real name usually

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