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Sam the Eagle

9:17 am, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 351

So, it's out now....

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What the hell happened to Ichigo? He just up and attacks his cousin after they haven't seen each other in such a long time? Ridiculous!

Oh, sorry. I can't believe he just ran away like that. He just leaves his two sisters and some of his friends with the enemy? What the hell man!? He went to another world to save Orihime from the enemy, now he can't fight someone in his own house? What is Tite doing to our protagonist's personality this arc?


11:03 am, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 9

I know what you mean. It was a very disappointing chapter that makes you wonder where the mangaka plans to lead you to.

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair.
Post #477815
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11:15 am, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 445

Hey you two, did you even read the last chapters? Who told you that he is Ichigos relative? He can brainwash people after injuring them with his sword, like he stabbed Orihime.
And what can Ichigo do in this situation?

Post #477817 - Reply to (#477815) by kainord
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Sam the Eagle

11:26 am, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 351

Quote from kainord
Hey you two, did you even read the last chapters? Who told you that he is Ichigos relative? He can brainwash people after injuring them with his sword, like he stabbed Orihime.
And what can Ichigo do in this situation?

I was joking about the relative part. Yes, I have been paying attention. He could at least try to fight though. It's not like Tsukishima was using his sisters or his friends to attack Ichigo. But, even after regaining some of his power, Ichigo just ran away like a little girl.

Post #477818
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11:31 am, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 445

If he starts too fight, he involves them in it. And mostly he's confused, thats absolutly not a situation where he can fight. But one thing came to my mind, he injured him by smashing him to the window, but in the last page he was uninjured?


11:49 am, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 128

only 15 pages? I think hes building up way too much suspense. But Tsukishima brainwashing abilities seem kinda like Aizens illusion abilities. But what happened to Ichigos conviction, he didnt have to run away like a bitch. Also whats with him trying so hard to hide his powers from his family and friends. There all aware of his old Shinigami powers except Yuzu, if he is so afraid to reveal his abilities his friends and family are just gonna die as a result. I think Ichigo should at least throw him out the house, he is the oldest sibling so he has that right.


12:38 pm, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 1

only 15 pages? I think hes building up way too much suspense. But Tsukishima brainwashing abilities seem kinda like Aizens illusion abilities. But what happened to Ichigos conviction, he didnt have to run away like a bitch. Also whats with him trying so hard to hide his powers from his family and friends. There all aware of his old Shinigami powers except Yuzu, if he is so afraid to reveal his abilities his friends and family are just gonna die as a result. I think Ichigo should at least throw him out the house, he is the oldest sibling so he has that right.

I don't think he ran out of fear to reveal his powers. It was more of a reflexive response. He didn't know how to deal with the situation and bailed. He doesn't even know what Tsukishima did to them or how to fix them, and he probably got his mind blown a little when they all turned against him like that.

I'm not saying it was a particularly smart thing to do...especially since, as mentioned, he's basically leaving his brainwashed family and friends with the enemy. His reaction may have stemmed from the psychological beating he has gotten since he lost his powers. He was powerless, helpless, and just when he was getting back on his feet, it all goes to shit. I don't think he was in a very good state of mind at the moment, and this made it worse. Remember it's been 17 months since Aizen. That's a long time. Kuugo was trying to reawaken his old fighting spirit as well as his reitsu.

That's my understanding anyway.

Post #477847 - Reply to (#477836) by justlooking

1:31 pm, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 128

I don't think he ran out of fear to reveal his powers. It was more of a reflexive response. He didn't know how to deal with the situation and bailed. He doesn't even know what Tsukishima did to them or how to fix them, and he probably got his mind blown a little when they all turned against him like that.

I'm not saying it was a particularly smart thing to do...especially since, as mentioned, he's basically leaving his brainwashed family and friends with the enemy. His reaction may have stemmed from the psychological beating he has gotten since he lost his powers. He was powerless, helpless, and just when he was getting back on his feet, it all goes to shit. I don't think he was in a very good state of mind at the moment, and this made it worse. Remember it's been 17 months since Aizen. That's a long time. Kuugo was trying to reawaken his old fighting spirit as well as his reitsu.

That's my understanding anyway.

i agree, he probably wouldnt do that if he was in the same state of mind of when he was fighting Aizen. Eventhough I already knew that I think he should at least kicked him out, especially since it was late at night. It would be best if he got him away from his house at least.

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1:51 pm, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 584

I don't think he could have done anything...
If he seriously tried fighting Tsukishima, everyone would have gone up against him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to fight his friends and little sisters for doing what he knows is right but they think it's wrong, so in this situation the best thing to do is run and clear your head...
What I'm wondering is if his boss might have an inkling on something, because she's acting like the motherly figure, and she pops up when Ichigo needs some help (not that she's really helped much), so maybe unlike what Ichigo might think, she knows something?
For a moment there the chapter reminded me of a horror story

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2:59 pm, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 94

It just bugged me but where is Ichigo's dad? I mean the guy is a shinigami, so I'm hoping he's not affected by this "brainwash" thing.

To be honest, if everyone around starts to act like that. I'm running away too. One, no clue what's going on. Two, if the evil guy can brainwash them like that, I dont think I will be much help. *dude, he could brainwash everyone into his slave and noone can do a thing". Three, obviously the evil dude is strong than ichigo, if not then it's "the end" of the story.

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chasing oblivion

7:07 pm, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 1366

first chapter in about 300 that I didn't end up hating. none

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7:32 pm, Jun 22 2011
Posts: 62

I wanna see another fight; like when Ichigo got his eyes scratched out. Maybe we're close...

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Post #477996
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5:22 am, Jun 23 2011
Posts: 226

I don't know why but I was really disappointed whit this chapter. I have the impression that since the Aizen arc the author is introducing random characters with no role or part to play because it seems to go nowhere. The old ones are completely forgotten, like Rukia and all the other people from soul society, the shop owner and Ichigos Dad, even Ishida( after being injured)
And there is nothing really happening, I mean Ichigo is training but what for? and to fight for what goal and against who, since he is obviously not fighting Tsukishima sad

I think I will drop bleach and won't pick it up until I know that the old characters(especially Aizen) are back. And when Ichigo has got a new goal and is not just running around/away doing nothing interesting in particular

Post #478265 - Reply to (#477836) by justlooking
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The Gorilla Killaâ„¢

5:49 pm, Jun 24 2011
Posts: 3229

Quote from justlooking
I don't think he ran out of fear to reveal his powers. It was more of a reflexive response. He didn't know how to deal with the situation and bailed. He doesn't even know what Tsukishima did to them or how to fix them, and he probably got his mind blown a little when they all turned against him like that.

I'm not saying it was a particularly smart thing to do...especially since, as mentioned, he's basically leaving his brainwashed family and friends with the enemy. His reaction may have stemmed from the psychological beating he has gotten since he lost his powers. He was powerless, helpless, and just when he was getting back on his feet, it all goes to shit. I don't think he was in a very good state of mind at the moment, and this made it worse. Remember it's been 17 months since Aizen. That's a long time. Kuugo was trying to reawaken his old fighting spirit as well as his reitsu.

That's my understanding anyway.

That's what I thought too. Almost anybody would react the same way in that situation.

This chapter was pretty good, but it was also too damn short. Felt like I was reading a 13-page chapter...

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insomniac Kagehime

7:50 pm, Jun 24 2011
Posts: 2707

look at this!!
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he does resemble tsukishima a lot

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