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New Poll - Episodic vs. Continuous

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8:20 am, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 10691

This poll from achyif is about the type of plot you like: episodic vs. continuous. Episodic is where chapters (tied together by a common goal) are self-contained and contain their own independent story. Continuous is where plot flows from chapter to chapter, and you'd need to read previous chapters to understand where they are now.

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: Scanlation groups and their projects / series...
Having lots of projects brings more variety to all - votes: 487 (4.2%)
A group should have 1-2 projects and finish them before getting new ones - votes: 1816 (15.6%)
As long as the group isn't too overwhelmed, why not multitask? - votes: 6850 (58.9%)
As long as it doesn't slow down the only project I care about - votes: 2477 (21.3%)
There were 11630 total votes.
The poll ended: September 17th 2011

Of course, the poll itself is leecher-centric and not scanlator-centric...

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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A manga parasite

11:46 am, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 319

The continuity is one of the best points in manga, comics of my own country are always episodic. I like the long and deep story's. I've got the feeling that most people like this part the most of manga together with the art.

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.

2:33 pm, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 55

Is episodic another term for a manga that have story arcs like One piece or Hunter x Hunter or is more extreme than that?

Post #538311 - Reply to (#538310) by har12430
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2:39 pm, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 13

as i understand it, episodic means that everything comes down to the original setting after the story, and the 'episodes' are shorter, like some chaps, not like 100 or something for the chimera arc in hxh. example would be gintama or detective conan, or in my understanding any collections of oneshots.

Just one of your random oldies
Post #538312 - Reply to (#538311) by eito

2:51 pm, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 39

A good example is Eat-Man. Cowboy Bebop is an episodic anime. If you can read or watch short segments out of order without noticing anything weird with the story, it's episodic.

Post #538313
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5:14 pm, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 636

Unless it's a gag manga or something along those lines

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5:16 pm, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 26

Continuous manga are my favorite; it's nice to know a place and characters you've gotten to know so well will most like continue on for new adventures and bigger and better things. Episodic are good for when you're not in the mood for starting a new journey with characters you know nothing about, or not willing to dedicate yourself to another story you have to keep up with for fear of getting lost. It's so nice to be able to peek into an event in the lives of familiar characters and get all the pluses of a one-shot without nearly as much rushing to clarify personalities, intentions, and events.

Post #538315
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What happens next?

6:25 pm, Sep 17 2011
Posts: 18

Doesn't matter, but more 'none of the above' because some genres work better for one over the other, and it usually boils down to the writing quality. If a series is good in one of the options, it just is and you don't really notice. If it's bad, you notice the hell out of it.

Pros: Cowboy Bebop, Desert Punk, Excel Saga, half of GitS, etc
Cons: ~85%+ of the longer running shoujo series

Pros: Outlaw Star, Tower of God, Witch Hunter, other half of GitS, Baccano, etc
Cons: Naruto, Bleach, etc

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Grateful leecher

2:20 am, Sep 18 2011
Posts: 22

Like some others say it depends on the genre, but also the style in which it's wirtten. I generally prefer romance and action manga to be continuous. Comedy can be episodic and some slice of life work great as episodic mangas as well.
I myself prefer continuous but it also depends on the plot and setting of the story.

Post #538317

2:50 am, Sep 18 2011
Posts: 165

"Depends on the series"

Post #538318 - Reply to (#538317) by yuri999
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A manga parasite

4:38 am, Sep 18 2011
Posts: 319

It's the same option as "Doesn't matter"

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
Post #538319 - Reply to (#538318) by deadphoenix
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12:33 pm, Sep 19 2011
Posts: 64

Not really, what type of plot you use in a series really does matter, so those options aren't inclusive. Again, it just depends on the nature of series you're looking at.

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Post #538320 - Reply to (#538319) by Milleniummaster18

6:21 pm, Sep 22 2011
Posts: 6

I like a healthy mix of both (75%/25% Continuous/Episodic). A big example of a manga too leaned on episodic with very little of continuity (or near non-existent) is Detective Conan, I just got bored of the same thing and super slow story. One piece is a good example of Continuous manga with some episodic content, very enjoyable. I like Blood Alone a lot and its episodic like detective conan, but I guess I like it because its a short manga to date, Detective Conan is way longer. Healthy balance is what I like.


11:53 pm, Sep 23 2011
Posts: 15

Aaaah, the eternal debate. This is a question that I have come around some times.

As other comments have said previously, it heavily depends on the genre. For a comedic mangas can hardly make a continuous plot, while action mangas do it better.

So basically each alternative has its pros and cons.

Pros: You can catch it or drop it anytime. You can read / see single episodes. It can provide a wider variety of situations.
Cons: It cannot address a longer or more complex scenes, since every single plot must be addressed in one chapter (just think in those 10 chapter fights in shonen). It doesn't get as addictive.

Pros: It can address arbitrarily long or complex plots or scenes. Its highly addictive and promotes fandom.
Cons: Its hard to catch up since you need to read every chapter in order. If you miss one chapter, you must recover it latter. You cannot read single chapters.

And thats my opinion. Me, personally I rather read continuous series since they are more addictive thanks to the cliffhangers at the end of the chapters. But some episodic mangas are also pretty good.

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