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Is the ending satisfying?

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13 years ago
Posts: 5

Hey guys,

I just had a quick question to all the people that have read this manga. Is the ending satisfying? I'm sick of reading mangas by this author and having unsatisfied endings!!! What's the point of having a great manga when you don't know the ending! Argghh! So please, before I start reading this manga, is it worth it? Is there a distinct ending?


  • 7ori

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13 years ago
Posts: 497

It does have a conclusive ending, but I didn't find it completely satisfying; the author made the "good guy" look bad first, and then she makes the "bad guy" be a good guy; she then realises who she had intended to end up with Bia again, starts demonising the "bad guy" turned good, so the "good guy" can come save her, and they live happily ever after.
I would have preferred for her to end up with the "bad guy" because his character at least shows some proper development; so, I didn't think the ending was entirely satisfying, but still better than some of the other manhwa she wrote.

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Pew pew

13 years ago
Posts: 883

Warning: None of Hwang Mi-Ri's endings are satisfying.

Post #476282 - Reply To (#476280) by ForteAtrox
Post #476282 - Reply To (#476280) by ForteAtrox
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13 years ago
Posts: 1737

Quote from ForteAtrox

Warning: None of Hwang Mi-Ri's endings are satisfying.

I heartily agree. I didn't like the ending of Crazy Girl Shin Bia, because her "intended love" seemed to change so often, but eventually she does end up with the typical HMR boy.


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12 years ago
Posts: 9

It was not as satisfying as it could've been, that's what i feel. The after-feeling of the ending is just like "oh ok so it ends that way...", that kind of feeling, and does not really impact me as much as other (awesome) titles had. Though of course i'm happy she ends up with the guy (which she obviously will).

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