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Mangaka List

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16 years ago
Posts: 35

I think that it would be cool if in the "My Lists" section, there was a list called Mangaka List" (or something). That way, you can add the mangakas you like, and everytime a new manga gets added to their list, you can check it out!

It's king of like in the "Reading List" --->


Reading List: Manga Name Here (newest chapter released here)
---> example: Naruto (ch.256) [not true, random number]

Mangaka List: Mangaka Name Here (newest manga here)
---> example: WAKAKI Tamiki ([2008] Kami no Mizo Shiru Sekai)

Since, in the "Reading List" you put the Ch.# , so if it's lesser than the ch.# of the newest release, it tells you, right? So, in the "Mangaka List", we can have a check mark if we checked it.

For "Your Status" can say "Check" or something else...
so, if whenever there's a new manga for a mangaka, we can check something like a check mark of something?


[ ] Check new

So, when you check the new manga in the mangaka section, the manga written in the brackets will disappear.

This is just something rough, so I'm not sure if it will work out, but I was wondering if it would be a good idea? And, if you think that you can see something I should fix, because it won't work, please tell me? So, maybe if the idea of how it can be made works has no flaws, it may actually be made? 🙂

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