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Choosing an Icon for Reading Lists

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4:08 am, Mar 21 2011
Posts: 29

People might disagree but as a daily user of this site I try to keep track of all the manga I read. And I personalize my lists in:

-Might Read
-Not Online

Things like that. And the only options you have for your custom lists are:

-Unfinished (Blue Dot)
-Read (Paper)
-Wish (Exclamation)
-Complete (Check)

For the CUSTOM lists I think you should have more of a wide variety so we can identify which mangas are which when browsing. You might just want to add a Custom option to the drop down menu with the choices above and more icons so all the lists do not look so similar. Because I like to organize my reading lists. And as I mentioned above, I have a Maybe list. That list shares the same icon as the wish list. And it confuses me sometimes. So it might be useful if you have a wider selection of icons. I don't know about the other users in MU but this might seem like a good suggestion.

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I certaintly am not the original LM.C, I'm a fan. But I love Lovely Mocochang! :3
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