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Free gift: Volume 0

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Post #329191
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4:53 pm, Oct 20 2009
Posts: 492

Apparently the first 1.5 million moviegoers of the new One Piece: Stong World in Japan will receive One Piece: Volume 0. This gift is about the One Piece world 20 years before the current timeline and tie into the new movie's plot. Oh, and it'll include materials Oda drew for the movie. (Source)

By the way, did I mention how badly I want this gift? I really hope someone will be able to scanlate it.

Post #329192
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5:06 pm, Oct 20 2009
Posts: 378

Sounds pretty cool, theres quite a few things id like to get some extra info on.

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10:31 am, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 38

that would be sooo awesome smile

"If you truly believe in your goal and you fight to the end you can accomplish anything."
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Form is Emptiness.

10:46 am, Oct 22 2009
Posts: 930

cant wait, this also counts for the anime-film Strong World :3

Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from Mamsmilk
I need a die with 2 sides.

That's known as a "coin".

Oh, thanks. Too much D&D.
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