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What would you label yourself [besides otaku]?

What would you label yourself [besides otaku]?
Other...(if so, specify)
Nothing, just me...
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Post #14521
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12:43 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 2596

yes i'm the creator, you're the secretary xD

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Detective Horror Series

Tracker BakaBT
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1:03 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 481

I wouldn't label myself an otaku to start with. That would just soil the image of those real hardcore hugging-pillow lovers we've seen in anime, manga and on the internet.

No way am I worth being compared to those mysterious creatures.

But speaking on topic, being a fan of modern Japanese visual culture is enough for me. No way in hell would I like to be an emo- or punk- or gangsta-otaku.

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Four emos in the poll so far. If anyone feels like making fun of them, let me know - we'll do lots of copy-pasting of our favorite jokes concerning the Emo culture. It's fun to see people cry and try to slit their wrists.

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4:10 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 221

It's probably either "geek" or, to be more specific "band geek" (or even more specific, "Marching Band geek"). If I'm not reading fanfiction or manga it's always a thriller/horror novel of over 150 pages (at least). But using the definition given earlier, I guess I'd be a dork. I still like the label "geek" better, though... I dunno. It just sounds better to me. "Dork" sounds like a jab or something. ><; *shutting up now*

Oh, and I'm a huge procrastinator. I swear, I even procrastinate on sleep (not a good habit).

Post #14617 - Reply to (#14567) by xObscurexOmenx
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7:41 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 260

Quote from xObscurexOmenx
It's probably either "geek" or, to be more specific "band geek" (or even more specific, "Marching Band geek"). If I'm not reading fanfiction or manga it's always a thriller/horror novel of over 150 pages (at least). But using the definition given earlier, I guess I'd be a dork. I still like the label "geek" better, though... I dunno. It just sounds better to me. "Dork" sounds like a jab or something. ><; *shutting up now*

Oh, and I'm a huge procrastinator. I swear, I even procrastinate on sleep (not a good habit).

I think Band-Geek is a great title and you should wear it proudly. Band-Dork doesn't have a good ring to it. Besides, it's a specific thing you're good at - Band - so geek applies.

lol - 'cause this has come up in my friends' and my debates, except we use chorus-geek (me) as the example, opposed to band-geek.

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8:19 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 3

mom used to call me a little McGuyver cause i used to make stuff outa whatever i could find, and i used to set up traps and my mom would always fall in them so she got mad. But, now my friends called me monkey boy case of my ability to scale any tree without difficulty and maneuver through them. I think of myself of more of a ninja though cause i'm good at surprising people and moving without making a sound. SO if anyone else could come up with a name for me that would be cool.


11:47 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 316

Oohh band geek haahah... I'm so up for that label. smile

...even though I haven't touched my instrument in a long time. sad

Post #14656
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11:57 pm, May 12 2007
Posts: 612

this thread feels a little stereotypical to me...also, the poll should have 2 more popular choices - nerd and dork, although i've got no idea what's the different between being "nerdy", "dorky", or "geeky" long as they're all smart, i guess it's cool....hmm...i've been called a nerd several time, just because i wear glasses, and an emo twice, because apparently, i'm "dark and anti-social"....i just want to spit to their faces that i have no one around that's interesting enough to talk to, but of course, my mask at school restrain me from doing so....i think i'd be a computer geek of some kind...i'm smart and wear glasses, but i don't think i'm a nerd, since i hardly read any book anymore (gaming mag would be an exception).....i'm probably a geek since i like wearing baggy t-shirts and plain jeans (dude, the logos are cool) i'm certainly not fashionable, but i think a have a decent sense of fashion....i prefer wearing clothes that are comfortable, though, not fashionable....and i'm certainly a procrastinator, too

The Deviant
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12:07 pm, May 13 2007
Posts: 101

Prep rofl... I guess I do somewhat dress like one with my hollister shirt T_T

Man I hate labels...

Post #14727
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12:07 pm, May 13 2007
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Warn: Banned

I think myself as a thinker.

Gay book discussion thread
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this is not about cannibalism...please get back on topic

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I think it is exactly the topic. I see nothing wrong.
Post #70057
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the(old)SRoMU boss

7:16 pm, Oct 14 2007
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directing freak >_>

the best security guard, EVER.
Post #70061
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7:50 pm, Oct 14 2007
Posts: 1574

Dork works for me, tho with a dash of geek and apparently(according to way too many people) the look of a stoner.

@gedim- pillow hugging ... lol I've never been able to understand those

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7:57 pm, Oct 14 2007
Posts: 2028

I'm just me, you take a little of every thing ( little more geek than anything) throw it in a bag and run it over... Twice

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8:33 pm, Oct 14 2007
Posts: 106

I would label myself jack of all geeky trades, because i try and do a little of everything. such as drawing, writing, gaming, programming, epicing,ect

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Post #70070
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9:16 pm, Oct 14 2007
Posts: 160

For starters I don't consider myself an otaku.

Every single time I see the word 'jock' I always misread it is 'jrock.'

Post #70097 - Reply to (#14071) by heardtheowl
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Still growing.

11:38 pm, Oct 14 2007
Posts: 513


Last edited by kiddo at 2:04 am, Feb 5 2016

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