Ghosts, don't let it be ghosts.
Was wondering when the wtf plot twist was coming.
27 chapters was pretty quick I guess.
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Fuuka now, wow...
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1:36 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 17
1:36 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 17
I'm guessing the name of the series was chosen to be more about the band Fuuka, rather than the actual girl herself... (if they do call the band Fuuka anyway cos it's "The Fallen Moon" at the moment right? Idk I can never remember details lol)
Post #654999
3:18 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 920
Can't say anything but that I am surprised by that ballsy move of Seo, though I am wondering, how is Fuuka doing in the Japanese rankings? Was it a move out of desperation or was it actually doing well before or at the moment?
shoujo connoisseur
3:27 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 65
Pretty mediocre in terms of sales, especially for a Weekly Shounen Magazine manga. It won't hit Fairy Tail level sales but it barely goes pass 70k units sold. I'm only saying this based off Oricon sales charts though, so it's only counting domestic sales.
wine baths?
wine baths?
I have no idea about the rankings but I have a feeling Seo had this planned from the start. I don't think this was an abrupt decision. I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He always knows how to piss off his readers, yet keep them coming back for more. It was a good plot twist in the sense nobody saw it coming. Everyone thought it was gonna be like KNIM with the whole love triangle banter for 100-200 chapters. It's a shame Fuuka had to take the hit for the plot twist though. She was a likeable character. (I guess that's probably why. Makes more of an impact. Still sucks tho)
4:09 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 920
But that also pisses fans of the previous series Suzuka and probably also the current fans, the impact is there but I can hardly imagine that the sales will be amazing afterwards nor that Fuuka will go on for long, though that depends on if he manages to continue it amazingly or not.
Yeah maybe. I dunno I just get the feeling that this is all a prologue and the main story is about to begin. Probs go deeper into Yuu's character now, how he's dealing with this and how it releases his untapped potential with music or something. This is why I feel like Fuuka was used to give the band a name and a real purpose, and I hate that. BUT that's just me speculating and guessing. I'm probably completely wrong about it all but that's the vibe I'm getting from it. We'll find out next week I guess, or at least have more of an idea of what the hell Seo's thinking.
Post #655008
5:12 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 23
I was reading for the light love story. This is a bit much. While it's true that death is often unexpected and non-discriminating, if I wanted that level of realism I would just watch the evening news. I don't need that in my manga. It's not like I'm reading Gantz or Berserk. Smh
Nope, I don't think it's speculation, I think that's exactly what's going to happen. The band will probably changed it's name to Fuuka and rise to fame as the last page stated that "that's how they became a legend". So these past 30+ chapters were probably leading up to the actual plot. It's just sad how dark this plot twist was. I guess a coma or memory loss wasn't going to cut it for the author :/
Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it. I guess every superhero need her theme music...
But if it makes you happy to win on the internet, have at it.
Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it. I guess every superhero need her theme music...
Post #655011
5:51 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 388
5:51 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 388
Seo is a genius.
Don't get me wrong, I hate him, I'm sad as fuck right now, but he is a *genius*. If he can keep up this level of emotional impact, this will be my favorite non-battle manga ever.
Don't get me wrong, I hate him, I'm sad as fuck right now, but he is a *genius*. If he can keep up this level of emotional impact, this will be my favorite non-battle manga ever.
11:59 pm, Oct 27 2014
Posts: 63
Quote from firestalker
How do you kill off the main character of a story that IS NAMED AFTER THEM.... without it ending the series completely?
Hey, do you forget that the band's name is FUUKA? Maybe "fuuka" is not about the main protag, it's about the band.
And the legend begins...
12:07 am, Oct 28 2014
Posts: 399
12:07 am, Oct 28 2014
Posts: 399
He's an idiot. He always does this whenever he tries to prolong a series and he can't think of anything better. Remember Kimi no Iru Machi. He had several of those twists just so the series could last longer. When everything is going smoothly seems like the manga might be ending he pulls off stunts like these but unlike the other stunts he pulled this is a more believable and reasonable stunt. In Kimi no Iru Machi he completely changed the character personalities.
12:34 am, Oct 28 2014
Posts: 6
12:34 am, Oct 28 2014
Posts: 6
Seo really got us there, I never imagined that twist and I don't really now about the sales or anything but I think Seo planned this since the beginning though I don't rrally now what kind of tour does the MC will go, there is a chance that we will see the deep inside of what he feels about the dead of fuuka but we also know Seo and there is a chance that all the deep thougha will go in the letter of the songs and the bass that she bought him will last till the end (like with the motercycle helmet in KNIM) maybe he will stank and don't move on until his real love changes him or something like that maybe Seo will take another route to explore the world of music, after this I think he can pull something with great cuality. There are a few things that I would hate like the childhood friend is the true love or something like taht. I have the hope that Seo will pull a fresh romantic interest for the MC because honestly fuuka was like a combination of susuka and eba, in the other hand I felt the childhood friend like the love rival of susuka combined with some characters of KNIM
Post #655032
Jac of Tradez
1:28 am, Oct 28 2014
Posts: 17
u have to remember that the band is named after her
In the presence of good company, it is good to keep your composure before going all crazy on them.
In the presence of good company, it is good to keep your composure before going all crazy on them.
Post #655033
I have "only" read the first chapter of this series due to my hatred of the author after Suzuka(even the scanlaters bitched about the narrative) and my dislike of the echi/harem genre in general. This Twist though got me interested in Fuuka so i just look at chap. 36/37 now and getting hit by a truck is the worst way to kill a character. And the band is called Fuuka. Wtf ? I won´t be reading on(what is the point of the manga in a world where Beck exists ?) but i will come back for the ending. Here is my prediction. Seo will pulls a Clannad because real repercussions are something he isn´t interested in. That is Adachi Mitsuru´s sadly repetitive modus operandi. Who has other suggestions how this bad boy will go down ? Time travel or will the angels from Princess Lucia(i only read two chapters) show up ? He writes a shared universe after all. At least i think he does.
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I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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