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About Change

What do you think about a new look for Manga Updates?
I want one.. I think it'll be nice...
Don't want one, no need for change.
I don't care.. Honestly..
Votes: 4

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2:28 pm, Mar 2 2011
Posts: 29

I recently posted that I wanted a new look on Manga Updates and the majority didn't want a new look. I want to see what everyone else thinks and state why cause it'll be interesting.. smile laugh

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I certaintly am not the original LM.C, I'm a fan. But I love Lovely Mocochang! :3
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3:55 pm, Mar 2 2011
Posts: 4917

You already have a thread for this, even if this one has a poll, please keep suggestions to a single thread, as you are free to bump it after 7 days.

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