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Eyeshield 333[end] [spoiler!!]

Your rate for Eyeshield 21's ending?
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Post #297873

6:15 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 29

so how do u guys rate the ending?

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6:54 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 8

Good, but not great cuz we can hardly see Sena's grownup face.

Post #297897
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7:55 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 3120

dissappointing, could have been, should have been better than what it was


8:08 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 119

it was alright i thought it could of been better for something that was so good through out the years.
Did the ending say how the overtime for the last game went? no right?

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8:17 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 128

I think america won. They did show Panther holding a trophy.

I guess the ending was alright *shrug*. Not everything can be Slam Dunk ^^

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8:55 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 641

Good enough for an ending, not great, but good.

One less manga to follow now, hmm, need another sports manga to fill the void... cry

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10:13 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 1

i wonder though, the way it ended, will there be a sequel?

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11:05 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 9

can't believe it ended

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11:14 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 3342

It was decent.
It leaves a lot to be desired...
but I guess that's how its supposed to be.

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #297948
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Local Crack Dealer

11:36 am, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 535

Dam i wanted to kno about Himimura's Father...SMH...oh well i thought it was a great ending....or more like...prequel muhuhahaha

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"You just bleed there and think about what you've done!"

1:28 pm, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 40

hopefully there will be a sequel fingers crossed

Post #298006
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2:23 pm, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 176

The fact all are opposing one another on different sides now is the fun part. Makes for a good ending indeed. Let's see what the mangaka goes on to work on next.

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2:56 pm, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 67

I kinda want to see what their college years will be like and who will go pro.

I especially want to see who will win in the Hiruma v Sena games.

I also want to know if Sena was able to have Deimon win the Christmas bowl again.

Post #298021

3:38 pm, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 1

Im gonna miss this manga.
Cant wait to see wat the mangaka is gonna do next, hope he goes onto a sequel in the future as the ending lead me to believe there will be one.

Post #298030 - Reply to (#297903) by magnet_dance
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The Gorilla Killa™

4:13 pm, Jun 13 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from magnet_dance
I guess the ending was alright *shrug*. Not everything can be Slam Dunk ^^

I was kinda thinking the same thing. laugh

But the ending was so-so for me. I've seen endings exactly like this that were done better, so I was kinda disappointed at first. But the part with Kurita acting like Hiruma was hilarious though.

I wish Inagaki and Murata the best in their future projects, and thank them for making this entertaining (yet very flawed) manga.

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The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

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Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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