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Post #266969 - Reply to (#266882) by jrdragon2003

5:15 pm, Mar 13 2009
Posts: 332


Last edited by Sijy at 10:57 am, Dec 25 2015

Post #266992 - Reply to (#266969) by Sijy
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6:34 pm, Mar 13 2009
Posts: 64

Quote from Sijy
Quote from jrdragon2003
well her saying Kurosaki so much did do something, it made Ichigo a Super Saiyajin 3 apparently.

Was I the only one wishing that orihime was the one that was going to go ssj3? I thought she'd use that attack dude from her hair pin and rip the bad guy to shreds(and yes, I can't be bothered with the names of characters in bleach ulquorra or something). Last three chapters are pretty good for a change.

Ishida getting his arms hacked off was a nice touch too biggrin

No, you're not the only one ! but I should've known better, it's kubo who is the mangaka and he has proven so many times that his ideas simply suck!
the only reason that i'm not dropping this cr*p is it only takes less than a 2 minutes to read every week.

Post #267015

8:10 pm, Mar 13 2009
Posts: 23

I guess I'm one of the few that empathize with Orihime... Come on, she's mentally distraught in the first place because of her lost brother, has a horrible meeting with him, tries to fight her hardest while her love-interest goes off after Rukia, gets kidnapped willingly to save everyone, and goes through all the mental stress of giving everyone up. Then she gets to go through even more mental pain when they come to bring her back, endangering their lives for her. She knows quite well if someone dies it's partially her fault. That has to give her at least some reasoning to freak out.

Anyway, hopefully it'll get interesting since Ichigo's doing something. Seems to strangely coincide with Naruto's nine-tails predicament.

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1:26 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 9026

Yeah, give the girl some slack. I mean, she's only 15-years-old. What do you expect her to do? Suddenly go, "lulz I'm actually a hollow, haxxors powers!" ... Then you'd all complain about how unrealistic it was. You're such complainers.

Funny demotivational pic, anyways. laugh

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #267057 - Reply to (#267056) by Dr. Love
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sleepy ghost

1:31 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 1140

Quote from Dr. Love
Funny demotivational pic, anyways. laugh

lmao. That pic is the best representation of my view on the chapter.

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."
- Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
Post #267061 - Reply to (#267056) by Dr. Love
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The Gorilla Killa™

2:10 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 3229

Quote from Dr. Love
Yeah, give the girl some slack. I mean, she's only 15-years-old. What do you expect her to do? Suddenly go, "lulz I'm actually a hollow, haxxors powers!" ... Then you'd all complain about how unrealistic it was. You're such complainers.

What does age have to do with anything? Ishida and Ichigo are 15 like her. And like I typed to luna earlier, she's been in situations where there was a high chance she could die, and she's also seen Ichigo like that with the huge hole in his chest. These type of things aren't new to her. She could've thrown a shield around herself and Ichigo so he wouldn't get hurt. She could've helped Ishida by blocking Ulquiorra's attack like a few chapters ago when Ulquiorra almost sliced Ichigo's head off. Even though this would be retarded of her, she could've become enraged with what Ulquiorra did and go after him like that time Tatsuki was hurt and she fought that hollow (And that was when she JUST found out about her powers). ANYTHING like those options would've been better than her falling to her knees and repeating Kurosaki like it was her 1st word.

Last edited by loosecannon504 at 2:17 am, Mar 14 2009

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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Post #267063 - Reply to (#267056) by Dr. Love
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2:18 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 4030

Quote from Dr. Love
Funny demotivational pic, anyways. laugh

laugh Good one.

Anyway, seems like this is another one of Tite's (many) plotholes... Oh well.

But gawd, I hope it isn't a mullet. >__<

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3:27 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 9026

Loose, you aren't seeing things in perspective. You're expecting way too much. Inoue doesn't like conflict to begin with and incidental circumstances vary. Just because she got mad then with Tatsuki doesn't mean she'll get mad now. Humans aren't that consistent. In my opinion you're focusing on something so trivial that won't even be remembered anymore after 100 chapters. We all know that Inoue is quite the passive person. So I don't see why you're getting worked up with this.

And as how I see it, the holes are far from being identical. Not only was the previous one much smaller, but it didn't have an exit wound either. Inoue already had difficulty with it then, so she must have panicked when she saw the severity of the wound. Even though her powers have the potential to be godlike, she's still far too inexperienced to use her powers to their maximum potential.

First Hole:

User Posted Image

Second Hole:

User Posted Image

Also, she DID try to block Ulquiorra's attack, but it shattered within seconds.

This is what she basically did in this chapter. First, she realizes the severity of the Ichigo's wound. Then she rushes as quickly as possible towards him(1st) and even activates her power to catch Ichigo's body so that the damage would be minimalized(2nd).

User Posted Image

She gets stopped by Ulquiorra though, but luckily Ishida provided for distraction so that she could hurry towards Ichigo. Then she activates her power again and starts healing him(3rd). Now all she can do, is... wait. Hence the frantic thinking while she was healing(past continuous expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time, so she didn't only "whine") Ichigo. And even in her distressed state when she could barely support herself, she STILL tries to protect Ishida (though in vain).

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So excuse her for panicking and screaming out the name of the person she always depends on when things get rough. Two of her best friends were about to die in front of her eyes.

source: animenewsnetwork

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The Gorilla Killa™

4:08 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 3229

Very well thought out, Doc.

Personally, I think she still should've tried to attack Ulquiorra with that one fairy (I have no idea how someone could just let the person they care about get hurt without wanting to hurt back), but all of the other things you've shown made perfect sense.

Quote from Klapzi
The cool part is that I never get tired of being deceived

Quote from tactics
Just because someone's head was chopped off doesn't mean they're dead. That's just silly.

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6:16 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 62

You saved me a lot of effort Dr. Love, I was thinking of writing a post similar to yours. Now if only we could send it to all the Orihime haters in the world.

I would like to point out that Ichigo's full hollow transformation doesn't fall under 'deus ex machina'. When Ichigo was training with Kisuke, he transformed into a hollow and ever since then his hollow mask has been protecting him from fatal attacks. Then when he was about die at the hands of Byakuya, his hollow took over completely and kicked ass. When Ichigo trianed with the Visoreds he transformed into a full hollow. It's worth mentioning that when Aizen turned the former captains and vice captains into visoreds, they temporarily became full hollws.

So we all knew this was coming. However I was not expecting Ulquiorra to have to kill Ichigo first. We can assume that full hollow Ichigo will kick major ass. But what will happen to him later on? It doesn't seem plausible that he can revert back to normal Ichigo since he was killed by Ulquiorra. I wonder if the hollow Ichigo personality (i.e. the white ichigo or 'ogihci') will materialise into the real world and replace the normal Ichigo. That would be so cool.

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10:58 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 147

Bleach is finally starting to get interesting for me....i wonder what exactly ichigo is transforming into at the end of the chapter? but i like how there was a lil suspense added.

Post #267206 - Reply to (#267103) by stigvindy

11:07 am, Mar 14 2009
Posts: 44

Quote from stigvindy
But what will happen to him later on? It doesn't seem plausible that he can revert back to normal Ichigo since he was killed by Ulquiorra. I wonder if the hollow Ichigo personality (i.e. the white ichigo or 'ogihci') will materialise into the real world and replace the normal Ichigo. That would be so cool.

If that happens, that would be just like a rip off from Samurai Deeper Kyo.

Chapter was meh. Needs less Dragonball syndromes imo.

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8:32 pm, Mar 15 2009
Posts: 3342

Quote from Caliber
Quote from HatakeKakashi
Emospada turned into (D)emo(n)spada!

I hope Ichigo dies.

Wont happen tho, But i can hope.

Yea, he got a hole shot through him already... and lived.

But yea, I feel a Dues Ex Machina comin on.
This reminds me so much of Goku vs. Freeza

I mean, didn't that last scene remind anyone of something?
Like when Freeza killed Vegeta? >.>

Enter super saiyin hollow Ichigo...

"“That's the difference between me and the rest of the world!
Happiness isn't good enough for me! I demand euphoria!” "
Post #267672 - Reply to (#267073) by Dr. Love
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Lord of nonsense

9:36 pm, Mar 15 2009
Posts: 1310

Quote from Dr. Love
Loose, you aren't seeing things in perspective. You're expecting way too much. Inoue doesn't like conflict to begin with and incidental circumstances vary. Just because she got mad then with Tatsuki doesn't mean she'll get mad now. Humans aren't that consistent. In my opinion you're focusing on something so trivial that won't even be remembered anymore after 100 chapters. We all know that Inoue is quite the passive person. So I don't see why you're getting worked up with this.

And as how I see it, the holes are far from being identical. Not only was the previous one much smaller, but it didn't have an exit wound either. Inoue already had difficulty with it then, so she must have panicked when she saw the severity of the wound. Even though her powers have the potential to be godlike, she's still far too inexperienced to use her powers to their maximum potential.

First Hole:

User Posted Image

Second Hole:

User Posted Image

Also, she DID try to block Ulquiorra's attack, but it shattered within seconds.

This is what she basically did in this chapter. First, she realizes the severity of the Ichigo's wound. Then she rushes as quickly as possible towards him(1st) and even activates her power to catch Ichigo's body so that the damage would be minimalized(2nd).

User Posted Image

She gets stopped by Ulquiorra though, but luckily Ishida provided for distraction so that she could hurry towards Ichigo. Then she activates her power again and starts healing him(3rd). Now all she can do, is... wait. Hence the frantic thinking while she was healing(past continuous expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time, so she didn't only "whine") Ichigo. And even in her distressed state when she could barely support herself, she STILL tries to protect Ishida (though in vain).

User Posted Image

So excuse her for panicking and screaming out the name of the person she always depends on when things get rough. Two of her best friends were about to die in front of her eyes.


I showed this to one of my whiners friends and he finally shut up and stopped undermining Orihime (for today)

It would kick ass if she fought, but she is not that strong (she lacks the back bone and the evil cells), what I really wanted was Isshin and Ishida's dad to appear and kill that emo!!!, it was a long shot, but worth hopping...

anyway is not sure H.Ichigo is back, it could be Ichigo finally tapping more into his hollow powers, but we will see next week.

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7:06 am, Mar 16 2009
Posts: 26

people should not be expecting Hime to fight in the first place; she has been the support throughout the entire series, why do people now think (completely out of nowhere) that she should fight an Espada? its quite stupid to be honest. not to mention the fact that you lot should be amazed at her healing powers as they are, she can freaking turn back time as far as wounds and crap go in a mere few moments. i'm sure we'll see her grow some more before the final showdown with Aizen; but don't expect her to take out the main opponents roll eyes

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