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Shoujo or Josei?

Shoujo or Josei?
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Lowly Member

7:52 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 3888

Okay, which one do you prefer to read? Read the most? Like the most? Wish there was more of? Etc.

For me, I'd prefer josei right now. But I read shoujo the most, I like both of them, each genre has their great manga. And I wish there were more great josei manga out there, probably is, but I hope more of them were scanlated.


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Post #200363
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7:56 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 914

Josei, but probably end up reading more Shoujo as their is just so much more of it...

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7:59 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 2964

Because I said so.
Though it's subjected to change.

Post #200365
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8:01 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 3503

I would prefer josei, but as there is more quantity, I tend to read more shoujo. It's more easy to find a good read in josei though, but there is some ammount of smut ones that I would prefer to avoid laugh. Still there is some great shoujo around eyes

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5:09 am, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 62

I prefer josei its just better. Shoujo is too generic these days its all the same! josei is always some thing different and more real. But I guess it depends on what age the reader is because I used to love shoujo but as I grew older I grew out of it.

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Madame Red

5:24 am, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 2172

josei but since there aren't many josei manga translated i end up reading more shoujo.

Post #200825
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5:58 am, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 2342

I have never read any Josei, only Shojuo has appealed to me.

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Manga Otaku

12:51 pm, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 715

Shoujo....What can I say about it? I just love the demographic and everything about this...... Josei is probably a close second, I really wanted to see some change for once.

I read so much mangas, I'm too lazy to watch anime! bigrazz bigrazz bigrazz

Manga I'm loving ATM: Heart no Kuni no Alice
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2:36 pm, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 599

Shoujo, mainly for the wide variety of it. I do enjoy reading Josei though.

Post #201061
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9:54 pm, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 85

Josei for me, but of course I'm biased :3

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I do see an interesting correlation between age and the answer to this question as xxamayaxx already pointed out, and I think there are 3 major types of josei. Those that are categorized josei just because they have mature content (smut with not much of a story) as tsuto said and josei because the subject matter is a little more mature than average shoujo with a good story line. Those may or may not contain smut, but it's not the whole
premise of the manga. Then there is the avant-garde kind which is obscure and psychological and sometimes doesn't make sense, so you gotta read it a few times.

J-SiS.NET - Feed your Josei addiction.
Post #201227
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3:42 pm, Sep 11 2008
Posts: 329

I like both but i vote shoujo because i have more choices with shoujo.

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6:51 pm, Sep 12 2008
Posts: 7

I'd have to say Josei... It has much more robust storylines that involve more detailed characters with actual depth and development.

Post #201692
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7:00 pm, Sep 12 2008
Posts: 169

i think i've only read one josei and i didn't like it
so shoujo

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Post #202244
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2:37 pm, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 60

Josei. I read way more shoujo, though. Mostly because it isn't scanlated as much =/

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9:39 pm, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 1034

i'd prefer josei....cuzz of the contents got more options, and the main characters normally aren't as childish as shoujo's, but there's alot of ugly josei's out there, and on top of it there's alot that isn't being translated, either that or there just isn't that much

so with that said i've read more shoujo then josei....i think

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