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Things Schools Do Not Teach You

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Post #192701 - Reply to (#191234) by Juicifer
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6:06 am, Aug 19 2008
Posts: 2128

Quote from Juicifer
Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

i find it hilarious when nerds say that. there is a difference between intelligence and ability and lack of social skills.

nerds in highschool always say that, then they go to community college and become a computer repair man or something low brow like that.

i could go on about the fallacies of that "rule" but im lazy

Well.... if manga is anything to go by (this IS a manga site, you know)... most nerds end up as full-time otakus, anyway.... so no fear there, I say.

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8:22 pm, Sep 20 2008
Posts: 612

lol, love that list

school is there to provide us the knowledge and skills to physically survive through life...we must learn emotions and philosophies by ourselves as we live through our lives...human beings are not perfect, that's why we live our lives to perfect ourselves on unique paths that'd lead to our different definitions of success...i consider schools to be the the white of an egg, which support and provide nutrition to the fetus while it's still unexposed to life...however, in order to survive, the organism must crack its protective shell, graduate from its young years, to learn the lessons of life through experience, obstacles, and failed trials

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Post #205344 - Reply to (#191234) by Juicifer
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11:02 am, Sep 21 2008
Posts: 1901

Quote from Juicifer
Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

i find it hilarious when nerds say that. there is a difference between intelligence and ability and lack of social skills.

nerds in highschool always say that, then they go to community college and become a computer repair man or something low brow like that.

i could go on about the fallacies of that "rule" but im lazy

I think thats funny too, because in my school, there was this nerd who pretty much owned the school, and had everyone eating out of his hand. He's going to Duke last I heard... Lol.

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Post #205345 - Reply to (#205344) by shaggievara
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11:09 am, Sep 21 2008
Posts: 2506

Quote from shaggievara
Quote from Juicifer
Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry
Rule 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.

i find it hilarious when nerds say that. there is a difference between intelligence and ability and lack of social skills.

nerds in highschool always say that, then they go to community college and become a computer repair man or something low brow like that.

i could go on about the fallacies of that "rule" but im lazy

I think thats funny too, because in my school, there was this nerd who pretty much owned the school, and had everyone eating out of his hand. He's going to Duke last I heard... Lol.

Yes, if the nerds were truly headed for success, they could come up with their own clever phrases, and wouldn't have to use that stupid, over used defense.

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2:53 pm, Sep 21 2008
Posts: 19

I think a Psych teacher told that intelligent people is able to know the needs and desires of society allow you to control them thus making you popular not a social outcast xD

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Post #208619
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6:21 pm, Sep 28 2008
Posts: 2275

Mostly school is for teaching you how to be an effective citizen to the political system at that time; i.e. patriotic, unquestioning, and submissive.

Edit: and they don't tell you that.

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Post #208872
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8:55 am, Sep 29 2008
Posts: 833

School teaches you what the government wants you to learn, it teaches you to sit down, pay attention, and shut the F*ck up. The teaching position is a safe job, aside from the expected stimuli that comes with the territory, they don't encounter anything out of the ordinary and they are only teachers on the clock.

No matter what generation it is, there will always be the same problem kids with the same issues. You don't need a degree or license to be a parent, there will always be bad parents, but teachers are more educated than that. Some parents too damn scared to even face their kids and teachers are on the front line everyday. I had a teacher come up to me and say "I don't give a damn about you or your situation." We need more teachers who are more than strictly business. F*CK the AP kids, go after the kid getting suspended 47 times.

@all them haters, wtf is so wrong with being a computer/repairman, in our economy, we should be thankful for being able to pull in 20k, and them repairmen pullin 50.

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7:26 pm, Sep 29 2008
Posts: 591

well cant you take classes like philosophy where the government cannot exactly control what you are being learned unless its like a totalitarianism government confused

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Cute Scanlator

7:30 pm, Sep 29 2008
Posts: 180

@dacbiet: so so true. i can't agree more.

Schools don't teach: how to be a functioning member of society, how to be nice and helpful, how to help someone, how to actually survive school, how to act when you're outside of school, ...and a lot of other stuff...

i have a question though...why did i learn about the different flavors of condoms?....are school really supposed to teach that? confused

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Post #209561 - Reply to (#209256) by MizuiroMegami

2:39 pm, Sep 30 2008
Posts: 245

Quote from MizuiroMegami
i have a question though...why did i learn about the different flavors of condoms?....are school really supposed to teach that? confused


Now THAT'S something MY school didn't teach ME......

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3:22 pm, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 536

hmmm school doesn't teach life... the government (law etc..).. and when fuck up things happen.. no clue what to do. eek

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Post #262872
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4:49 pm, Mar 2 2009
Posts: 1619

School's generally don't teach how to properly handle a credit card.
(It's NOT free money!!)

If you've ever thought or said "Nice Guys finish last" and really meant it, then you should probably read this LJ post by DivaLion. It's incredibly insightful whether you're male or female.

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2:33 pm, Aug 12 2009
Posts: 94

People who think that schools are used to teach History, Math, and English are people who end up failing at life.

Or they end up becoming teachers.

Post #313177

9:00 am, Aug 13 2009
Posts: 522

Schools doesn't teach you anything you need for your's just general knowledge...

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Mad With a Hat

9:37 am, Aug 13 2009
Posts: 4764

That's a broad question... I've never actually expected that school would teach me something useful...
It's only a system meant to prevent kids from roaming
free on the streets. laugh

A thing school did (sort of) teach me:
That there are people who can write with both of their hands.
I honestly did not know it prior meeting a teacher who could.

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