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Why has No One Boycotted Mangahut?

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7:36 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 774

I'm completely confused as to why no one is getting up in arms about Mangahut and the steps it has taken closer to Tazmo.

-They don't follow any of the scanlators rules
-They recently started charging for downloads and 'ads free'
-All the hard work is coming from the regular people like us who actually upload the chapters
-Their adverts are ridiculously intrusive. I've been transfered to some site "China City" a million times before I even click anything on the site. And then I can't go back unless I go through my history. And I can imagine that mangahut gets money every time someone ends up on that site.


Why has no one else noticed this? And WHY has no one tried to bring this up even though everyone has their knickers in a twist over Tazmo?

Am I just paranoid? cry

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8:06 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 4917

Chatterbox is where this belongs.

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9:12 pm, Dec 9 2009
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Maybe they're so small and insignificant, no one knows about them...yet.

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9:14 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 81

lol even though i knew about them for years now that is so true

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Forum Firestarter

9:23 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 422

I love Mangahut... They sometimes have chapters before a lot of the bigger names [Mangafox and Onemanga] do and also they have never charged me for anything..... of course I don't download. If I want to download a chapter I go to the source. I've never gotten any ads... Maybe you need a better ad-blocker. It is kind of annoying all the button presses you have to do, but I can get over that.

Another major plus is the fact that they have a lot of manga that I'm unable to find anywhere else... Including downloading them. I like that.

Plus they have a great selection of Hentai. Really good. A++++

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Post #340923 - Reply to (#340922) by firestalker
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9:25 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 3120

Quote from firestalker
Plus they have a great selection of Hentai. Really good. A++++

Hentai and regular manga together is win

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Rebel Rebel

9:35 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 1230

They have manga uploaded that some groups forbid (Storm in Heaven for one).

I don't use it :/

Post #340926 - Reply to (#340922) by firestalker
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9:41 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 774

Quote from firestalker
I love Mangahut... They sometimes have chapters before a lot of the bigger names [Mangafox and Onemanga] do

Thats because they don't obey the scanlators rules. Not cool.

The only thing Mangahut is good for is hentai since I'm pretty sure it is the only site that has hentai to read online.

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Post #340933 - Reply to (#340926) by Kitteh_13
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10:00 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 3120

Quote from Kitteh_13
The only thing Mangahut is good for is hentai since I'm pretty sure it is the only site that has hentai to read online.

There are others, but it's the only I've encountered than has both hentai and non-h manga together

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Forum Firestarter

10:23 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 422

ummm.... since Mangahut is a site that is dependant on the community to upload their chapters you can't really fault them for the uploads.

It's the person that uploaded the chapter without following the scanlators rules that's to blame... MH could take it down and the reupload it, but that would mean that they would have KNOW all the scanlators AND their rules. I'm not sure I can tell you all the scanlators out there, let alone all the rules they have for uploading.

It's up to the community and scanlators to make sure their rules are followed. MH just hosts the chapters.

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Post #340939 - Reply to (#340937) by firestalker
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10:31 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 741

Quote from firestalker
MH could take it down and the reupload it, but that would mean that they would have KNOW all the scanlators AND their rules.

Mangafox keeps a list of of scanlators and their rules. No reason MH can't do the same. Not that mangafox is perfect, but MH could at least make more of an effort to follow scanlators rules.

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Post #341045 - Reply to (#340923) by Sagaris
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9:37 am, Dec 10 2009
Posts: 3457

Quote from Sagaris
Quote from firestalker
Plus they have a great selection of Hentai. Really good. A++++

Hentai and regular manga together is win

Agreed laugh

I only use mangahut for the odd hentai here and there, and as a last resort if I can't find a manga that I'm looking for.
Ads are annoying, so I don't use it much.

I should also add that I myself don't know what scans are and aren't allowed, so I'm oblivious when reading them.

Post #341048 - Reply to (#340926) by Kitteh_13
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9:44 am, Dec 10 2009
Posts: 4917

Quote from Kitteh_13
Quote from firestalker
I love Mangahut... They sometimes have chapters before a lot of the bigger names [Mangafox and Onemanga] do

Thats because they don't obey the scanlators rules. Not cool.

Now, see, what you are saying bugs me.

If they did it for the community like they should instead of their own E-penis there would be far less problems in this community as a whole.

Yea, they do it for free and I'm sure we all appreciate it ALOT, but setting up rules is just bullshit, if they don't like how people act or what they do with their releases, stop doing it. Its that simple, because believe it or not, eventually someone else will pick it up, and hopefully they will have enough sense to know that people as a whole don't care how they get it, they will go for the easiest way 7 times out of 10, which happens to be hosting sites like Onemanga and Mangahut.

Now, if they started charging for the work of others like Tazmo and the like, that would be a different story, but I've yet to hear of that.

And as far as the ads go, get adblock plus for Firefox and the noscript addon as well, it will stop them before they start.

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12:57 pm, Dec 10 2009
Posts: 367

I was using Mangahut to get my releases of Gantz, but the damn site kept crashing my Firefox so I just stopped going there and waiting for the ones on mangahelper,

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Post #364545
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3:11 am, Mar 18 2010
Posts: 44

Just " Boycott "

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