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What would you do to manga you dislike?

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5:49 am, Jun 17 2012
Posts: 830

I put all manga I can't finish because they are so bad into the unfinished list. Some manga which I started when I was young and have been reading for year, but no longer really enjoy, I put on the 'on hold' list, because there is a chance that I will, one day, go back and finish them for nostalgias sake, I just don't want to follow them on a weekly basis anymore.

When manga is bad I forget about the characters and plot, so if I didn't put it in my unfinished list I run the risk of re-starting it and wasting that time again. I usually avoid bad manga by looking at the points and reading the comments. They usually give4 a good indication of whether I will enjoy the manga or not.

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4:18 pm, Jun 17 2012
Posts: 33

I'll try to bear with it for a few chapters, if I still don't like how the storyline is going then I'll definitely drop it right away. I usually put them in my unfinished list haha

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12:04 pm, Jun 18 2012
Posts: 29

I use my unfinished list and on hold list as a dead zone for any manga that I can't make myself finish. I i use the unfinished deemed inappropriate or offensive to a degree that I would not want to read anymore. I use on hold list for series that I won't read because of bordem.
I am not sure if this is the'correct' way of doing thing but I don't care roll

Post #557320 - Reply to (#555822) by Furan
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11:58 pm, Jun 20 2012
Posts: 774

Quote from Furan
LOL I know what you mean. I don't like yaoi (I've tried to like it, but it's just not for me) and I keep and keep finding mangas that look very good (at least for the artwork) and then I see the yaoi tag... I get so frustrated! But whatever...

Story of my life. I find it sadly unfair that all the best artists only draw yaoi.

For the actual topic: I just leave it be or if I really dislike it I'll put it on hold. Nothing to be embarrassed about.

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