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Post #200099
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Pies are good! *w*

9:21 am, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 329

Does any1 regret what they voted for because i really like ff7 but i also like 1 5 6 8 9 X and X-2 and 12 and all the tactics but i voted because that was the first that popped in my head then i started think about my exprience playing them and i wanted to vote again. when couldn't they have an all. sad *goes in corner and cries*

Post #200104 - Reply to (#199350) by takeva
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9:30 am, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 5

Quote from takeva
OMFG look at that poll what type of ppl don't play FF!!! I mean come on it's FF!!! you could at least play one of them. If you never played any FF game i strongly I mean STRONGLY demand that you do. lol I love FF VII i'm a yuffie fan and I love FF IX (my first FF game) I'm a Zidane fan. lol i love Zidane and Garnet's scenes the best

hey i like this pic , plz tell me where is it from

Post #200110 - Reply to (#200104) by arc1angel2
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9:43 am, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 9026

Quote from arc1angel2
hey i like this pic , plz tell me where is it from

It's Yoruichi from Bleach.

*Can't wait for FFXIII.*

source: animenewsnetwork

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Post #200170 - Reply to (#200110) by Dr. Love
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Pies are good! *w*

1:41 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 329

Quote from Dr. Love
Quote from arc1angel2
hey i like this pic , plz tell me where is it from

It's Yoruichi from Bleach.

*Can't wait for FFXIII.*

Yes it's yoruichi and kisuke from bleach
And i can't wait either

Post #200280
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5:34 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 190

I have loved all Final Fantasy games so it is really hard to choose one. I chose X-2 though because despite it's girlyness, it has the best battle system out of all the games. I loved being able to go where you want with the dropship system as well. The job-sphere system, everything for me in that game was great. It may not have had some of the best main bosses ever, but if you searched around, you could find some awesome things to take on. Not to mention the lightning tower sequence is one of the hardest things I have ever seen in a game. I had to give it love since noone else is going to.

Also at the start of the game I thought to myself "This game is flaming gay." But by the end I wanted more and was even loving the storyline. Sure the story was VERY comical compared to most FF games, but that gave it some charm in my book. Hell I went back after beating it, to just try and take down some of the epic dudes.

Last edited by mrsatan at 5:41 pm, Sep 8 2008

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Post #200332 - Reply to (#200280) by mrsatan

6:52 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 320

Quote from mrsatan
I have loved all Final Fantasy games so it is really hard to choose one. I chose X-2 though because despite it's girlyness, it has the best battle system out of all the games. I loved being able to go where you want with the dropship system as well. The job-sphere system, everything for me in that game was great. It may not have had some of the best main bosses ever, but if you searched around, you could find some awesome things to take on. Not to mention the lightning tower sequence is one of the hardest things I have ever seen in a game. I had to give it love since noone else is going to.

Also at the start of the game I thought to myself "This game is flaming gay." But by the end I wanted more and was even loving the storyline. Sure the story was VERY comical compared to most FF games, but that gave it some charm in my book. Hell I went back after beating it, to just try and take down some of the epic dudes.

I agree with you when it comes to the battle system. I loved it. I liked the whole job system which has been lost in FF for a while. I think I have to say that it may have been the best battle system in the FF that I played.

Unfortunately, the story, voice actors, and characters (I only liked Paine, which is weird since I actually liked Yuna in X) were way too bad for me to like the game. I ended up beating the game saying, "If only the story didn't suck so much."

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A bomb!

10:59 pm, Sep 8 2008
Posts: 479

Myself I think FFIX and FFVI is best.

Post #200429
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12:37 am, Sep 9 2008
Posts: 21

FFVII is gonna win any FF popularity poll... it's overwhelmingly popular among FF fans. Even the creators said they liked that one the best. Look at all the games they derived from FFVII. =x

I voted FFVIII though, lol. shy Probably 'cause of of the fact that it was the first FF I played and it left a good lasting impression on me. Plus I suppose I just enjoyed FFVIII's cast more than FFVII's cast and I was too young to appreciate the complexity of FFVII's story when I first played it.

I liked the earlier FF games more. For some reason, I haven't enjoyed the more recent ones that have been coming out. I wonder if it's got to do with the Square Enix merge? It's come to a point where I think FF is overrated now and it's really only the name Final Fantasy that's making me keep on buying them. <_<

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Lord of nonsense

10:26 pm, Sep 10 2008
Posts: 1310

All of you kid´s missed the best FF game out there


in my point of view it has the best learning system for skills and is pretty much the father of the weapon/skill learning system that was used in FFIX and Tactics in both DS and Advance

The BEST Story line of them all (and GOD I MEAN IT), and the BEST villain in all the FF´s games so far (cause he actually achieved his goal) KEFKA is da man

The only thing missing was the FFVII limit system and a few tweaks and tada best RPG of all times

not to mention the FFVI did have something like limits, those were called desperate moves and changed depending on the weapon and such, in order to do them you had to be almost dead (rings any bells FFVIII fans?) but like the name sais those were desperate moves and did not happen all the time.

Actually all the things all of you enjoy in games like FFVIII, IX, X and so on were already done in some sort of way back in the older versions (cep for the FFVIII card system dead )

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Post #201779

12:46 am, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 210

FF I , II & III - never could make a fair judgement of the first 3, seeing how at the time, i was more influence with Rpgs with a focus on plot (i'm talking about the PS1 re-release here btw).

the first 2 didn't have much of a plot really (yes, call me a philistine, or what not), not that i blame anyone since its focus back then was more on what makes a game truly fun; gameplay. something i couldn't appreciate, seeing as FF VII was my first rpg ever. III, i played a bit more, but alas, i went through the same mind set as the first 2.

FF IV - i remember playing it up to where i could go to the moon. it was a fun trek all in all, but then some new rpg came out, and i kinda got hooked on that. by the time i finished it, it just didn't feel the same afterwards and i quitted on IV.

FF V - same as IV; new rpg took my attention away. only this time, there were 4 of em'. it wasn't months later that i tried it again, but failed to pique my interest.

FF VI - now this, this i voted for. among all the FF i played so far, this offered the greatest experience i had among them. a lovable cast of characters, an intriguing storyline (and with no fancy cinematics at that, proving you don't need no CGI to make a good plot flow perfectly), game mechanics that were simple yet just so cool. only problem i had with it was that i was playing the PS1 version, so there's some loading time whenever i access the menu.

FF VII - my 1st rpg ever. you'd think i placed it at the top. but alas, even with all the fancy cinematics it had (at the time), it just wasn't a match at just how much fun i had with 6. the system it used, however, i like. simple and rewardingly fun. it had a great cast that i still love till today. the plot was cool, but again, not so much a match against 6. still not bad for a game thats 95% complete.

FF VIII - first FF that ever disappointed me. the mechanics relied too heavily on so many menu scrrens, despite how easy it really is. the characters at times were a bit of a mess. but that wasn't the worst part, no. it took awhile for me to figure just what was wrong with it, but thanks to kind fellow named Eggo, he pointed out one major flaw; Soul.

it just didn't had the soul of FF. there were no adventures, just missions. little fantasy, a lot of sci fi. this wasn't the wild heroic fantasy adventure to save the the world and find the truth that lies that many know and loved, it was a teen angst ridden sci fi drama in effort to save the world under the context of a mission while coincidentally finding the truth. as an rpg, it was good, as an FF game not so much

FF IX - after 8, this was a refreshing, more familiar series i know and love. everything that made Final Fantasy truly Final Fantasy was there. i guess the only thing it lacked was impact. of course, my theory suggest this'd be due by the fact that by this time, 7 and 8 had fished in more fans that had never played 4, 5 and 6, than those who had.

FF X - i was really hopeful for this one. it had a good look, and the gameplay was nice. the cast, i won't say likeable, but will do. i was however, unpleased with the lack of the traditional overhead map (and still am for most games). it just feels really linear now. speaking linear, so was the story sadly. not only that, at only 30 - 35 hours of play time, the plot seemed all too short and shallow. 3rd worst FF game i ever played.

FF X-2 - on one hand, it expanded the world of spira and its culture and re introduced the job system, as well as being less linear. the other; 3 characters who are clearly there to take advantage of the "sex sells" theory, a not so impressive story, and again, short play time. 1st worst FF. the cons just overrides the pros.

FF XI - never played it.

FFXII - 4th best, and 4th worst, so its pretty much in the middle. the deep, more political storyline was great by me. i'm sure not many will complain about the visuals, as well as the expansive, living world (THERE'S A RAINY SEASON IN THE FIELD?!?). though i still don't like the lack of an overhead map and random battles (it's a great way to learn how to be patient).

the license system, unfortunately, was very broken. sure, you can inhibit yourself by giving each character skills necessary to what you think they deserve, but sometimes, there'd be that certain skill that you want, but you'll have to give your characters skills that are not part of their character. that, and many don't have said inhibition.

now the battles; took awhile to get into but it was okay. i still preferred turn based though. my problem with the battles, as nice as it was, is the pacing, especially early on. the pace just seems so slow. also not to mention making money. i guess it is very logical wild flaura and fauna that attacks you don't carry a lot of money, but they could have made the hides worth a bit more.

now if they bring in the International Zodiac Job System version of the game into the US, thats a whole different tale.

FF tactics - first tactical rpg i ever played. unlike how most are now, it had a really simple system and gameplay, and an epic story to tell. i don't play a lot of tactical rpgs, and the few i played, i play through once. i played this game 3 times.

Dirge of Cerberus - let's just say this; your usual, run of the mill, action adventure shooter. you should know the usual pros, and the usual cons.

FF XIII - more of a prediction here. seeing how many of the recent FF's has failed me, i'm not putting my hopes up for this one. gameplay, Square-Enix. put in a lot of that, and no one's gonna care about graphics too much, and you'll get a real good FF game to boot.

Last edited by Diokhan at 2:45 am, Sep 13 2008

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2nd wave MU user

1:28 am, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 7784

FF 1 for GBA is awesome.

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12:15 pm, Sep 13 2008
Posts: 10691

Poll's over (at least for the main site)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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