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Current Status(Complete?)

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Post #595909

11:49 pm, Apr 21 2013
Posts: 4

Okay folks. I changed the status to complete with 5 volumes. That was wrong and it should of been complete with 6 volumes. However, someone has changed it so say v6 is coming out spring 2013 and it is still ongoing. I don't wanna keep changing it around unless we know what is up.

Spring 2013 is now, and in fact almost over. Summer 2013 is here. Volume 6 is out, it has a giant "Fin" at the end. I am thinking that means the series is over. There is some epilogue omake coming in a while, but the main series is done with 6 volumes.

Given all of that, I am going to change the status to complete with 6 volumes in a few days unless someone knows something crazy that the rest of us don't?

Sorry if this post is overkill, I just don't want a wiki style revert war no

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Noblesse Forever!

12:46 am, Apr 22 2013
Posts: 1067

You could just request an admin to lock that section by using the Request change section. Explain them the reason and they would do so.

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9:32 am, Apr 22 2013
Posts: 10691

I want proof that the actual tank version is out (NOT just the mag version)

A just ruler amongst tyrants
Post #595990

3:47 pm, Apr 22 2013
Posts: 4

And this is why I posted like this. I don't know for sure the tank version is out and I didn't want to request it be locked when I wasn't 100% sure the volume 6 tank was already out. Volume 6 mag is out for sure and it is for sure the last volume, but as far the tank, I can only give a idunno. V6 tank should be out by now, it was supposed to be for spring 2013, which is basically over, but I haven't seen it myself yet.

I guess I'll just leave that bit alone and watch for a v6 tank.

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