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Growlanser JRPG

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Post #206473
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10:18 pm, Sep 23 2008
Posts: 378

So there's a PX JRPG called Growlanser, its actually a series and the rest (2-5) are on the ps2. Now I managed to get my hands on 2-5 in English but the original Growlanser which was on the PS1 I could not. I think it was only released in Japanese. Did any one play the game, if so could I get some global insight on what goes on story wise. And I also wanted to make sure there was no english version.

Info on the game:

Post #206481
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10:31 pm, Sep 23 2008
Posts: 833

no english version, the newer series are pretty new in theyselves.

"Hip-hop was set out in the dark. They used to do it out in the park"
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1:48 am, Dec 10 2008
Posts: 1145

Played them all and enjoyed them. Haven't gotten the chance to play Growlanser VI: Precarious World yet, but eventually I will. The only ones released in English are Growlanser II and Growlanser III in Growlanser Generations and Growlanser: Heritage of War.

Growlanser I:
Carmaine is a young man living in the capital of the kingdom of Rolandia. Rolandia's palace magician, Lady Sandra, had taken him in as a young orphan and raised him. He goes off to explore the world, accompanied by a fairy-like homunculus named Tippi. In this world, magical energy called Growshu fills the air, and people called Growsians can potentially wield powerful magic like in ancient times. Carmaine's younger sister Louise is one such Growsian. Winged people called Featherians also exist, though they live in seclusion from humans. Long ago though, humans and Featherians had to cooperate to save their world. In Carmaine's questing, he becomes an officer for the King. With this job he must carry out missions to help his country. There are mysteries surfacing and trouble brewing as various enemies seek to disturb the land and people.

Growlanser IV:
Four countries are getting involved in a war, and people have forgotten that they were on the verge of destruction by the hands of malevolent angels two thousand years before. They are now again descending upon the world to punish humanity. In the middle of this, a young man named Crevaniel, who was raised as a mercenary, witnesses a dark-hearted seraphim flying through the sky. Knowing that it is a sign that the angels are returning to oppress humanity, he sets out to battle the angels for the sake of the world.

If you want a full translation of game scripts for any of them, try sites like GameFAQS.

Last edited by jinx_you at 1:59 am, Dec 10 2008

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