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Post #505042 - Reply to (#505041) by MewMan
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5:47 am, Nov 2 2011
Posts: 82

Quote from MewMan
"Who am I?" is a question asked by both amnesiacs and adolescents.

i'm totally digging my psychology course smile

huh? psychology seems so fun lol...Who am i? --> so what are some of the ans they gave? confused confused .Curious lol. eyes

"you must prove more patient than a caterpillar, more willing to survive than a cockroach, and more stubborn than a leech - or you will definitely fail" - Counselor Rodriguez, the Star of Wisdom
Post #505048 - Reply to (#505041) by MewMan
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6:40 am, Nov 2 2011
Posts: 937

Quote from MewMan
"Who am I?" is a question asked by both amnesiacs and adolescents.

i'm totally digging my psychology course smile

...that I can be really jealous and happy at the same time.

There are times when you will miss what you never had. I wonder how you will find what you so desperately need.
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8:35 am, Nov 9 2011
Posts: 173

To check my speakers after any time my family uses the computer. (My poor ears) dead

Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Shoujo Queen

12:41 pm, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 418

I learned that:

That eating to much can make you very sleepy

To never ask my brother and sister in law for a ride again ( they left me stranded without my cell and money)

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But if it makes you happy to win on the internet, have at it.

Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it. I guess every superhero need her theme music...
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1:11 pm, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 141

It does get colder in November...

Post #506802
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10:18 am, Nov 11 2011
Posts: 989

learning psychopathology is depressing
and students often associate the symptoms with themselves
which is even more depressing

aha, the source of my stress. they ought to tell us this from the start bigrazz

another: "Self-control is a strength that can be fatigued. In other words, trying to exercise control in one area may exhaust self-control, leaving behavior in others area."

an example to demonstrate this: 2 hungry groups. one eat only radishes while watching other group indulging in chocolate chip cookies. later they were asked to do difficult figure-tracing. and guess what, the indulgent group was less likely to give up.

bottom line: you need to indulge. appropriately laugh

its cold down here fam ~
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6:57 am, Nov 12 2011
Posts: 173

That the area that I live in is 5 hours behind. none

Alice came to a fork in the road.
"Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."
~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Post #506941
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8:34 am, Nov 12 2011
Posts: 150

That's its better to swallow the bullet than to try and outrun it.

" 9 years and 163 days later, 2% of my body cells are still in love with her"
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2:04 pm, Dec 5 2011
Posts: 497

There are actually comics in The Norton Anthology of American Literature.

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3:00 pm, Dec 5 2011
Posts: 126

I learned that there is a fish that has colourless blood. It lives in the Antarctic Ocean and it doesn't have red blood cells because the cold temperatures would cause it's blood to thicken and it would die. Instead it has a giant heart, large veins, large gills and no scales so it can still absorb the oxygen it needs.

“All the kids have always known,
that the emperor wears no clothes,
but to bow down to him anyway,
is better than to be alone.â€

-Arcade Fire
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3:06 pm, Dec 5 2011
Posts: 34

To never leave your sweater and bag in class during lunch....

I'm forever going to hate fire drills.....
= w=|||

An idiotic, single cell, idiot who can't get a job because I am lazy ...
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9:54 pm, Dec 5 2011
Posts: 332

I learned the mechanics in how potassium chloride really kills you. It has to do with blocking certain pumps in your heart, preventing your heart from contracting.

Interesting stuff we learn in nursing school. 8D

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10:14 pm, Dec 5 2011
Posts: 874

Nothing. And that's the problem

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
Post #511384
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2:17 pm, Dec 7 2011
Posts: 3120

My printer ran out of ink recently.
And I learned that replacing the ink cartridges for my printer costs more than the printer itself.

Post #511385
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2:18 pm, Dec 7 2011
Posts: 2050

Skank is a verb.

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Quote from LawX
You are like the dense main character in a shoujo manga.
Quote from Crenshinibon
And you will murder someone one day, pika. If you're my daughter.
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