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What type of Manga releases would you prefer??

What type of Manga releases would you prefer??
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8:17 am, Jan 20 2014
Posts: 1181

Set - releases about 2 - _??_ chapters everytime, slow releases but No Cliffhangers
Chapter - one chapter at a time(may have cliffhangers)
Others - confused

I know that it depends on what kind and type of mangas it is,
But in general??

Me, I’d prefer Set, I tend to stock mangas that often have cliffhangers until there are atleast 10 new chapters...

And I didn’t find any topic like this, if one already exists, kindly link me to it, thanks..

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bishounen lover

6:22 pm, Jan 20 2014
Posts: 445

Volumes because they're easier to download and it typically means tankubon scans.

But honestly, I'm just happy if it gets done in a timely manner.

Post #629292
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6:33 pm, Jan 20 2014
Posts: 1026

I also like volume releases, but those are special for Christmas, scans group anniversary etc, so it must take a lot of work...

I voted for set releases, because if it is a series I really like, I get all "omg, twooo new chapters!!", so it always make me more happy. I don't mind chapter releases either, but I tend to wait for more releases to read it (actually, if it is one volume long, I wait until it is completely scanlated, because I'm really curious... it is funny to see the process of translation happening with the year passing).

Post #629325
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Dark Knight

8:39 pm, Jan 20 2014
Posts: 390

I release volumes because while it's a lot of work, it's more enjoyable to read when done.


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Post #629438
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4:33 pm, Jan 21 2014
Posts: 402

Chapters, of course. Having unreleased work just sitting there while you collect a volume kills motivation.

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12:17 pm, Feb 27 2014
Posts: 625

I would rather have it release in chapters because its faster that way than having it as a set or whatever "other" is.

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12:25 pm, Feb 27 2014
Posts: 313

Chapters, I like to read ongoing mangas because that way I can come here and see if there's any new chapter n_n


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Post #634137
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3:17 pm, Feb 27 2014
Posts: 362

by chapter i guess in general... although i also enjoy when multiple chapters are released at once. idk

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4:33 pm, Feb 27 2014
Posts: 117

I like chapters. The wait for a whole set is too long for me.

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