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cute or hot?

what is your preference?
cute guy
cute girl
hot/sexy guy
hot/sexy girl
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5:52 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 356

I choose hot over cute.

@Kaioh No offense, but you can't say you have proof until you actually cite some sources. Your argument would be more effective if you showed people an article from a respectable website, book or magazine. Of course, the more sources the better, since most of these studies only have a tiny fraction of the human population to work with =) As for the argument, I do not have an opinion on it.

Post #99295
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Mome Basher

6:01 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 3380

I'm a romantic, so I'll go with cute.
Cute can be "hot" too sometimes >_> embarrassed

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Post #99296 - Reply to (#99295) by Scyfon
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6:03 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 7784

Quote from Scyfon
I'm a romantic, so I'll go with cute.
Cute can be "hot" too sometimes >_> embarrassed

Cute is hot, but hot is not necessarily cute. biggrin

Post #99300

6:26 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 1650

I just scanned the last few pages and wonder how the topic got here.

Anyways, my take is that people are pretty much all the same. There are both men and women that are equally attracted to money. The difference is that women have had more chances to marry for money in the past. Much of the differences, I believe between men and women are from historic differences that just arise because of a society's standpoint.

And when you see a cute/hot guy or girl that you're attracted to, it's easy (for me at least) to lose half your senses. (I become a complete klutz...) Skilled liers are hard to catch. And psychologically, some people believe what they want to believe, which isn't always the truth, so falling into lies would be easy. I don't think that IQ has anything to do with that.

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6:33 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 4030

Quote from cheesestix
@Kaioh No offense, but you can't say you have proof until you actually cite some sources. Your argument would be more effective if you showed people an article from a respectable website, book or magazine. Of course, the more sources the better, since most of these studies only have a tiny fraction of the human population to work with =) As for the argument, I do not have an opinion on it.

(sorry again animemaniac101, I promise that this would be my last off topic post in your thread)

Actually, that article disproves Kaioh's claim that majority of women marry to get money from their husbands (despite the title of the article, titles can be deliberatly misleading)... If you read carefully, the test subjects are only women who are cohabiting with their boyfriends. It states there that 50 percent of the women who have higher levels of income and education are less likely to marry their boyfriends who has lower means. That also means that half don't mind that they earn more than their man.

It's just saying that cohabiting women are more likely to say "yes" to marriage if the guy has equal or higher socioeconomic status than her. Which is what I was saying in the first place... financial stability is a plus--- (it's an undeniable fact, since that's how society programmed us: i.e. the men are usually the primary bread winners like women are the primary caretakers, though that is currently changing little by little)--- not the sole motivation.

I forgot to add before, but yes Kaioh, I admit that I don't want to accept what you were saying about women 'cause I personally don't see the truth in it.

Last edited by amaranthine at 6:38 pm, Nov 30 2007

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7:01 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 694

for me all that matters is that the girl is cute, and has a good personality, body isnt that big of a deal cuz u dont like someone just for their body smile wink grin

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7:26 pm, Nov 30 2007
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cute guy cause it seems the personalitywill be pleasant?

never fr0wn cause you never know whos in love with your sm smile e
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7:30 pm, Nov 30 2007
Posts: 694

LOL, cute doesnt always mean they have a good personality, i know a girl who has a cute face but she is ahem* pure evil!!! eek

"I rebel; therefore I am" - Goblin Kingdom (novel)
"I won’t tell him not to envy, but that man sure is a bag of b*tchery" - Sevens (novel)
"Well… let’s just have some fun with it." - Sevens (novel)
Post #99370 - Reply to (#99302) by amaranthine
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12:54 am, Dec 1 2007
Posts: 1165

Quote from amaranthine
I forgot to add before, but yes Kaioh, I admit that I don't want to accept what you were saying about women 'cause I personally don't see the truth in it.

Thats really all I wanted, anyways.

However, I still don't feel that I am biased in the stiuation. I could care less about this topic, anyways. I am just stating its my opinion that alot of woman like rich guys for their money. Thats all I was stating.

Also, I am backing down because I can't, for the life of me, find the sources I found earlier (Which is weird, they should be in my history, or cache, somewhere).

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5:31 pm, Dec 1 2007
Posts: 2708

I'd prefer cute to hot.

I go away and suddenly the spammers are the mods. Okay, I can adjust to that, but... Gorath?! And what's up with Mam's not being the top poster?

210 days until I'm legal, Indy!

ZombieKing ihas been challenged! Now it's between him, Blissful_wulf and Mamsmilk. And maybe Dr. Love.
Post #100410 - Reply to (#98469) by Meta
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1:35 am, Dec 4 2007
Posts: 1145

Quote from Meta
Personally when I think of cute I immediatley think of the innocent/naive type. And I hate those. When I think of hot/sexy I think of an elegant business woman. So hot & sexy all the way biggrin

laugh Same here.

And some of you have gotten a bit mean in this thread bigrazz But I will say one thing unrelated to topic.. I don't know who said it.. but I will agree, there are some people (both men and women) that go for money and other stupid things - I know from experience - but not all. And I think it's natural in people that they want more than what the have.. though that doesn't mean that there aren't those that are content with what they have.

Last edited by jinx_you at 1:47 am, Dec 4 2007

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1:42 am, Dec 4 2007
Posts: 198

cute cute cute ...i didn vote cute lol bigrazz

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Post #100430

2:37 am, Dec 4 2007
Posts: 226

what's the difference between cute n hot?
ok, duh i kno there's a dif, but when girls say "this guy is cute/hot", what's the dif? is it jus a way to say handsome?

Post #100438
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3:06 am, Dec 4 2007
Posts: 26

Hot is something you that gets your blood flowing and makes you think twice before approaching.

Cute is something you just want to run up and hug and never let go.


3:08 am, Dec 4 2007
Posts: 10

hot guy x cute girl = perfect combo biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

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